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9. Using INI files to configure the system
Many different customers use TMWSuite. All of these customers have unique ways of doing
business. To allow you to customize the system to best meet your company’s needs, TMWSuite
provides you with configuration files you can use to “tune” the operation of specific features
within the system.
Some configuration settings exist within an ASCII text file called an INI file. It contains various
settings that control the behavior of a feature. You can change how a feature works by changing
related INI settings (also called switches, keys, or values). In some cases, entries made within
TMWSuite can set INI options automatically.
These sections describe how INI files are used:
Types of INI files ...................................................................................................................................................... 9.2
Establishing global settings in the TTS50.ini file ................................................................................................. 9.4
Editing the TTS50.ini file ........................................................................................................................................ 9.5
Editing from within a text editor .................................................................................................................... 9.5
Using the TTS50.ini Editor/Comparison Utility .......................................................................................... 9.5
Accessing the TTS50.ini Editor/Comparison Utility ............................................................................ 9.6
Looking up an INI setting ........................................................................................................................ 9.7
Comparing INI file settings ...................................................................................................................... 9.8
Modifying values for INI settings ......................................................................................................... 9.10
Removing comments from the TTS50.ini file ............................................................................................. 9.11
Using automatic comment removal ...................................................................................................... 9.11
Establishing user-specific settings in local INI files .......................................................................................... 9.12
Identifying the database associated with a user’s logon ID ..................................................................... 9.12
Customizing the look and placement of a user’s toolbars ........................................................................ 9.12
Customizing the look of buttons that are not located on toolbars ........................................................... 9.15
How a user’s default column configurations are affected ........................................................................ 9.16
INI files and the logon process ............................................................................................................................ 9.17
INI file setup for a single database environment ....................................................................................... 9.18
INI file setup for a multiple database environment ................................................................................... 9.18
Using the command line in an application shortcut to specify the location of INI files ....................... 9.19
Using a win.ini file to specify the location of the TTS50.ini file ............................................................... 9.19
How the logon process works ...................................................................................................................... 9.20
Customizing the logon screen .............................................................................................................................. 9.27
Logon and Help About features for data integrity ........................................................................................... 9.28
Validation of the TTS50.ini file during the logon process ......................................................................... 9.28
Viewing the path to your current executables in the logon window ...................................................... 9.29
Version check during logon .......................................................................................................................... 9.29
Viewing system information in the Help About window ........................................................................ 9.30
Copyright © 2017 TMW Systems, Inc.
A Business Confidential Document.
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Types of INI files
TMWSuite requires two INI files, and a third INI file is optional:
Global INI file, called
the TTS50.ini file
The TTS50.ini is designed to be a global configuration file, meaning
that it makes the system work the same way for all users in your
organization. It allows you to determine the way particular TMWSuite
features are to function to best suit how your company does business.
Typically, all users at a site use the same TTS50.ini, which is stored on
the network. However, there are circumstances where a specific user
needs certain feature(s) to work differently from everyone else. In such
cases, it is possible to have that user point to a TTS50.ini customized
specifically for him/her. Normally, a user-specific TTS50 is stored on
the user’s local hard drive so that no one else can inadvertently point
to that person’s TTS50.
Local INI file,
named TTS50local.ini
file by default
The local INI stores customized settings for the way data is to display
for a specific user. It also tells TMWSuite which database that user is
to access. TMW recommends that you set up a separate local INI file
for each user. Using just one TTSlocal.ini file for all users negates the
ability to customize display-related settings on a user-by-user basis.
The optional win.ini file can be used during the logon process to direct
TMWSuite to use a specific TTS50.ini. This feature can be helpful in
setting up training, testing, special-use, or administrator workstations.
Bracketed headings divide an INI file into function-specific sections. For example, within
TMWSuite the [Invoice] section of the TTS50.ini file contains settings that affect how billing
works. A section continues until the next bracketed heading. To work properly, settings must be
in the proper section.
Comments in an INI file explain the settings. All comment lines have a semicolon (;) in the first
position of the text line. A semicolon preceding a setting signifies that it is inactive. The
program ignores all comments.
