* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
1 Prolog1 is a logical and a declarative programming language The name itself, Prolog, is short for PROgramming in LOGic. Prolog's heritage includes the research on theorem provers and other automated deduction systems developed in the 1960s and 1970s. The inference mechanism of Prolog is based upon Robinson's resolution principle (1965) together with mechanisms for extracting answers proposed by Green (1968). These ideas came together forcefully with the advent of linear resolution procedures. Explicit goal-directed linear resolution procedures, such as those of Kowalski and Kuehner (1971) and Kowalski (1974), gave impetus to the development of a general purpose logic programming system. The "first" Prolog was "Marseille Prolog" based on work by Colmerauer (1970). The first detailed description of the Prolog language was the manual for the Marseille Prolog interpreter (Roussel, 1975). The other major influence on the nature of this first Prolog was that it was designed to facilitate natural language processing. Prolog is the major example of a fourth generation programming language supporting the declarative programming paradigm. The Japanese FifthGeneration Computer Project, announced in 1981, adopted Prolog as a development language, and thereby focused considerable attention on the language and its capabilities. The programs in this tutorial are written in "standard" (University of) Edinburgh Prolog, as specified in the classic Prolog textbook by authors Clocksin and Mellish (1981,1992). The other major kind of Prolog is the PrologII family of Prologs which are the descendants of Marseille Prolog. The reference to Giannesini, (1986) uses a version of PrologII. There are differences between these two varieties of Prolog; part of the difference is syntax, and part is semantics. However, students who learn either kind of Prolog can easily adapt to the other kind. 1 2 Prolog sistēma ar savienojumu ar datu bāzes sistēmu Prologa sistēma Likumi Izveduma mehānisms Lietotāja interfeiss Lietotājs Savienojums (SQL) Datu bāzes sistēma Fakti 3 PrologSQL tilts PROLOG sistēma DBS 1. Import two tables from a database. 2. Create a nondeterministic query predicate as an join between two tables. 3. Call the query predicate. :- use_module(oracle). go :db_open('Your Database Name', 'scott', 'tiger'), db_import('DEPT'('DEPTNO', 'DNAME', 'LOC'), dept), db_import('EMP'('EMPNO', 'ENAME', 'JOB', 'MGR', 'HIREDATE', 'SAL', 'COMM', 'DEPTNO'), emp), %% Uncomment it, if you do not want to see SQL statements. %% db_flag(show_query, _, off), db_query(empinfo(EMPNO, ENAME, JOB, MGR, HIREDATE, SAL, COMM, DEPTNO, DNAME, LOC), (emp(EMPNO, ENAME, JOB, MGR, HIREDATE, SAL, COMM, DEPTNO), dept(DEPTNO, DNAME, LOC) ) ), get_result, db_close. get_result:empinfo(EMPNO, ENAME, JOB, MGR, HIREDATE, SAL, COMM, DEPTNO, DNAME, LOC), write_ln([EMPNO, ENAME, JOB, MGR, HIREDATE, SAL, COMM, DEPTNO, DNAME, LOC]), fail. get_result. 4 SWI-Prolog, 20132 Most implementations of the Prolog language are designed to serve a limited set of use cases. SWI-Prolog is no exception to this rule. SWI-Prolog positions itself primarily as a Prolog environment for `programming in the large' and use cases where it plays a central role in an application, i.e., where it acts as `glue' between components. At the same time, SWI-Prolog aims at providing a productive rapid prototyping environment. Its orientation towards programming in the large is backed up by scalability, compiler speed, program structuring (modules), support for multithreading to accommodate servers, Unicode and interfaces to a large number of document formats, protocols and programming languages. Prototyping is facilitated by good development tools, both for command line usage as for usage with graphical development tools. Demand loading of predicates from the library and a `make' facility avoids the requirement for using declarations and reduces typing. SWI-Prolog offers some facilities that are widely appreciated by users: Nice environment SWI-Prolog provides a good command line environment, including `Do What I Mean', autocompletion, history and a tracer that operates on single key strokes. The system automatically 2 5 recompiles modified parts of the source code using the make/0 command. The system can be instructed to open an