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Course Title:
Abnormal Psychology
Spring 2008
CLP 2140
R. 5:40 p.m. – 8:10 p.m.
Professor: Eric Belokon Ph.D., Psy.D.
Department: Social Science - Building 3 – 5th Floor
Office: Bldg 3 -- Rm 3506-8: Hrs: MF 1:25-1:55pm & W 12 – 1:20pm & TR 2-5:40pm
Phone: (305) 237-3185
Email: [email protected]
Course Description: This course examines the major categories of mental disorders.
Diagnostic criteria, treatment methods, cultural factors, public attitudes, community
resources, ethical issues and legislation applicable to individuals with mental disorders
are studied. The impacts of mental disorders on individuals, families and society are
Course Objectives: (NOTE: See attached Course Competencies).
The student will explore theoretical, biological and socio-cultural perspectives regarding
abnormal psychology.
In particular, upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
Identify key concepts associated with classifying abnormal behavior.
Describe the effects of various psychosocial causal factors, including schemas and selfschemas, early deprivation or trauma (parental deprivation, institutionalization, abuse,
etc.), inadequate parenting styles, marital discord and divorce, and problems with peer
Describe the basic elements of clinical assessment, including its nature and purpose and
the relationship between diagnosis and treatment.
Summarize the risk factors for suicide.
Identify the most appropriate treatments for disorders, and list the limitations of
biological and psychological treatments.
Compare and contrast the symptoms and diagnostic criteria for different disorders,
including stress.
Describe the typical personality patterns, cognitive styles, and family dynamics of
various disorders.
List the major symptoms of the various personality disorders and give several reasons
why their diagnosis is difficult.
Identify the three clusters into which the different personality disorders are grouped.
Identify the major biological, psychosocial, and sociocultural causal factors of alcohol
abuse and dependence.
Define, give examples of, and describe the clinical features of the following paraphilias:
fetishism, transvestic fetishism, voyeurism, exhibitionism, sadism, and masochism.
Identify the clinical features of and describe the treatments for gender identity disorders
(gender identity disorder of childhood and transsexualism).
Discuss the controversies surrounding children's testimony regarding sexual abuse and
adults' "recovered memories' of childhood sexual abuse.
Review what is known about the frequency of different kinds of childhood sexual abuse
and its perpetrators.
Identify the ways in which traumatic brain injury can affect neuropsychological
functioning, as well as the factors that determine prognosis.
Identify several symptom disorders common in children.
List and explain the special factors considered in treating mental health problems in
children and adolescents.
Describe the consequences of child abuse for child development.
Discuss the challenges facing mental health efforts now and in the future, and identify
ways in which individuals can help.
Course Methodology: (lecture and discussion, observation, group activities, audiovisual
presentations, readings, individual investigation and guest speakers, etc.)
Course content will be presented through assigned text and supplementary reading, classroom
lecture and discussion, demonstrations, and a term project. Students' views and opinions are
encouraged and are considered refreshing addition to the class format. However, disrespect will
not be tolerated. You are ultimately responsible for your performance and its results. By reading
and studying, often moving ahead of the pace of the class because we may not be able to cover all
that is projected, you will be at a great advantage in maximizing your chances for an excellent
grade. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that you purchase a textbook as soon as possible
and begin studying on your own where the full responsibility for your academic success
ultimately lies.
Pre-requisites: None
Textbook/Resources/Supplies: Essentials of Abnormal Psychology - 3rd edition
Durand, V.M. & Barlow, D.H (2003)
ISBN 0-534-59805-6
* Supplemental Texts: may be suggested during the course
Grading Criteria: Attendance/Participation = 10%; Quizzes = 10%; Homework = 10%:
Project(s) = 20%; Exams = 50%
Grading Scale Your final grade will be determined as follows:
A = 90 - 100 points excellent; superior
B = 80 - 89 points
C = 70 - 79 points
D = 60 - 69 points
just passing
F = below 60 points unacceptable for course credit
Grades: At the end of the term, each student enrolled in the course will receive a grade of
A, B, C, D, F, I, or W. The W grade indicates that you decided to "drop" the course or
were dropped from the course by the instructor. It is the student's responsibility to
officially withdraw from this course. If you decide to drop the course you must do so
before the deadline.
