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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
НАУКА ЗА ГОРАТА, КН. 3/4, 2002 FOREST SCIENCE, No 3/4, 2002 АНОТИРАН СПИСЪК НА БРАКОНИДНАТА ПАРАЗИТОИДНА ЕНТОМОФАУНА (HYMENOPTERA; BRACONIDAE) ИЗОЛИРАНА ОТ РАЗЛИЧНИ ФИТОФАГНИ НАСЕКОМНИ ГОСТОПРИЕМНИЦИ В ШИРОКОЛИСТНИ ГОРСКИ НАСАЖДЕНИЯ НА БЪЛГАРИЯ Николай Балевски Институт за защита на растенията - Костинброд Абстракт: В България са установени 29 вида бракониди (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) като поразитоиди по 33 горски насекомни вредители от разредите Coleoptera, Homoptera и Lepidoptera. Паразитоидите принадлежат към 17 рода от 9 подсемейства - 4 ектопаразитни (Braconinae, Dorycinae, Exothecinae, Rhysipolinae) и 5 ендопоразитни (Aphidiinae, Euphorinae, Helconinae, Macrocentrinae, Microgasterinae). Най-много видове са свързани с Rhynchaenus fagi (L.) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) и Hedya salicella (L.) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Ключови думи: Braconidae, ектопаразитоиди, ендопоразитоиди, гостоприемници, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Homoptera CHECKLIST OF THE BRACONID PARASITOIDS FAUNA (HYMENOPTERA: BRACONIDAE) ISOLATED FROM DIFFERENT INSECT PEST HOSTS IN DECIDUOUS FORESTS IN BULGARIA N. Balevski Plant Protection Institute - Kostinbrod (S u m m a r y) Altogether, 29 Braconid parasitoid species, which belong to 17 genera from nine subfamilies (four ectoparasitoids and five endoparasitoids) of the family Braconidae, are trophically linked with 33 species of forest insect pests, belonging to 22 genera of ten families and three orders (Coleoptera, Homoptera and Lepidoptera). With hosts from order Coleoptera (four species of four genera of two families Cerambycidae and Curculionidae) are associated seven braconid species belonging to five genera and three ectoparasitoids subfamilies (Braconinae, Dorycinae and Exothecinae) and one endoparasitoid subfamily - Helconinae. Seven Braconid species, which belong to six genera of endoparasitoid subfamily Aphidiinae have been isolated from five phytophagous insect pests from five genera of two subfamilies - Calaphididae and Chitophoridae from order Homoptera. Most numerous of phytophagous hosts is order Lepidoptera (24 species from 13 genera and six families - Gracillariidae, Lasiocampidae, Lymantridae, Notodontidae, Pyralidae и Tortricidae, are parasitized by 16 Braconid species, which belong to seven genera and five subfamilies (two ectoparasitoids - Exothecinae and Rhysipolinae and three endoparasitoids subfamilies - Euphorinae, Macrocentrinae and Microgasterinae). Most of them are parasitized by Braconid species of subfamilies Microgasterinae - 11 species of three genera. The most Braconid parasitoids species have been isolated of Rhynchaenus fagi (L.) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) - three species of three genera and two subfamilies (one ectoparasitoid - Exothecinae and one endoparasitoid - Helconinae) and Hedya salicella (L.) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) - three species of three genera and two endoparasitoids subfamilies - Macrocentrinae and Microgasterinae. Key words: Braconidae, ectoparasitoids, endoparasitoids, hosts, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Homoptera