arbitrary editor on the right file and line based on its source database. It ships with various graphical tools and can be combined with the SWI-Prolog editor, PDT (Eclipse plugin for Prolog) or GNU-Emacs. Fast compiler Even very large applications can be loaded in seconds on most machines. If this is not enough, there is the Quick Load Format. Transparent compiled code SWI-Prolog compiled code can be treated just as interpreted code: you can list it, trace it, etc. This implies you do not have to decide beforehand whether a module should be loaded for debugging or not, and the performance of debugged code is close to that of normal operation. Source level debugger The source level debugger provides a good overview of your current location in the search tree, variable bindings, your source code and open choice points. Choice point inspection provides meaningful insight to both novices and experienced users. Avoiding unintended choice points often provides a huge increase in performance and a huge saving in memory usage. Profiling SWI-Prolog offers an execution profiler with either textual output or graphical output. Finding and improving hotspots in a Prolog program may result in huge speedups. Flexibility SWI-Prolog can easily be integrated with C, supporting non-determinism in Prolog calling C as well as C calling Prolog. It can also be embedded in external programs. System predicates can be redefined locally to provide compatibility with other Prolog systems. Threads Robust support for multiple threads may improve performance and is a key enabling factor for deploying Prolog in server applications. Interfaces SWI-Prolog ships with many extension packages that provide robust interfaces to processes, encryption, TCP/IP, TIPC, ODBC, SGML/XML/HTML, RDF, HTTP, graphics and much more. In the long run, we want to move to an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) based on XPCE. Various parts of this environment already exist and are actively being used. PceEmacs is a GNU-Emacs clone in XPCE/Prolog, providing Prolog syntax highlighting based on parsing and cross-referencing the editor buffer. Colouring highlights variables, quoted entities, comments, goals (classified as built-in, imported, local, dynamic and undefined), predicates 6 (classified as local, public and unreferenced), and file references (classified as existend/nonexistend). PceEmacs is started using the predicate emacs/[0,1]. The graphical tracer provides source-level debugging, using three views: your source, variable bindings, and the stack. The stack view includes choicepoints and visualises the effect of executing the cut! The Execution Profiler provides a graphical overview of call and time statistics. The Cross Referencer analyzes dependencies in the loaded program and points out undefined and unused code. It can also generate module headers and import directives based on the analysis. The Prolog Navigator provides an explorer-like view on a directory holding Prolog source files. Sources files can be expanded in the tree to show predicates, exports, XPCE classes and methods. Can be used to edit entities or enable debugging them (spy). The Windows Prolog console plwin.exe provides a menu to access many of these facilities directly. 7 Visual Prolog3 The Integrated Development Environment (aka IDE) allow you to create and manage Visual Prolog project. It contains features for: Editing source files Designing dialogs/forms Building/Compiling Debugging 3 8 ProLog – V8, 20124 It has been almost three years since our release of ProLog-V7 and now DataMatrix is proud to announce the release of an all new ProLog-V8. The V8 system has so many new enhancements and features that our entire website has to be restructured with new screenshots and technical descriptions. Please be patient as we undertake this rather large task. 4 9 YAP5 YAP is a high-performance Prolog compiler developed at LIACC/Universidade do Porto and at COPPE Sistemas/UFRJ. Its Prolog engine is based in the WAM (Warren Abstract Machine), with several optimizations for better performance. YAP follows the Edinburgh tradition, and is largely compatible with the ISO-Prolog standard and with Quintus and SICStus Prolog. YAP has been developed since 1985. The original version was written in assembly, C and Prolog, and achieved high performance on m68k based