Incomplete grade: A grade of I indicates that, for some reason, it is impossible to
assign a final letter grade. If a student receives a grade of I they will have 30 days from
the start of the next regular semester to make-up any necessary course work so a different
grade can be assigned. If a grade of I is not removed by the end of the required time
limit, the I will become a grade of F.
Drop/Withdrawal - is the responsibility of the student but it may be beneficial to
first consult with the professor. However, it is the responsibility of the student to fill out
an official withdrawal form with the Registrar’s office. If the student does not officially
withdraw, s/he may receive an “F” in the course.
Course Requirements:
Week 1. Introduction – Overview
Week 2: (chapter 1)
Week 3: (chapter 2)
Week 4: (chapter 3) Review for Exam
Week 5: * Exam 1
Week 6: (chapters 4 & 6)
Week 7: (chapters 5 & 7)
Week 8: * Review for Exam
Week 9: * Exam 2
Week 10: (chapters 8 & 9)
Week 11: (chapter 10 & 11)
Week 12: * Review for Exam
Week 13: * Exam 3
Week 14: (chapters 12 & 13)
Week 15: (chapters 13 & 14) * Research Project(s) are due: * Review for Exam
Week 16: * Final Exam
For each chapter you are should do the following:
Read the textbook chapter, organize your notes, communicate with your classmates and
instructor quiz yourself with matching, fill-in-the-blank, and true false questions to
immediately reinforce your learning, and provide guidance for further study, check your
progress, customize the course materials to fit your study habits. You should work at a
pace that allows you to complete each chapter in accordance with the time frame listed in
the Course Outline. The student is accountable for all assigned reading.
Exams: There will be four exams and pop quizzes. Both the exams and quizzes will
primarily consist of multiple choice questions, though may also include fill in the blanks,
matching, true and false items, and short essays. Make sure that for every exam you have
a scantron and a #2 pencil for every exam. All tests are closed book tests.
Homework: Will be assigned after each session
Extra-credit: in extreme and legitimate circumstances may be obtained in this course by
completing additional research projects.
Research Project: All topics must be approved by the instructor.
The options to choose from to satisfy this requirement include; only one required
a. The course term paper/presentation - is an in-depth research on a pre-approved topic
in the area of Psychology. The topic you have selected is yours to develop and present in
an informative manner (be creative and dynamic – i.e., PowerPoint format) to the class
for about 15 to 20 minutes. Your sources are to be only from the professional literature
(journals) and professional books. Cite all sources in the body of the paper in APA
citation style, with an APA style References page at the end of paper containing a
minimum of 3 professional journal references in addition to other sources. Do not quote
from your source, but simply put in your own words and cite the reference. While quality
of content and writing is most important, the paper should be a minimum of between 8 to
10 pages (double spaced). Use Arial or New Times Roman 12 point fonts only, double
space between lines, and with 1 inch margin on all 4 sides. This is an opportunity for you
to dig into a topic area that interests you and really learn what is known (or not) about it.
