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The Holocaust
 Objectives
 Explain and analyze the sequence
of events that led to the
 Essential question –
 What was the Nazi Governments
final solution?
 Turn to a friend: What do you
already know about the
Holocaust. Write down A list of
what you already know.
I. Hitler: In 1933, Adolf Hitler came to power.
Hitler blamed the Jews for all of Germany’s
problems. The solution, he said, was to rid
Europe of all Jews.
This was called his “Final Solution”
II. Persecution: As soon as Hitler and the Nazis came to
power, new laws were passed that segregated and
discriminated against Jews. (Nuremberg Laws – created
a separate legal status for Jews living in Germany).
Jews were forced to wear arm badges, or
badges with the Star of David.
Jewish stores had to be marked with the Star
of David.
The Nazis encouraged boycotts of Jewish owned shops
and businesses. The purpose was to deprive Jews of their
ability to earn a living and to “Aryanize” all Jewish
The Nazis began burning books written
by Jews.
Jews were segregated from the rest of
society. The sign says, “Jews are forbidden to
walk on this side of the street.”
Jews could only ride in certain areas of
the streetcar.
By the late 1930s:
 Jews were barred from all public schools
and universities
 They were forbidden from entering
“Aryan” zones.
 Jewish doctors were not allowed to treatr
“Aryan” patients.
 Jews could not marry no-Jews.
 Jews with non-Jewish first names had to
add “Israel” or “Sara” to their names.
 All Jewish passports were stamped with
the letter “J”.
Also, picture after the Night of Broken
IV. Ghettos: Hitler ordered all Jews to be
segregated into ghettoes. They were forced
to leave their homes and could bring only
what they could carry.
The ghettoes were closed off from the
rest of the city.
In the ghetto, food was rationed. Below,
a ghetto ration card allows the holder
only 300 calories a day.
Jews had to chop furniture to use as fuel
in the ghetto.
A typical room in a ghetto.
VI. The Camps: The first concentration camps
were open in 1933 soon after Hitler became
Chancellor. Although there were several
different types of camps, ultimately they served
to carry out Hitler’s “Final Solution.”
At Auschwitz-Birkenau, one million Jews and
one million non-Jews were killed.
A warehouse full of shoes and clothing that
were confiscated from concentration camp
A crate full of wedding rings confiscated from
The inside of a barracks at a
concentration camp.
A prisoner forced to stand for hours as
Crematoria ovens in a concentration camp.
Containers of Zyklon B (poison gas pellets).
The last words of inmates at a death camp
are carved into these walls.
VII. Death Marches: By late 1943, the Germans
began dismantling the death camps to cover
up their crimes. In 1945, they sent prisoners
walking to central Germany.
VIII. Rescue & Liberation: As the war ended, victorious
Allied troops reclaimed Nazi-occupied territories where
they discovered concentration camps and other
evidence of the Holocaust. Death camp survivors were
rescued and freed.
Young and old survivors cheered the
approaching Allied troops.
Slave laborers at one concentration camp
survived in spite of the overcrowding, lack of
food, hard labor and psychological torture.
After the war, Allied forces forced German
civilians to witness the atrocities that had
occurred in their own backyards.
Not Only Jews
 Jews were not the only group targeted in the
“Final Solution” – other groups they considered
inferior were also included such as the Poles,
Slavs, homosexuals, people with disabilities, and
Roma gypsies.
 Approximately 5 million people other than Jews
were killed during the Holocaust.
 Jews, however, suffered the most during the
Holocaust resulting in 6 million dead.
 The mass murder of the Jews is known as the
In 1945 -1946 the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
brought 22 Nazi officials to court.