TMWSuite will assume and use the default INI setting for a feature if:
A particular TTS50.ini setting is missing entirely
The setting is located in the wrong section
The setting is commented out
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Here is an excerpt from a TTS50.ini file that shows a portion of the [Asset Assignment]
When making changes to an INI file, keep these points in mind:
Editing an INI file is easy. It is also easy to make editing mistakes. Edit carefully.
Never move settings out of their section. This can happen by mistake. As a result, features
will not work as expected because the system ignores settings that are not under the proper
If the same setting is accidentally inserted more than once in a section, the system uses the
first instance of that setting. Subsequent instances are ignored.
When editing a setting, type the desired value exactly as written in the comment regarding
that setting. Assume case sensitivity. To avoid typos, alternate settings are often just
commented out. In these cases, you can change a setting by moving a semicolon from one
line to another.
Feel free to add your own comments to the INI file if you want to clarify something. Begin
comment lines with a semicolon.
Occasionally back up your INI file. You can change the name of the backup to reflect any
notable conditions. This is especially useful prior to adding new settings when you receive a
new version of TMWSuite.
Note: For each new version of TMWSuite, check the “INI” directory on the release CD for a list
of new INI settings. Add the new settings to your INI file by copying each new setting from the
CD to the proper section in the INI file. If the default is not the one your company wants to use,
replace it with the desired value.
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Establishing global settings in the TTS50.ini file
The TTS50.ini file is TMWSuite’s primary configuration file. Some of its settings turn specific
features on or off. Other settings tell the system how a particular feature is to operate. The
TTS50.ini file:
Specifies global settings that apply to all users at a site
Identifies the local INI files associated with individual user IDs. These settings are in the
[INIPATH] section.
1. For a description of each setting in TTS50.ini, see appendix A.
2. Code lines proceeded by a semicolon ( ; ) are remarks that explain how the program or
parameters work. As described later, you can safely remove these comments from the file to
make a smaller file size.
3. If desired, you can save the comment version for reference and use the comments-removed
version for normal operation.
4. In the stripped-down version of the TTS50, you can add comments for all the lines you have
changed from the original defaults. If desired, you can include the reason and date you
made the change. Thus, the only comments in your INI file concern your special situation.
Search for semicolons “;” to find them.
The sample below shows the beginning comments of a typical TTS50.ini file:
; =======================For TMWSuite ====================
; IMPORTANT: Some INI file settings and values are CASE SENSITIVE.
; When editing this file, write settings and values as shown
; in the comments that describe them.
; This TTS50.ini file contains system information used by TMWSuite.
; The file should be located in the same directory as your
; executables or in a network directory named H:\PB.
; Recent updates to this INI include:
V2001.03.0020: 6798,9253,9271,9348,9412.
V2001.03.0016: 5637,6075,6143,6724,6930,7223,7362,7380,7391,7451,
V2000B31: 6030,6068,6806,6847,7116,7142.
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Editing the TTS50.ini file
To edit TTS50.ini, you can:
Use the TTS50.ini Editor window within System Administration.
Use a text editor such as the Windows Notepad or WordPad.
Note: If you have a TMWSuite application open while INI changes are made, you will have to
exit and then return for the changes to take effect.
Editing from within a text editor
If you double-click the INI filename from Windows Explorer, you can edit the INI file in
Notepad or WordPad. You can use most any text editor or word processor as long as you save
the file as ASCII text. Typically, you use the editor’s Find tool to locate the setting that you
want to modify.
Using the TTS50.ini Editor/Comparison Utility
The TTS50.ini Editor/Comparison Utility is a convenient way to work with TTS50.ini files. This
utility allows you to:
View your current TTS50.ini settings. The values of certain INI settings can often help to
explain system performance.
Compare the settings of any two INI files. If you notice that the system is not doing
something it used to do, you may suspect that an INI setting has been changed. You can
compare your current INI file to one with the original default settings and quickly see the
Modify INI settings.
Print an INI File Comparison Report that shows settings in the master INI file that are not in
the current INI file as well as the settings with different values.
1. The TTS50.ini Editor/Comparison Utility window does not contain a list of valid options for
INI settings or any comments about how they work. For a complete description of value
options, refer to Appendix A in this guide.
2. Users can access a read-only version of this utility from any base application by selecting the
button in the Help About screen. If accessed from Help About, the Save button
is grayed out and unavailable, for security reasons.