b. Journal - you are required to keep a journal for the entire semester. Each week, you
are responsible for recording at least two journal entries (could be more) relative to the
content of the course that has been discussed in class, from your readings, videos, and
other supplementary materials. Your journal should be headed with the date for each
week’s entries so that when I am evaluating your work, I can see clearly that there are at
least two entries for each week. You may choose to write brief essays, use poetry,
clippings and articles to support but not take the place of your entries. You can include
pictures, use puzzles, art, or any other creative format to help clarify or solidify your
opinions relative to the entries. At the end of the semester, you should be able to browse
through your entire journal and gain a clear picture of how much you have learned and
the manner in which you have applied the knowledge gained. It is best to use a three-ring
binder or any other binder with a flexible cover that is adequate to hold all the content of
your journal, so plan ahead. Notepads, notebooks, and diaries are not allowed. Please
keep in mind that this is an academic requirement and it must be presentable, attractive,
creative in some way, and contain adequate content. All entries should be typed and
dated appropriately. You can move at your own pace with the entries but to avoid falling
behind with your work, it is highly suggested that you attempt to keep up with the
required work and deadlines. Occasionally, I may ask you to do a particular assignment
and include it as part of your entries. Complete details will be given concerning the
format and content required for these specific assignments. Each journal entry must be
typed and should be no less than half a page in length. Your grade will be evaluated
qualitatively and quantitatively, so a high standard of work is expected. All entries
should reflect your thoughts and opinions relative to the application of course
content and you are urged to use the language of the course in writing your entries.
Your grade will depend largely on your ability to make practical application of
course content, your appropriate use of the course language and creativity.
Due Date: __________________________________
c. Video Production - Students may choose to form a project team (no more than 5
students) for the purpose of planning, organizing, and producing a video related to the
course content. This project may have a special interest to those students with access to
video equipment, an interest in journalism, audio-visual, movie production, or as a
learning activity.
Students must be prepared to present their project to the class on the scheduled date
assigned by the instructor. Also, be prepared to answer any questions the class may have
concerning the video – its contents, goals, and motive/s.
On the day of the presentation, the group must submit one written report expressing why
they chose that particular topic/issue, what is their objective/goal, and their personal
opinion/feelings about the overall project. The written report must be at least three pages
in length, typed, double spaced, and font size no larger than 12.
The video must not exceed 30 minutes. The video will be assessed on content, scope,
clarity, creativity, and application of course content.
Interested students should sign in the spaces below:
Due Date: __________________________________
d. Group Booklet This is a group project and can be done in groups of five or six persons. You are required
to conduct research on your topic based on approval by the instructor and create a
brochure: 4-6 pages minimum. (Remember to cite sources at the back of your brochure).
Create a brochure for a Community Center or Agency in your neighborhood. Imagine
that you want to inform people about an important topic related to Psychology and
significant issues in our community/environment. For example, ADHD, Depression,
Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Coping with HIV/AIDS, Stress, Personality Disorder,
Surviving College, etc.
Students are encouraged to be creative – use colors, vary the font, match carefully what
you are writing with the overall appearance of the brochure to make it as eye-catching as
possible - you want to get people’s attention!
The objective of this assignment is to help you become familiar with psychological
research, remain informed about current issues that affect many of us psychologically,
share your knowledge with others, and help to empower others with the information you
have acquired. There are many individuals in our communities who are uninformed and
this ignorance leads them into a downward spiral, from which often they are unable to
escape or receive help. By focusing on diverse groups within our communities, we can
help to bring about change and offer hope.
If students provide an exceptional project, I will confer with the Dean of Students and Chairperson of
my department for permission to have the information printed and distributed/displayed across the
campus for the benefit of other students and anyone else who might be interested.
Due Date: __________________________________
e. Group Presentation/Research Paper
The topic you have selected is yours to develop and present as you may desire as a
group. Students are advised to work cooperatively as a group to achieve a common goal
– a successful presentation. This is also a learning experience and you are urged to
actively participate in this process. While there are some setbacks to group work, there
are many advantages:
 It develops cooperation and planning skills
 It encourages leadership and active participation
 It leads to better relationships within the class
 It prepares students for the real world
1) Forming groups - individuals will be assigned on a random basis. Members are not
chosen by me or anyone else but from a fair and balanced process. It is then up to the
members of the group to select (if they so choose) one individual who will be the
coordinator. This individual ensures effective functioning of the group by leading
meetings, facilitating discussion, guiding the synthesis of ideas, and facilitating the
presentation. The group coordinator is also responsible for keeping me informed of
progress and any problems in the group. The quality of the leadership by the coordinator
will be considered in the final grade of each person who serves in that role: a good job
will help; irresponsibility will hurt. However, everyone should try and have an even and
fair share of workload.
