Download Minecraft Civilization Beliefs Handout

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What makes for a successful civilization?
- Belief Systems Objective:
How do the people of your civilization know what is good and right behavior? Take what you have
learned about the teachings of Hinduism, Confucianism, the Five Pillars of Islam, the Eightfold
Path, and the Ten Commandments to construct the tenets of belief and behavior both valued and
lived by the people within your civilization.
Step 1: You must include a descriptive paragraph for each tenet in your belief system (minimum of
three and a maximum of five). The formal paragraph must be color-coded and address each of the
following points:
1. Explain the belief and its purpose. How do the people of your civilization carry out or
honor this belief? How does this particular belief make for a successful civilization?
a. For example, think about one Muslim Pillar of Faith (e.g. Zakat or Siyam). What does it
stand for? What purpose does it hold? What do Muslims do to honor this belief?
2. How do the ideas and traditions of the belief you created in Step 1 compare and
contrast to the beliefs and traditions of other world religions? Think about the
following: Judeo-Christian (10 commandments), Islam (Five Pillars), Buddhism
(Eightfold Path), Hinduism (karma and dharma), and Confucianism.
Step 2: All throughout history, people have created various structures, buildings, and sacred spaces
within their civilizations that symbolize their dedication to a particular belief system. Design sacred
places within your Minecraft civilization that achieve the following:
1. Reflect and communicate the ideas and values of your civilization’s belief systems
2. Provide the people of your civilization with a place upon which they can gather, practice, and
learn the key values and teachings of your civilization’s belief system.
Class activity: Consider the images related to the key terms below and use them as an inspiration!
Famous Religious Structures
Pillars of Ashoka
Al-Haram Mosque
Sistine Chapel
Western Wall of Jerusalem
Potala Palace
Taktsang Palphug Monastery
Easter Island
What makes for a successful civilization?
- Belief Systems -
Buddhism - Eightfold Path
1. Right Viewpoint - Understand and accept the four noble truths.
2. Right Intention - Be determined to follow the eightfold path.
3. Right Speech - Avoid lying and gossip & swearing. Use kind words.
4. Right Action - Do good deeds and avoid bad ones like stealing, killing,
adultery, drinking alcohol, taking drugs.
5. Right Living - Avoid any work which involves violence or dishonesty.
Choose a job which helps people and/or animals.
6. Right Effort - Make an effort to avoid all evil thoughts and maintain and
increase good thoughts.
7. Right Mindfulness or Awareness - Maintain mindfulness or awareness
of your body and mind and of worldly things.
8. Right Concentration - Practice Meditation.
Islam - Five Pillars
The First Pillar of Islam: Shahadah = Faith
The Second Pillar of Islam: Salat = Daily Prayers
The Third Pillar of Islam: Zakat = Charity
The Fourth Pillar of Islam: Siyam = Fasting
The Fifth Pillar of Islam: Hajj = Pilgrimage
Mindst - Strong Mind
What makes for a successful civilization?
- Belief Systems -
The first tenet in the belief system of the people in Armstrongtopia is called
Mindst. Mindst stands for “strong mind” and it places an emphasis on one’s ability to
always maintain clear thinking and rightful behavior no matter the circumstances.
Armstrongtonians develop mindst through daily, hour long, meditation rituals. During
the meditation practice, Armstrongtonians sit perfectly still with their eyes closed and
their hands on their thighs. While meditating, they try to visualize their current life in a
difficult situation. For example, they may visualize themselves getting fired from their
job or being in an argument with a close friend or family member. Mindst requires the
Armstrongtonian to think of successful and positive ways to deal with the situation so
that the individual may better be able to improvise, adapt, and overcome the negative
situation that has occurred. This battle to overcome one’s own personal struggles is
similar to the Islamic teaching of jihad. Frey states that Jihad, “....represents the
human struggle to overcome difficulties and do things that would be pleasing to God”
(101). Just as the goal of jihad is to respond positively in negative situations for
Muslims, so is the goal of Mindst for Armstrongtonians. By being able to respond
positively in difficult situations, the people of Armstrongtopia are better prepared to
take responsibility for their actions and deal more appropriately with difficult times
when they occur. Mindst helps to make for a successful civilization because the
people are at greater social and political peace with one another.
P= Position