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Accessing the TTS50.ini Editor/Comparison Utility
To access the TTS50.ini Editor/Comparison Utility with full read/write capability, follow these
1. In System Administration, click the
toolbar icon, or select TTS50.ini File from the Edit
menu. The TTS50.ini Editor/Comparison Utility window opens, displaying the current
TTS50.ini file in the left frame. Three items are shown:
The Section name (underlined and centered) divides the INI file into related, functional
groups; section names are listed alphabetically.
The Key is the setting name; listed alphabetically within each section.
The Value is the option selected for configuring the system among two or more valid
Note: By default, the system displays the TTS50.ini file currently in use in the left frame of
the window. You can, however, retrieve any INI file into the left settings frame by clicking
and navigating to the desired file.
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Looking up an INI setting
You can look up a particular INI setting manually or by query.
Manual lookup
Scroll to the Section and Key setting of interest. All Sections, and Keys within Sections, are
listed alphabetically.
Note: When the settings frame is active, you can use various scrolling methods, e.g., mouseclicking on the scroll bar; pressing the PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN or the UP/DOWN arrow
keys; or rotating your mouse wheel.
Lookup by query
Enter the Key name (or partial name) in the Search field, and click Find. All Key settings
having characters matching your query are successively found and displayed.
1. The search function is not case-sensitive.
2. You cannot search for a Section name or a setting Value – only for a Key (setting).
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Comparing INI file settings
You can compare any two INI files – typically your “current” INI file with a “master” INI file. If
you notice that the system is behaving differently than it once did, you may suspect that an INI
setting has been changed. A comparison with the default INI file that comes with every new
version of TMWSuite can quickly highlight any differences.
1. With your current INI file displayed in the left frame of the window, specify a reference INI
file in the Master INI File field, located in the right frame. Click Browse
to the desired INI file.
, and navigate
Note: By default, the system displays the TTS50.ini file currently in use in the left frame of
the window. You can retrieve any INI file into either frame, but only the left frame is
The system retrieves the specified INI files, displaying one in the left frame, and a reference
INI in the right frame. The display is color-keyed to help you find the differences quickly.
Settings displayed in black text exist in both files and have the same values.
Settings displayed in blue text in the “current” INI (left frame) either does not exist in
the “master” INI (right frame) or they exist with different values.
Settings displayed in red text in the “master” INI (right frame) exist only in the “master”
INI (right frame). For example, if you compare your current INI file to the INI file of a
new release, all new settings will appear in red text in the right frame.
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
2. To restrict your view to only the settings that are different, select the List Differences Only
check box. This view method can save time in finding differences.
3. To scroll both left and right frames at the same rate, select the Synchronize scroll check box.
Note: If the left and right frames begin out-of-sync, or if corresponding sections have a
different number of settings, the frames may appear to be out-of-sync even though they are
scrolling at the same rate.
4. To print an INI File Comparison Report, click Print at the top of the window.
The report shows the comparison in two categories:
Missing Ini File Entries shows the settings found in the master INI file that are not in
the current INI file. These settings correspond to the red text entries in the right frame.
followed by
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Using INI files to configure the system
List of Differences shows the settings from the current INI file in the Key1 and
Keyvalue1 columns, and the settings from the master INI file in the Key2 and
Keyvalue2 columns. These settings correspond to the blue text entries in the left frame.
Modifying values for INI settings
Using the TTS50 Editor/Comparison Utility accessed via the TTS50.ini File command under
the Edit menu in System Administration, you can modify values for pre-existing keys in the
“current” INI file (the left frame). You can type the new value to replace the old value; however,
you cannot add an entirely new setting.
1. Saved INI changes will not take effect until the affected application closes (if open) and then
opens with the new configuration settings.
2. If you accessed this utility from the Help About window, you will not be able to save changes.
To change a setting:
1. Click the Value of the setting that you wish to change.
Note: Clicking a value causes the system to display it in a text box. The illustration below
shows the difference in appearance between a selected value and unselected values.
2. Type the value you wish to use for the setting.
Note: The TTS50.ini Editor/Comparison Utility window does not contain a list of valid
values for INI settings or any comments about how they work. For complete descriptions of
all INI value options, refer to Appendix A in this guide.
