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Vibrio Cholerae
Karolina Zapal
Kingdom: Bacteria
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Class: Gamma Proteobacteria
Order: Vibrionales
Family: Vibrionaceae
Genus: Vibrio
Species: V. cholerae
Shape & Gram-stain
• Gram-negative
• Comma-shaped bacterium
• Polar flagellum that bacteria uses for
Additional Characteristics
• Facultative anaerobe, which
means the bacteria can
survive either with or
without oxygen
• The genes of a virus have
become integrated into the
bacterial genome and made
the bacteria pathogenic
• Some serotypes have
capsules while others do not
• chemoheterotroph
• Filippo Pacini discovered the bacteria in 1854
• Not widely known until Robert Koch
• The bacteria thrives in a water ecology,
particularly surface water.
Health-related issues
• Causes cholera, an acute, diarrheal illness that can
result in severe dehydration
• A person may get cholera by drinking water or eating
food contaminated with the bacteria.
• Casual contact with an infected person is not a risk for
becoming ill
• After ingested, the bacteria travels to the small
intestine, where it multiplies. Then it produces a toxin
that causes diarrhea.
• Treated by immediate replacement of the fluid and
salts lost through diarrhea (oral rehydration solution)
• "VibrioCholerae." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 01 Feb.
2011. <>.
• Vibriocholerae. Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Web.
1 Feb. 2011.
• "Texas Department of State Health Services, Infectious Disease
Control Unit Fact Sheet." Texas Department of State Health Services.
Web. 01 Feb. 2011.
• "Vibrio Cholerae." Bacteria Home Page. Web. 01 Feb. 2011.
• "Cholera." - Ireland's Premier Independent Health
Site. Web. 01 Feb. 2011.
Sources continued..
• "Vibrio Cholerae - MicrobeWiki." MicrobeWiki MicrobeWiki. Web. 01 Feb. 2011.
• "New Strains of Vibrio Cholerae." Web. 01 Feb.
2011. <
• SRNA-Seq, Using. "Liu Lab Research." User
Homepages @Drew University. Web. 01 Feb.
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