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•The Holocaust took place between 1933
and 1945.
•During that time 6 million Jews (2/3 of
the total European Jewish population)
were killed.
• The Nazis believed that Germans were
“superior” and that the Jews were
“inferior”, thus killing them.
•Additional groups were targeted
resulting in 5 million people being killed
due to differences such as race, religious
beliefs, political views, and physical
Jan 30, 1933 Adolf Hitler
appointed Chancellor of
March 20, 1933 – first
concentration camp –
Sept 15, 1935 –
Nuremberg Race laws
Nov 9, 1938 –
Sept 1, 1939 – Germany
invades Poland – WWII
in Europe
Oct 8, 1939 – first ghetto
in Poland
Dec 7, 1941 Japan bombs
Pearl Harbor – US declares
Mar 27, 1942 – Germany
begins deportation of
65,000 jews to Auschwitz
July 15, 1942 – continued
deportation – 100,000 to
Jan 27, 1945 – Soviets
liberate Auschwitz
April 29, 1945 – U.S.
liberate Dachau
April 30, 1945 – Hitler
commits suicide
Hitler was appointed chancellor of
Germany in 1933
He is known for his leadership role in
the rise of fascism in Europe, World
War II, and The Holocaust.
Fascism is a radical attempt to create a
nation where everyone is the same;
violence was used to accomplish that
These views were evident in the book
he wrote – Mein Kampf – where he used
propaganda to share his views of the
superiority of the “Aryan race.”
 distorted information that
is systematically spread
The Nazi party used
propaganda to gain and
maintain power as well as
implement their policies.
Prior to 1929, the main
mode of propaganda for
the Nazi party was Hitler
and a few others who
spoke publicly.
Propaganda become
more organized when
Hitler appointed
Goebbels, a former
journalist, to the head of
party propaganda.
Jews were blamed for
robbing German people
while avoiding physical
labor, themselves.
A German newspaper
stated that Jews
kidnapped small children
before Passover because
“Jews need the blood of a
Christian child”
Posters, films, cartoons,
and fliers were seen
throughout Germany
which attacked the Jewish
Subjecting of a race or group
of people to cruel or unfair
On Jan 30, 1939 Hitler
declared that a new world
war would lead to the
destruction of the Jewish
race in Europe.
At first the destruction
took place occasionally
but eventually became
The persecution was
carried out in stages.
First Jews were removed
from civil society using the
Nuremberg Laws.
Concentration camps were
established where inmates
were used as slave labor.
As new territory was
conquered, treatment
became more harsh. Many
Jews were murdered in
mass shootings, confined in
overcrowded ghettos, and
transported to death-camps
where they were buried in
mass graves or burned.
From 1933, when the
Nazis came to power,
Jews of Germany
were subjected to
discriminatory laws.
Over Hitler’s Reich of
twelve years, there
were over 400
restrictions against
Jews .
In 1935 Jews were
faced with new laws:
between Jews and
Defining who is a full
German based on
Defining who is a
“full” Jew based on
The end result: The more “full-blooded” a Jew was,
the greater the level of discrimination.
The Schutzstaffel, or
SS began as a special
body guard for Adolf
Hitler and other party
In 1934, they became
the private army of
the Nazi party.
Heinrich Himmler
was the directer of
this force.
They were used as
policemen and
concentration camp
They went from door
to door looking for
enemies of Hitler.
Anyone who spoke
out against the Nazi
party was arrested,
and some were killed.
Secret State Police was
formally organized after
the Nazis seized power in
In 1936, Himmler was
given command of the
Gestapo as well as the SS.
They were also joined with
the Kriminalpolizei.
Due to all of the changes,
the functions of each
branch overlapped.
During WWII the
Einsatzgrupen (Task Force)
was formed.
It was their job to round up all
Jews and other
“undesirables” and send them
to concentration camps of put
them to death.
In Nazi Germany the police
were allowed to arrest people
on suspicion they were about
to do wrong.
Those arrested had three
minutes to pack and say
There were no restrictions on
The Gestapo; they could not
be tried for their police
 A camp in which people are
detained or confined, usually
under harsh conditions
The first camps were
established soon after Hitler’s
appointment to chancellor in
In 1934, Hitler authorized
Himmler to centralize the
concentration camps into a
formal system
In 1938, authority to incarcerate
persons in a concentration camp
was given only to the German
Security Police.
Those imprisoned
 Persons considered a
political danger
 Habitual and
professional criminals
 Anyone with “asocial”
In 1939, new territory and
large groups of prisoners
led to rapid growth of the
concentration camp
These camps increasingly
became sites were people
were murdered.
The term originated in
the Jewish quarter of
Venice, in 1516, where
Jews were forced to live.
During WWII, ghettos
were city districts
where the Jewish
population was forced
to live under miserable
At first Ghettos were a
temporary solution to
segregate Jews.
Some lasted a few days
while others months or
Eventually ghettos were
destroyed as the
“Final Solution” was
implemented and the
plan to murder all
European Jews was
carried out.
In 1941 Nazi leadership
to implement the “Final
German authorities
used rail systems to
transport Jews to
eastern Europe.
The original perception
of these deportation
was a “resettlement” of
the Jewish population
On the contrary, it was
a transport to a killing
center and the end
result was mass
Many died during
transport due to lack of
food and water, intense
heat, freezing
temperature, and
unclean conditions.
Those who survived
learned their fate soon
after arrival.