3. Click Save.
Note: If you have changed a setting and try to close before saving, a confirmation dialog box
displays a warning and asks if you wish to save before closing.
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Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Removing comments from the TTS50.ini file
You may want to remove the comments from your TTS50.ini file for the following reasons:
It allows for easier reading. The stripped-down version of the TTS50.ini includes only the
settings and the section headings. At a glance, you can see all the settings in a section.
On Windows 95/98 workstations (not recommended), TMWSuite can become unpredictable
when using an INI file larger than 64 KB. This file size problem does not affect workstations
running later versions of Windows.
The Utilities menu in System Administration offers the option to remove all comment lines. They
begin with a semicolon. The screens below show a typical before and after view of a TTS50.ini file.
Before comment removal
After comment removal
Using automatic comment removal
To use the automatic comment removal feature, follow these steps:
1. In System Administration, select Tts50.ini Comment Removal from the Utilities menu.
2. In a dialog box as shown below, find and select the TTS50.ini you wish to remove the
comments from, and click Open. A confirmation box will tell you the comment removal is
complete; select OK. A new file named TTS50Settings.ini is located in the same directory as
the original INI file. The original file remains unchanged.
3. Exit from TMWSuite, and rename your INI files, e.g., TTS50.ini to TTS50original.ini, and
TTS50Settings.ini to TTS50.ini.
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Establishing user-specific settings in local INI files
TTSlocal.ini files are called local INI files for short. It is possible to have one TTSlocal.ini file for
all users at your company. However, with only one local INI, you lose the ability to allow for
customized feature displays on a user-by-user basis. These custom displays include the onscreen appearance of toolbars, buttons and default column configurations in grid windows.
By design, TMW intended that a separate, uniquely named local INI file be set up for each user.
One way to identify a user’s local INI file is to use a filename that matches the user’s logon ID.
For example, if a user’s logon ID is RWESTON, his local INI file could be named RWeston.ini.
Identifying the database associated with a user’s logon ID
The local INI file identifies the TMWSuite database the system is to access when a user signs on
to TMWSuite applications. Database-related settings are listed in the [DBMS] section:
Identifies the database management system (DBMS). The only
option is MSS (Microsoft SQL Server).
Identifies the name of your database server.
Identifies the name of the database.
Customizing the look and placement of a user’s toolbars
All base system TMWSuite applications provide two types of toolbars:
Frame toolbar
A frame toolbar allows you to initiate tasks specific to a particular application. This toolbar
always consists of icons that enable you to:
Open primary screen(s), also called folders, within an application.
Initiate features that apply to the entire application.
Exit the application.
Sheet toolbar
A sheet toolbar allows you to initiate tasks that are specific to the folder or window
currently displayed on screen. For example, a sheet toolbar often contains icons that enable
you to:
Create a new record.
Open an existing record.
Add new lines of data.
Access windows used to enter additional data for a record.
Save changes.
Close the record currently in view.
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
All users have the ability to change the look and location of the frame and/or sheet toolbars. To
do so, you select the Window menu and choose either Frame Bar or Sheet Bar. When you do
so, additional options display:
A check mark is shown to the left of the option(s) currently in effect, i.e., active. When a user
exits the application, the system automatically reads the active toolbar settings and writes those
settings to the [Toolbar] section of the user’s local INI file.
If multiple users are associated with the same local INI file, all of those users will be affected by
the settings chosen by the user who last exited TMWSuite. For example, suppose a newer user
wants to have text showing for toolbars, but all experienced users do not. If the new user turns
on toolbar text and then exits the application with this preference still set, any other user having
the same local INI file will see the toolbar text when they subsequently sign on to any
TMWSuite application.
Settings in the [Toolbar] section of the local INI file are described here:
Toolbars can be configured to show descriptive text on each icon. This text
identifies the icon’s function. The ShowText= setting determines whether
the toolbar text is visible. The options are:
Display toolbar text.
Do not display toolbar text.
ShowText=No (default)
Determines whether the frame toolbar is visible. The options are:
Display the frame toolbar.
Do not display the frame toolbar.
Note: When this option is active, the FrameBarAlignment options
(described below) are not operational.
FrameBarVisible=Yes (default)
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Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Identifies the on-screen location of the frame toolbar. The options are:
Display the frame toolbar vertically along the left edge of the screen.