machines. The assembly code was used to implement the WAM emulators. Later emulators supported the VAX, SPARC, and MIPS architectures. Work on the more recent version of YAP strives at several goals: Portability: The whole system is now written in C. YAP compiles in popular 32 bit machines, such as Suns and Linux PCs, and in a 64 bit machines, the Alphas running OSF Unix and Linux. Performance: We have optimised the emulator to obtain performance comparable to or better than well-known Prolog systems. In fact, the current version of YAP performs better than the original one, written in assembly language. Robustness: We have tested the system with a large array of Prolog applications. Extensibility: YAP was designed internally from the beginning to encapsulate manipulation of terms. These principles were used, for example, to implement a simple and powerful C-interface. The new version of YAP extends these principles to accomodate extensions to the unification algorithm, that we believe will be useful to implement extensions such as constraint programming. Completeness: YAP has for a long time provided most builtins expected from a Edinburgh Prolog implementation. These include I/O functionality, data-base operations, and modules. Work on YAP aims now at being compatible with the Prolog standard. Openess: We would like to make new development of YAP open to the user community. Research: YAP has been a vehicle for research within and outside our group. Currently research is going on on parallelisation and tabulation, and support for Bayesian Networks. 5 10 tuProlog6 tuProlog (also called 2P) is a Java-based light-weight Prolog engine developed at the University of Bologna, and maintained by the aliCE Research Group based in Cesena, at the Second Faculty of Engineering, with some members working at the Faculty of Engineering located in Bologna. tuProlog has been designed to be one of the basic bricks of Internet applications and infrastructures; this purpose has dictated its main characteristics, such as deployability, lightness, dynamic configurability, integration with Java and ease of interoperability. tuProlog is a light-weight Prolog system for distributed applications and infrastructures, intentionally designed around a minimal core, to be later configured by (statically and dynamically) loading/unloading libraries of predicates. tuProlog natively supports multi-paradigm programming, providing a clean, seamless integration model between Prolog and mainstream object-oriented languages -- namely Java, for tuProlog Java version, and any .NET-based language (C#, F#..), for tuProlog .NET version. 6 11 THE CIAO SYSTEM7 Ciao is a general-purpose programming language which supports logic, constraint, functional, higher-order, and object-oriented programming styles. Its main design objectives are high expressive power, extensibility, safety, reliability, and efficient execution. Ciao offers a complete Prolog system, supporting ISO-Prolog, but its novel modular design allows both restricting and extending the language. As a result, it allows working with fully declarative subsets of Prolog and also to extend these subsets (or ISO-Prolog) both syntactically and semantically. Most importantly, these restrictions and extensions can be activated separately on each program module so that several extensions can coexist in the same application for different modules. Ciao also supports (through such extensions) programming with functions, higher-order (with predicate abstractions), constraints, and objects, as well as feature terms (records), persistence, several control rules (breadth-first search, iterative deepening, ...), concurrency (threads/engines), a good base for distributed execution (agents), and parallel execution. Libraries also support WWW programming, sockets, external interfaces (C, Java, TclTk, relational databases, etc.), etc. 7 Name Main Developer ISO Part I CLP CHR Availability Source dif FD Q R Bcompl. yes yes yes float yes Commercial Applications, References, Remarks SICStus 3 SICS full commercial no SWI J. Wielemaker full LGPL YAP LIACC full artistic Prolog IV PrologIA full commercial yes yes yes interval IF/Prolog IF Computer full commercial yes yes yes ECLiPSe IC-Parc Cisco-MPL yes yes yes float yes applications SICStus 4 SICS commercial yes yes yes merge of SICStus 3 and