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Installation Guide
XTime Elite & Lite
1 Review Sequence ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Environment ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
User ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
3 Buttons used in XTime .................................................................................................................................................... 4
4 Download the software .................................................................................................................................................. 5
5 Unzipping the files .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
6 Unpacking the XTUpgrade.exe ....................................................................................................................................... 9
7 Installing the XTRegister service ................................................................................................................................... 10
8 Starting the XTRegisterService...................................................................................................................................... 13
9 XTime Properties Editor ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Databases.................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Ports and Scanners ................................................................................................................................................... 15
10 Creating the database................................................................................................................................................... 15
11 Updating the Database ................................................................................................................................................. 17
12 Getting a Trial Licence Key ............................................................................................................................................ 18
12.1 Creating a Registration File ....................................................................................................................................... 18
12.2 Importing the HardwareKey (Licence) ...................................................................................................................... 19
13 Logging in ...................................................................................................................................................................... 20
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1 Review Sequence
Version #
Update details
Cindy-Lee vd Walt
Initial version
2 Prerequisites
The following is assumed to be in place before following this installation guide:
2.1 Environment
Terminal OS Windows 7, 8 or 10 operating system
Windows Server 2008 or later
SQL Server 2012 or later with SQL Server Management Studio
Microsoft Excel (needed for reporting)
Dot Net Framework 4.5.1 and higher
SQL mixed mode Authentication for SQL setup
SQL administrator user
Local Windows administrator user
Full admin rights to Xtime Server
2.2 User
Working knowledge of the Windows OS
Working knowledge of Excel
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3 Buttons used in XTime
There are three states of the new buttons: browse, inactive and hover
Add a new item to a selected category
Enter into edit mode to allow you to make changes to a selected entry.
Delete the entry you currently have selected. You will receive a warning
box before the deletion becomes final.
Save the information you have entered / edited.
Exit or Cancel
Exit without saving changes.
Run or Process
Processes selected function e.g. export.
Print Preview
Displays on screen a preview of that pages that will be printed.
Sends the information to the default printer.
Print to Excel
Prints the Report to an Excel Workbook
Save to csv
From the print preview the report can be saved as a csv file
Reload tables on controllers
Reset controllers
Copy data
Unlock | Clear
Clear a password
Down Arrow
Move selected data down
Left Arrow
Move selected data left | go back
Right Arrow
Move selected data right | go forward
Up Arrow
Move selected data up
Mail icon
Refresh data
Refreshes data when dates or other parameters are changed
Enables you to search the directories on the computer for a file / picture.
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4 Download the software
Navigate to in your windows browser.
If this is the first time you are accessing the ftp site, you will need to log in:
User name: Client
Password: 5KyC0m
Note that both the username and the password are case sensitive. Also tick the “Save password” checkbox so that you
don’t have to enter it again. Then click on the “Log On” button:
All the contents of the ftp site will be displayed. Open the “XTime Suite” folder by double clicking on it:
Inside the “XTime Suite” folder are all the related system applications and services. You can download all of them now
or just the contents of the Upgrade which is used to set up the trial version of the system:
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There is a, and an file; you will need all of these.
There are installation guides and user manuals for both the XTime Lite and Xtime Elite systems in the “documentation”
To download an item, right click on it and select “Copy to Folder” from the menu:
Select a folder from the list to copy the item to on your PC and click OK. The files will be copied to the location you
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5 Unzipping the files
Open the folder where you downloaded the files. Right click on the and select “Extract All…” and select
the folder to which you want to extract the application to. It is recommended to extract it to the same folder. Click on
the “Extract” button when you have selected the correct folder:
Follow the same process with the folder. Make sure the “.dll” files are in the same folder as the XT900
and XTLite applications
Open the “Skyzipper.exe” by double clicking on the file:
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Click on the “…” button to find the location of the “” file:
Search for the folder wherein you saved the files you downloaded from the ftp site. Make sure that the “Files of Type”
is selected as “Xtime archives” so that the “.sky” files are shown. You will see the file appear. Select this
by clicking on it once and then click on the “Open” button:
The “” file will now be in the source path:
Click on the folder where you want to extract the “” file to so that it is highlighted in blue:
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Once the folder is highlighted, click on the “Extract” button:
You will see the application working on extracting the “XTUpgrade.exe”
When it is complete, there will be a message at the bottom left of the application:
Close the Skyzipper application by clicking on the”Quit” button:
6 Unpacking the XTUpgrade.exe
Within the “XTUpgrade.exe” are several applications. You need to extract these by double clicking on the
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Click on the “Check” button. The XTUpgrade will check to see what applications and their versions are loaded on the
system. Because this is the first time you are installing the system, it will show “not found” under the timestamp for all
the exe’s except for the skyzipper application that you used to unzip the “XTUpgrade”.
Click on the “Upgrade” button to unpack the applications:
A new timestamp will be inserted once the corresponding application has been unpacked and placed in the folder. Click
on the “Close” button to exit the upgrade application.