Display the frame toolbar horizontally below the pull-down menus.
Display the frame toolbar vertically along the right edge of the screen.
Display the frame toolbar horizontally along the bottom of the screen.
Display the frame toolbar in the center of the screen.
Note: To reposition the floating toolbar in a location other than the
center, use your mouse to position the cursor over the toolbar in an
area that does not contain an icon. Then click down with the left
mouse button and drag the toolbar to the desired spot.
FrameBarAlignment=Top (default)
Determines whether the sheet toolbar is visible. The options are:
Display the sheet toolbar.
Do not display the sheet toolbar.
Note: When this option is active, the SheetBarAlignment options
(described below) are not operational.
SheetBarVisible=Yes (default)
Identifies the on-screen location of the sheet toolbar. The options are:
Display the sheet toolbar vertically along the left edge of the screen.
Display the sheet toolbar horizontally below the pull-down menus.
Display the sheet toolbar vertically along the right edge of the screen.
Display the sheet toolbar horizontally along the bottom of the screen.
Display the sheet toolbar in the center of the screen.
Note: To reposition the floating toolbar in a location other than the
center, use your mouse to position the cursor over the toolbar in an
area that does not contain an icon. Then click down with the left
mouse button and drag the toolbar to the desired spot.
SheetBarAlignment=Left (default)
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Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Note: On occasion, a user will experience a problem that causes an application to shut down.
Because the user was not able to exit in the normal fashion, the system is not able to read the
user’s toolbar settings properly. When it updates the settings in the [Toolbars] section of the
user’s local INI file upon the user’s exit, it changes the options for those settings to blanks. As a
result, the next time a user associated with the local INI signs on to a TMWSuite application, the
frame and sheet toolbars will not be visible. The user will need to use the Toolbar options under
the Windows menu to set the toolbar preferences manually.
Customizing the look of buttons that are not located on toolbars
Many TMWSuite widows provide buttons that allow a user to indicate how he/she wants to
proceed with a task. For example, here is the window used to cancel an order in Dispatch:
In this illustration, each button consists of a graphic and button text, which provides a brief
description of the button’s function. By default, the button text is turned on. However, any user
has the ability to turn off the graphic or the button text in all windows having buttons that
consist of both.
To do so, you select the Window menu and choose Buttons. When you do so, the options Text,
Picture and Both are displayed. By default a check mark is shown to the left of Both, which
means that the option is active and both the graphic and button text are to be displayed.
When a user exits the application, the system automatically reads the active Buttons setting and
writes that setting to the TextPicture= setting in the [Buttons] section of the user’s local
INI. If multiple users are associated with the same local INI, all of those users will be affected by
the setting chosen by the user who last exited TMWSuite. For example, suppose an experienced
user does not want to have text showing for buttons that are not on toolbars, but all other users
do. If the experienced user turns off button text and then exits the application with this
preference still set, any other user having the same local INI file will not see the button text
when they subsequently sign on to any TMWSuite application.
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
The TextPicture= setting under the [Buttons] section of the local INI is described here:
Applicable for buttons that are not located on toolbars; this setting
determines whether the text is visible on buttons consisting of both graphics
and button text The options are:
Display just the button graphic.
Display just the button text.
Display both the graphic and the button text.
TextPicture=Both (default)
How a user’s default column configurations are affected
A number of windows within TMWSuite allow you to look up lists of records. These lists are
shown in grid form. Among the most used lookup windows are the scroll windows accessed
from the Tools menu, and the Available Trips and Available Resources grids on the Planning
Worksheet in Dispatch. In most cases, if a window displays data in a grid form, you can
customize that grid by:
Moving, resizing or deleting columns; and/or
Changing the sort order of the records listed; and/or
Filtering the record listing so that it only shows the data you want to see.
When you save a customized grid configuration, you access the Grid View Properties window,
shown below. Note the check boxes shown in the upper portion of the window. These check
boxes are used to specify who will have access to the configuration you are creating. The setup
of your user profile determines which check boxes are available to you.