Quintus Ciao M. Hermenegildo partial GNU GNU yes originally based on older SICStus XSB SUNY LGPL yes yes company: industries served B-Prolog Neng-Fa Zhou partial commercial yes yes yes Prolog II+ PrologIA yes yes Nu L. Naish academic CHIP Cosytec commercial GNU Prolog D. Diaz full LGPL full yes references, Clarissa, Edgarscan, Tacton LGPL yes yes yes float yes applications yes yes free GNU yes GNU yes yes yes float yes yes float references yes applications!!! yes yes yes applications!!!, references yes TOPS Name Main Developer ISO Part I CLP CHR Availability Source dif FD Q R Bcompl. Commercial Applications, References, Remarks Prolog systems without constraints (with mostly many other extensions) MINERVA IF Computer full commercial runs in Java browser!!!, showcase Amzi! full commercial yes applications ALS yes commercial applications LPA yes commercial applications, news free showcase Arity/Prolog Quintus SICS commercial Inquizit BinProlog BinNet commercial demos Trinc Strawberry full D.D. Dobrev commercial commercial Close-to-Prolog systems (mostly type or mode restricted) Visual Prolog PDC commercial applications, Borland Turbo Prolog's successor Mercury Z. Somogyi GNU GNU HAL team ? ? float? 1 Speed comparison The following comparison tests the overheads incurred by unify_with_occurs_check/2. Significant overheads are not inherent: The 496 logical inferences executed require a total of 465 unifications with occurs check. But 435 unify a variable with a constant, 30 unify a variable with a ground list of the form [integer]. Mlips Pentium III 1GHz system version default occurs check slowdown SWI 5.4.0 SICStus 1.8 1.2 * 1.5 3.11.2 11.8 2.7 4.3 Yap 4.4.4 7.8 2.5 Ciao 1.10#5 6.6 2.0 3.3 GNU 1.2.16 10.9 5.8 1.9 B 6.6 #2 14.5 n.a - 19.5 2 Deduktīvas datu bāzes sistēmas čaula LDL++ sistēma 3 Systems implementing Datalog. Free software/Open source Written Name in Java C Description IRIS IRIS extends Datalog with function symbols, built-in predicates, locally stratified or un-stratified logic programs (using the well-founded semantics), unsafe rules and XML schema data types Jena a Semantic Web framework which includes a Datalog implementation as part of its general purpose rule engine, which provides OWL and RDFS support. SociaLite SociaLite is a datalog variant for large-scale graph analysis developed in Stanford Graal Graal is a Java toolkit dedicated to querying knowledge bases within the framework of existential rules, aka Datalog+/-. XSB A logic programming and deductive database system for Unix and MS Windows with tabling giving Datalog-like termination and efficiency, including incremental evaluation Coral A deductive database system written in C++ with semi-naïve datalog evaluation. Developed 1988-1997. Inter4QL an open-source command-line interpreter of Datalog-like 4QL query language implemented in C++ for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Negation is allowed in heads and bodies of rules as well as in recursion RDFox RDF triple store with Datalog reasoning. Implements the FBF algorithm for incremental evaluation. Souffle an open-source Datalog-to-C++ compiler converting Datalog into high-performance, parallel C++ code, specifically designed for complex Datalog queries over large data sets as e.g. encountered in the context of static program analysis C++ Python adds logic programming to python's toolbox. It can run logic pyDatalog queries on databases or python objects, and use logic clauses to define the behavior of python classes. Ruby bloom / bud A Ruby DSL for programming with data-centric constructs, based on the Dedalus extension of Datalog which adds a 4 temporal dimension to the logic. Lua Datalog a lightweight deductive database system. Prolog DES an open-source implementation to be used for teaching Datalog in courses Cascalog a Clojure library for querying data stored on Hadoop clusters Clojure Datalog a contributed library implementing aspects of Datalog Datascript Immutable database and Datalog query engine that runs in the browser Clojure Racket Datalog for Racket Tcl tclbdd Implementation based on binary decision diagrams. Built to support development of an optimizing compiler for Tcl. Dyna Dyna is a declarative programming language for statistical AI programming. The language is based on Datalog, supports both forward and backward chaining, and