Download Explains the Zodiac “Change”

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Abby Gordon
JRN 453
A Change of Zodiac Sign?
Media uproar began late last week when an astronomer from the Minnesota Planetarium Society
explained to a newspaper that because of the precession of the Earth, the constellations are no longer at
the same place in the sky that they use to be 2,000 years ago. This would mean that the sign people
thought they were would change because they were not actually born under their specific constellation.
But, as famous astrologer, Susan Miller explained on CNN, on January 16, “This has been known for a
while and has no bearing on Western Tropical Astrology.”
“Everyone is exactly the same sign as they were before, there is no difference,” says Ypsilanti
resident and practicing astrologer, Bon Rose Fine. “If they were a Virgo, they are still are a Virgo,” said
Bon Rose. Bon Rose Fine states that she did writing and research in the past for Susan Miller at the New
York Daily news.
Western Tropical Astrology is what the majority of the population in the Western Hemisphere
follows. Western Tropical Astrology uses the Equinoxes and the Solstices of the seasons as their point of
reference, or framework, not constellations. The Sidereal zodiac is fixed to constellations, which is
followed more in the East. Sidereal Astrology is the type that would in fact undergo a change by the stars
shifting. “A lot of people here in the states have become interested in it. It’s a different way of looking at
something, but it doesn’t mean necessarily that they are wrong, in fact, I’ve heard that their predictive
work can be dead on, deadly accurate,” said Bon Rose.
It is not a secret that there are multiple types of astrology. There is the Western Tropical type of
astrology, but also Mayan, Native American, Chinese, Kabbalistic, and many more.
Ophiuchus is the thirteenth sign that has also caused much curiosity. “I cannot pronounce it, I can
barely spell it,” joked Bon Rose. She went on to explain that there are many other constellations in the
sky, but some are just not used. In addition, Miller’s interview on CNN explained that Ophiuchus doesn’t
have a planet ruling it. “If you don’t have a planetary ruler, you have no personality characteristics.
Constellations do not give you your characteristics,” said Miller on CNN.
The supposed zodiac-sign-change is still an ongoing trend on Twitter, with thousands of people
still questioning what their sign actually is. Some tweets are trying to calm others with recent news
reports stating that nothing has changed. Other tweets are from people attempting to embrace their “new
“If it was true, I’d still be freaking out, but I want people to stop talking about it ‘cause it’s not
true,” said Rachel Kempisty, 23, Eastern Michigan, Interior Design Major. Previously, Kempisty wrote
“What the %&#@? Zodiac signs changing? Ya can't just change peoples signs,” on her Facebook.
Astrologer, Bon Rose Fine, legitimizes the publics sudden panic concerning the signs false
change—“Knowing your sign is a way of looking at yourself, [it] gives you flaws you can validate, and
also gives you some tips of things you might be especially good at.”
Contact information
Ben Rose Fine
[email protected]
Rachel Kempisty
[email protected]
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