If your user profile is linked to a RevType1
classification, three check boxes are shown:
If your user profile is not linked to a RevType1
classification, only two check boxes are shown:
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
A check in the Set as Default View check box means that the configuration is to be set as the
default for all users who use the same local INI that you do. Whenever data is retrieved in this
grid, the system will automatically apply the configuration marked as the default. When you
save a configuration as the default, the system writes the window name to the [PSRFiles]
section of the local INI. The name of the default configuration is shown to the right of the grid
window name. For example, shown below is a screen capture of a portion of a sample local INI
file. Note the highlighted line:
D_DRIVER_SEARCH is the window name for the driver scroll window. In this example, a
default configuration named DRVNAME has been saved for that window.
Note: If a user’s default grid configuration becomes corrupt, the user will receive an error when
accessing the grid. You can reset a grid to the system default by manually deleting the
configuration name shown to the right of the grid’s name in the user’s local INI file. This does
not delete the configuration itself; it only prevents it from being used upon initial access of that
grid the next time a user associated with that local INI signs on to an application where the grid
exists. You or the user should then delete the corrupt configuration.
INI files and the logon process
Various logon setups are possible. You can have one user ID shared by all users or different IDs
for different users. You can have a single database accessed by all users or a number of
databases accessed by different users. These variations must be considered when you determine
how the logon process is to work at your company.
The logon logic (described fully in the following sections) allows you several ways to set up
specialized-user workstations without affecting normal operations for your other workstations.
For example, some clients may like to set up special workstations for reasons such as:
Using a test database
Testing custom INI settings or special procedures
Working on a supervisor workstation that uses a TTS50.ini file that has conflict checking
turned off to allow for data changes that are normally prevented.
You can use one or a variety of setup options for your workstations.
Note: To determine the setup that is best for your environment, review the logic of the logon
process described here, and discuss your options with your TMW Implementer or TMW
Support team.
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
INI file setup for a single database environment
If you have one TMWSuite database for all users, the simplest setup is:
A single TTS50.ini file.
A single local INI with the name TTSlocal.ini that identifies the database.
1. If you have only one database and the TTSlocal.ini is located in the same directory with the
TMWSuite executables, you do not need to make any [INIPATH] entries in TTS50.ini.
TMWSuite will look automatically in the TTSlocal.ini for the database location.
2. Although the system requires only one local INI file, TMW recommends a separate local INI
for each user.
You can place your global and local INI files in the TMWSuite folder with your main TMWSuite
executables (but not in the Dispatch folder) as shown below.
INI file setup for a multiple database environment
If you have multiple TMWSuite databases, the system requires the following:
At least one local INI for each database. The INI file specifies the database’s name and
server location.
An entry for each user in the [INIPATH] section of the TTS50.ini. This entry points to the
local INI applicable for that user. For example, if you had three databases and four users,
the [INIPATH] section might look something like this:
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Using the command line in an application shortcut
to specify the location of INI files
In the shortcut for a TMWSuite application, you can specify the path for the INI file(s) the
system is to use. The shortcut can contain a command line argument. Command line arguments
in a Windows shortcut can affect how a program is opened. In TMWSuite, two command line
arguments are supported:
-G specifies the path to the global TTS50.ini.
-L specifies the path to the local INI file.
These case-insensitive arguments take priority over other options in locating INI files. You can
gain access to the command line by right-clicking on the shortcut and selecting the Properties
option. The command line is located in the Target field on the Shortcut tab and can be edited
directly. This example shows how a –G argument might be used in a command line:
tts_flm.exe -Gc:\tts50.ini
The command line shown above is applicable when a user signs on to File Maintenance. It tells
the system to always use the TTS50.ini located in the root directory, c:\.
Note: You can use the -G and -L arguments independently of each other; that is, you can have
command lines for both a global INI file and a local INI file, or you can have a command line for
just one of these.
Using a win.ini file to specify the location of the TTS50.ini file
Second in priority to the -G command line argument (but similar in function) is the win.ini file,
which is located in the c:\windows directory.
A user may need to use special settings that do not apply for other users, or that apply only for
particular tasks. The win.ini file is particularly useful in this situation. It allows a user to point
to a personalized TTS50 that is located outside of the main executable directory. In turn, the
user’s TTS50 points to a personalized ttslocal.ini file that also is located outside of the main
executable directory.
To use the win.ini method to specify the location of a user’s TTS50, do the following:
1. Open the win.ini and add the following information:
Note: The file= setting in the section identifies the path to the user’s TTS50.ini file. The
root of c: is an example of where you can put it. Due Microsoft security requirements, do not
put the TTS50 in the c:\windows folder.