incremental evaluation. Haskell other or bddbddb unknow n languag ConceptB es ase an implementation of Datalog done at Stanford University. It is mainly used to query Java bytecode including points-to analysis on large Java programs a deductive and object-oriented database system based on a Datalog query evaluator. It is mainly used for conceptual modeling and metamodeling 5 Non-free software Datomic is a distributed database designed to enable scalable, flexible and intelligent applications, running on new cloud architectures. It uses Datalog as the query language. DLV is a commercial Datalog extension that supports disjunctive head clauses. FoundanDBtio provides a free-of-charge database binding for pyDatalog, with a tutorial on its use. Leapsight Semantic Dataspace (LSD) is a distributed deductive database that offers high availability, fault tolerance, operational simplicity, and scalability. LSD uses Leaplog (a Datalog implementation) for querying and reasoning and was create by Leapsight. LogicBlox, a commercial implementation of Datalog used for web-based retail planning and insurance applications. .QL, a commercial object-oriented variant of Datalog created by Semmle. SecPAL a security policy language developed by Microsoft Research. Stardog is a graph database, implemented in Java. It provides support for RDF and all OWL 2 profiles providing extensive reasoning capabilities, including datalog evaluation. StrixDB: a commercial RDF graph store, SPARQL compliant with Lua API and Datalog inference capabilities. Could be used as httpd (Apache HTTP Server) module or standalone (although beta versions are under the Perl Artistic License 2.0). 6 Datalog Educational system8 8 7 8 Realizāciju piemēri. Sistēma maršrutu analīzei (track analysis) Mazsalaca 18km Rūjiena Aloja 44km Valmiera Limbaži 28km Stalbe Saulkrasti 31km Cēsis 9 Deduktīvās datu bāzes realizācija Prologa sistēmas SQL interfeisa izmantošana 10 11 Deduktīvās datu bāzes realizācija (2. variants) 12 Deduktīvās DB darbības algoritms 13 Faktu tabula Likumu tabula (rekursija) 14 Predikātu glabāšana 15 Deduktīvās datu bāzes interfeiss 16 Deduktīvās datu bāzes realizācija (3. variants) 17 1. Sākuma logs 2. Pieslēgšanās datu bāzei 18 3. Darba logs (var izpildīt arī vaicājumus datu bāzei) 19 4. Predikātu faktu logs 5. Predikātu likumu logs 20 6. Izveduma darbību secības apskate 7. Rezultāts 21 Deduktīvās datu bāzes realizācija (4. variants) PHP programmēšanas valodas izmantošana 22 Pielikums Deduktīvu datu bāzu sistēmas un prototipi9 Komerciālās sistēmas DLV (Italy, University of Calabria) commercial LogicBlox (USA) commercial Intellidimensin (USA) commercial Semmle (UK) commercial 9 23 Prolog/CLP sistēmas SWI-Prolog [] GNU Prolog (GNU Prolog for Java is an implementation of ISO Prolog as a Java library (gnu.prolog)) [] The Ciao Prolog System [] ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System [] [] B-Prolog [] SICStus Prolog [] (Homepage) [] (User Manual) [] (Useful Links) Visual Prolog [] [] (PDC: Prolog Development Center) The Prolog ISO Standard Documents [] InterProlog (Java front-end and enhancement for Prolog)10 XSB Prolog YAP Prolog 10 24 Deduktīvās datu bāzes sistēmas Coral11 Deductive Database (University of Wisconsin) [] [ [ The Aditi12 Deductive Database [] The Deductive Database System LDL++13 [] [] [] (LDL Java Interface) [] NAIL! (Stanford university) The LOLA14 Project, Implementation of a Deductive Database System [] ROCK&ROLL: Deductive Object Oriented Database System [] Datalog Educational System (DES)15 (Complutense university) [] [] Lightwight Deductive Database System (MITRE Corporation) [] bbdbddb - BDD-Based Deductive DataBase [] 11 12 13 14 15 VLDB Jouraal, 3, 245-288 (1994). Invited contribution. Hans-J. Schek, Editor. 