7 Installing the XTRegister service
Click on the start button in Windows 7 and in the search box type cmd and wait for windows to find the “cmd.exe”
application. When it appears right click on it and select “Run as Administrator”. In Window 8 to 10 just start typing
“cmd” and this will automatically bring up the search and will find the “cmd.exe” :
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This will open the command prompt window:
Ensure that the command prompt is open as an administrator or the service will not install correctly:
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In windows explorer navigate to the folder where the “XTRegisterService.exe” is. Click in the file path so that it is
highlighted blue, right click and select copy:
Return to the command Prompt window, type CD and a space then right click and select paste:
This will paste in the file path to where the “xtregisterservice.exe” is located.
Press the “Enter” key on the keyboard:
Type in XTReg and press the tab key. The system will automatically select the XtRegisterService.exe for you:
Type a space and then /install and press the “Enter” key:
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Once the service has installed correctly, an information window will pop up with a message that says the service has
installed successfully. Click the “OK” button and close the command prompt window.
8 Starting the XTRegisterService
Click on the Start button and type services in the search box. When the services with the light blue cogs displays right
click on it and select open:
Search for the Xtime Register service and select it by clicking on it once. Once it is highlighted blue, click on the word
“Start” that appears in the top left of the window under the service name:
The status will now show as started.
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9 XTime Properties Editor
The next step is to create a database for your site. Ensure that SQL is installed on the PC or server that the pc will
connect to. Navigate to the folder where you unpacked the XTUpgrade and double click on the
A message will pop up that says “Properties file not found”. Click the “OK” button. This will create a “Log” folder and
place a log file inside it.
Click “OK” again and the Xtime Properties Editor will open:
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9.1 Databases
The only portion that needs to be completed is the Main (XT900) database.
 Enter the Host name or IP address of the computer or server where the database is housed
 Enter the SQL password for the SA user
9.2 Ports and Scanners
Enter the name or IP address of the computer or server where the XTRegisterService is loaded and running
10 Creating the database
Click on the “Save” button when you are done. The database options window will display after a few seconds.
Select the Create Main Database and click on the “Create Main Database” button
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Click on the “…” button to open the folder browser window to select which folder the database files must be created in:
After clicking the “OK” button from the windows folder browser, the file path will be inserted in the Database Folder
box and the Initialize button will be enabled. There is also a Generate test data checkbox. By ticking this box the system
will generate data for you to play with once the database is created. If you do not want any data in the database leave
the checkbox unticked. Now click on the “Initialize” button to create the database:
The database will be created. When the word “done” displays at the bottom, the initial process is complete and you can
close the window with the red close button at the top right of the window.
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11 Updating the Database
Once you have closed the Initialization window, you will be returned to the options screen of the Database Updater. If
you closed this window, just reopen the Get Upgrade Queries application. Select the “Upgrade Main Database” option
and click on the “upgrade Main Database” button to open the query window:
The query window will build a list of updates for the database:
To run these database updates, click on the run button at the bottom right of the screen
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When the updates have run, close the window with the red close button at the top right of the screen and run the same
process again until the screen shows “System is up to date”
The database is now loaded and you can proceed to registering your software for a trial licence key. You can close the
Database updater options screen.
12 Getting a Trial Licence Key
12.1 Creating a Registration File
Double click on the “XtLite.exe”. It will open on the Register Software screen. Click on the “Registration File” button to
create the registration for this software.
If you have not yet created a Site name, there will be a place for you to do so before continuing with the registration.
The site name is usually the company name.
Type in a name and click on the “Proceed” button
A pop-up message will appear indicating where the Registration file is saved to. This file needs to be sent to the licence
department of Skycom who will issue a Trial licence.
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Click on the “OK” button and send the file via email to [email protected].
12.2 Importing the HardwareKey (Licence)
When you receive a file back from the Licence department at Skycom, you can place it in the XTime folder where all
your other applications are loaded or anywhere you like.
Open your XTime if not already open. You will again be taken directly to the Register Software screen. Click on the
“Edit” button:
Click on the “Find HardwareSkycom.Sky” button:
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Navigate to where you saved the file received from the Licence department at Skycom. Click on it once to select it and
then click on the “Open” button:
The file will be imported by the system and the Licence Code field will auto-populate with the licence code.
All the modules that you will have access to will also be checked and the expiry date of the trial period will display. A
pop-up message will inform you that the system will be reloaded on the click of the “OK” button:
13 Logging in
Once the system has reloaded, you will see the Login screen with your windows username populated in the User Id field.
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Enter a password of “a” or “A” (without the “”) to log in. A message will ask if you want to “Save version 2.17.xx.x in the
database”. Select “Yes” to save the version to the database. This message will always appear until you choose “Yes”.
The landing page is the version history of the system. You are now free to explore the full system. Please note that not
all the features are available in a standard system. The following are add-on modules that need to be purchased:
 Equipment control
 3rd Party Equipment
 training
 Fatigue Management
 Events and Actions
 GenSync and IDOC Manager
 Command Centre
Refer to the XTElite or XTLite user manuals available on the ftp site.
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The same procedure is run for both the XTLite and the XTElite systems. You are allowed a trial of both. Two separate
folders should be created should you wish to have a trial of each. Once the trial of a system is registered, the systems
are not interchangeable, in other words you cannot run a Lite application on an Elite database and vice versa.
That is why 2 separate folders must be created; one system in each.
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