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Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
2. Within the TTS50 itself, indicate the location of each user’s personalized ttslocal file.
Make an entry for each user in the [INIPATH] section of the TTS50. Use this convention:
User’s login ID, an equals sign (=), and the path to the user’s ttslocal file.
For example:
How the logon process works
There are three types of INI files used in the logon process:
TTS50.ini – the TMWSuite logon process requires a “global” TTS50.ini file
The local INI file – defines the server and database to log on to
(optional) Win.ini – may be used to locate the TTS50.ini
Three steps occur from logon to opening a TMWSuite application:
1. Locate
2. Locate local
3. Connect to
server, database
and application.
The three steps are described here:
1. When the user clicks on the executable, locate the TTS50.ini file.
The system follows this sequence of sub-steps until a TTS50.ini is found:
a. If the user uses a shortcut to start the application, is there a command line parameter
pointing directly to the TTS50.ini?
Note: To see if a command line exists, right-click on the shortcut. Select Properties. Then
select the Shortcut tab.
If command line parameters are found, the -G parameter identifies the path to the
TTS50.ini. The image below shows how a TMWSuite application might be called
with command line parameters. The Windows shortcut has a text box to define the
Target executable.
This shortcut specifies the path for the global INI as c:\tts50.ini
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Using INI files to configure the system
If no command line parameters are found, the system looks for a win.ini file in the
c:\windows directory on the workstation.
b. Is there a win.ini in c:\windows?
If there is, the system uses the TTS50.ini in the specified location recorded in the
file= setting in the [PowerSuite_ini_file] section of the win.ini.
This illustration shows how the win.ini file might be
used to define the location of the TTS50.ini file.
If at this point, no TTS50.ini file is found, then the system will look in the directory
from which TMWSuite is being executed.
c. If the TTS50.ini is not found in the TMWSuite executables directory, then a dialog box
will ask the user to identify the location of the TTS50.ini.
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Start TTS50.INI
search process.
called with
command line
section and file=
setting in WIN.INI
located in
Use the TTS50.INI
identified by the -G
Able to
open this
Use the TTS50.INI
identified by the
file= setting.
Use the TTS50.INI in
the same directory
as executables.
Able to
open this
Let user select
TT50.INI from
dialog box.
Able to
open this
TTS50.INI located;
search for local INI.
Logon aborted;
halt program
Logon step 1: locate global TTS50.INI
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Using INI files to configure the system
2. Locate the local INI file.
The system follows this sequence of sub-steps until a local INI is found:
a. If the user used a shortcut to start the application, is there a command line parameter
pointing to a specific local INI file?
Note: To see if a command line exists, right-click on the shortcut. Select Properties. Then
select the Shortcut tab.
b. If command line parameters are found, the -L parameter identifies the path to the local
INI file. This image shows how a TMWSuite application might be called with command
line parameters. The Windows shortcut has a text box to define the Target executable.
This shortcut specifies the path for the local INI file is c:\test.ini
c. If no command line parameters are found, the system uses the TTS50.ini file (found in
Step 1) to locate the local INI file. The local INI paths are found in the [INIPATH]
section. This image shows how the TTS50.ini file can define which local INI file to use.
If you log in as sue, you will use the local INI information from sue.ini.
Joe can log in as joe to get to the live database and joetest to connect to the test
d. If at this point no local INI file is found, the system will look in the directory from which
TMWSuite is being executed for a file named TTSLocal.ini.
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Using INI files to configure the system
e. If TTSlocal.ini is not found in the TMWSuite directory, a dialog box will ask the user to
identify the location of the local INI file.
Start local INI
search process.
called with
command line
Does logon user
ID exist in
[Inipath] section
of TTS50.ini?
Use the local INI
file identified in
the [Inipath]
section of the
TTS50.ini for the
logon user ID.
Use the local INI
file identified by
the -L argument.
Use the
TTSlocal.ini in
the same
directory as the
Able to
open this
Let user select
local INI from
dialog box.
Able to
open this
Logon aborted;
halt program
Local INI located;
access database.