25 LogicBlox: Cloud-delivered platform for actionable Big Data enterprise applications [] (Homepage) [] STARBURST 4QL (Warsaw University) MegaLog PRO_SQL – sistēma, kurā loģiskā programmēšanas valoda PROLOG sasaistīta ar SQL/DS sistēmu (IBM Research Center at Yorktown Heights). EDUCE - sistēma, kurā loģiskā programmēšanas valoda PROLOG sasaistīta ar DBVS INGRES (European Computer Industry Research Center). ESTEAM - firmas Philips izstrāds interfeiss sistēmai ESTEAM un DBVS INGRESS QUEL vaicājumu valodā. BERMUDA PRIMO – interfeiss starp Arity-Prolog sistēmu un DBVS Oracle, izstrāde veikta Modenas universitātē Itālijā. QUINTUS-PROLOG – firmas Quintus Computer System izstrādne, kurā izveidots interfeiss ar DBVS Unify. INDALOG a declarative deductive database language16 16 26 Loģiskās programmēšanas sistēmas The Mercury Project [] The Mozart Programming System [] XSB (Stony Brook University, Uppsala Universitet)17 [] Flora-2 [] FLORID/FloXML [] [] (Online Demo) Xcerpt [] ConceptBase: A Deductive Object Manager for Meta Databases (Passau, Aachen, Tilburg Universities) [] The Goedel Programming Language [] A Java Deductive Reasoning Engine for the Web [] IRIS - Integrated Rule Inference System [] 17 27 Answer Set Programming (ASP) Systems smodels [] Potassco (clasp, Gringo, ...) [] DLV [] Datalog valoda Datalog is a declarative logic programming language that syntactically is a subset of Prolog. It is often used as a query language for deductive databases. In recent years, Datalog has found new application in: 1) data integration; 2) information extraction; 3) networking; 4) program analysis; 5) security; 6) cloud computing. Its origins date back to the beginning of logic programming, but it became prominent as a separate area around 1977 when Hervé Gallaire and Jack Minker organized a workshop on logic and databases. David Maier is credited with coining the term Datalog. Unlike in Prolog, statements of a Datalog program can be stated in any order. Furthermore, Datalog queries on finite sets are guaranteed to terminate, so Datalog 28 does not have Prolog's cut operator. This makes Datalog a truly declarative language. In contrast to Prolog, Datalog: 1) disallows complex terms as arguments of predicates, e.g., p (1, 2) is admissible but not p (f (1); 2) imposes certain stratification restrictions on the use of negation and recursion; 3) requires that every variable that appears in the head of a clause also appears in a nonarithmetic positive (i.e. not negated) literal in the body of the clause; 4) requires that every variable appearing in a negative literal in the body of a clause also appears in some positive literal in the body of the clause. Query evaluation with Datalog is based on first order logic, and is thus sound and complete. However, Datalog is not Turing complete, and is thus used as a domainspecific language that can take advantage of efficient algorithms developed for query resolution. Indeed, various methods have been proposed to efficiently perform queries. Several extensions have been made to Datalog, e.g., to support aggregate functions, to allow object-oriented programming, or to allow disjunctions as heads of clauses. 29 Example Datalog program: parent(bill, mary). parent(mary, john). These two lines define two facts, i.e. things that always hold. They can be intuitively understood as: the parent of mary is bill and the parent of john is mary. ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Y). ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Z),ancestor(Z,Y). These two lines describe the rules that define the ancestor relationship. A rule consists of two main parts separated by the :- symbol. The part to the left of this symbol is the head of the rule, the part to the right is the body. A rule is read (and can be intuitively understood) as <head> if it is known that <body>. Uppercase letters stand for variables. Hence in the example the first rule can be read as X is the ancestor of Y if it is known that X is the parent of Y. And the second rule as X is the ancestor of Y if it is known that X is the parent of some Z and Z is the ancestor of Y. The ordering of the clauses is irrelevant in Datalog in contrast to Prolog which depends on the ordering of clauses for computing the result of the query call. Datalog distinguishes between Extensional predicate symbols (defined by facts) and intensional predicate symbols (defined by rules). In the example above ancestor is an intensional predicate symbol, and parent is extensional. Predicates may also be defined by facts and rules and therefore neither be purely extensional nor intensional, but any Datalog program can be rewritten into an equivalent program without such predicate symbols with duplicate roles. ?- ancestor(bill,X). The query above asks for all that bill is ancestor of, and would return mary and john when posed against a Datalog system containing the facts and rules described above.