Logon step 2: locate local INI
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Using INI files to configure the system
3. Connect to the server, database, and application.
In the local INI file, there are settings for the names of the Microsoft SQL Server and the
database. The application attempts to connect to the named server.
If the login ID used is valid on that server, then the application attempts to connect to
the named database.
If the login ID is valid on that database, then the application checks to see if this user has
rights to run this application.
If all of this is successful, the login is successful. Otherwise, the application aborts the
login process.
These images show how the local INI file defines which server and database will be used. For
example, a user can log in as joe to get to the live database PSLive.
For another example, a user can log in as joetest to connect to the test database PSTest.
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Using INI files to configure the system
Access server,
database and
User logon ID is valid
on server identified in
local INI setting
servername= in the
[DBMS] section?
User logon ID is valid
on database identified
in local INI setting
databse= in the
[DBMS] section?
User logon ID is valid
in System
Administration for use
on called application?
Logon aborted;
halt program
Run program.
Logon step 3: connect to server, database and application
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Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Customizing the logon screen
The default logon screen includes the phrase “Welcome to TMWSuite” and the TMW logo.
Your company might prefer its own phrase or graphic.
Three TTS50 settings control the look of the logon screen:
Allows the user to supply the text string that follows the text 'Welcome to'
at the top of the logon screen and in the title bar of some dialog boxes. All
text will appear in uppercase letters. Only one line is allotted for text.
DisplayName=TMWSuite (default)
Identifies the file name of the large bitmap used in the title/logon window
of the TMWSuite modules.
Logo=TMW_D.BMP (default)
This setting is a path statement that identifies the location of special
TMWSuite bitmaps, such as the logo. For example:
If the setting is left blank, TMWSuite looks in the directory holding the
TMWSuite executables.
Three requirements apply to the graphic:
The graphic format of the image must be a BMP. If your image is not a BMP, you will have
to convert it. You can do the conversion in Microsoft Photo Editor or another graphics
Your graphic can be any size. TMWSuite will shrink or expand the image to fit the available
Your graphic should be nearly square (It should be slightly wider than it is high.) If your
graphic has a different aspect ratio, TMWSuite will distort it to fill the logo window. In your
graphics program, you may have to crop your image accordingly. For example, this picture
of TMW’s office is much wider than it is high:
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
To fit this graphic in the logo window, TMWSuite distorted it by stretching it vertically.
Logon and Help About features for data integrity
TMWSuite has features that help ensure the system is working with the proper:
Executables (to verify logon shortcuts with the correct path to the latest software version)
Database (to verify the path to the correct database and its SQL version)
TTS50.ini settings (to verify path and settings)
These features can prevent data corruption caused by a mismatch between the application and
the database versions or by the use of a TTS50.ini file that is missing settings.
Validation of the TTS50.ini file during the logon process
To help prevent the system from using a corrupted TTS50.ini file, a validation check occurs
during the log on process. The system checks to ensure that the following sections exist and are
not commented out:
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
If the validation check on any of these sections fails, the system displays an error message:
The application will not run until the TTS50.ini issue is resolved. To resolve the issue so the
application will run again, examine your TTS50.ini file and make the necessary corrections.
Viewing the path to your current executables in the logon window
When you open an application, the logon window identifies the path for the executable you are
using. If your network has different software versions, the logon window will show which one
you are opening. The path and file name appear in both the title bar and the status bar. If the
path is too long to fit in the space provided, you can click the status bar and scroll the entire
Version check during logon
A version check occurs automatically during logon. If your application is behind or ahead of
your database, the program will not run. The system displays an error message that defines the
If your database version is older than your executables, you will need to apply SQL. If your
database is newer, you should upgrade your executables. If needed, contact TMW Support.
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017
Using INI files to configure the system
Viewing system information in the Help About window
The Help About window provides information about the system environment. To access the
Help About window from any base application, select the About command in the Help menu.
You can use this window to determine:
Version of your application and database
Location of your application and database
Location of your global TTS50.ini file
Location and name of your local INI file
Location of the executable you have accessed
The Help About window also has these features:
The View button opens the System Administration TTS50.ini editor in read-only mode.
From any application, you can check the value for any TTS50.ini setting.
The More button opens a window that displays licensing information.
The scroll bar allows you to scroll to the right to view a long directory path.
System Administration
Revised: 5/2017