2) Group Presentation – A Description -The objective of this group activity is to create
a discourse about ideas within the group and to provide interesting insights into the topic
for the rest of the class. Therefore, you must give a brief historical background of your
topic, current information and future trends related to the topic. All sources used must
be no earlier than 2000. A minimum of three sources is required for each section of
the topic assigned to each person. Hence, if a member is responsible for discussing
the historical aspect of a particular topic, that person must use at least three
sources. Out of those three sources, one must be a book, one internet resource, and
the other from a magazine/journal, or one book and two internet resources,
whichever is applicable.
3) Assessment of Group members
The day of the group presentation, each individual will submit separately and
confidentially: A one page commentary on the contribution of others in the group to the
group’s success (e.g., quality of commentaries, attendance at group meetings, effort,
effectiveness, leadership, creativity, cooperation).
* In Case of Non-cooperative Behavior - If, it becomes evident, that any member of a
group fails to participate sufficiently and constructively, s/he will be dropped from the
group and will be required to do an enhanced project on their own. If a group as a whole
seems to be dysfunctional, the group will be disbanded and each member will be required
to do an enhanced project on their own. I strongly suggest that members work diligently
at cohesiveness and functionality.
Due Date: __________________________________
d. Group Booklet
This is a group project and can be done in groups of five or six persons. You are required
to conduct research on your topic based on approval by the instructor and create a
brochure: 4-6 pages minimum. (Remember to cite sources at the back of your brochure).
Create a brochure for a Community Center or Agency in your neighborhood. Imagine
that you want to inform people about an important topic related to Psychology and
significant issues in our community/environment. For example, ADHD, Depression,
Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Coping with HIV/AIDS, Stress, Personality Disorder,
Surviving College, etc.
Students are encouraged to be creative – use colors, vary the font, match carefully what
you are writing with the overall appearance of the brochure to make it as eye-catching as
possible - you want to get people’s attention!
The objective of this assignment is to help you become familiar with psychological
research, remain informed about current issues that affect many of us psychologically,
share your knowledge with others, and help to empower others with the information you
have acquired. There are many individuals in our communities who are uninformed and
this ignorance leads them into a downward spiral, from which often they are unable to
escape or receive help. By focusing on diverse groups within our communities, we can
help to bring about change and offer hope.
If students provide an exceptional project, it might be conferred with the Dean of Students and
Chairperson of Social Science department for permission to have the information printed and
distributed/displayed across the campus for the benefit of other students and anyone else who
might be interested.
e. Video Production
Students may choose to form a project team (no more than 5 students) for the purpose of
planning, organizing, and producing a video related to the course content. This project
may have a special interest to those students with access to video equipment, an interest
in journalism, audio-visual, movie production, or as a learning activity.
Students must be prepared to present their project to the class on the scheduled date
assigned by the instructor. Also, be prepared to answer any questions the class may have
concerning the video – its contents, goals, and motive/s.
On the day of the presentation, the group must submit one written report expressing why
they chose that particular topic/issue, what is their objective/goal, and their personal
opinion/feelings about the overall project. The written report must be at least three pages
in length, typed, double spaced, and font size no larger than 12.
The video must not exceed 30 minutes. The video will be assessed on content, scope,
clarity, creativity, and application of course content.
Interested students should sign in the spaces below:
f. A Book Review – a written evaluation of a particular non-fiction work focusing on a
psychology relevant topic. It takes the form of an essay. It is done after careful reading,
note-taking, and analysis of what the author is trying to convey. Provide a thorough
description of the work, author’s perspectives, your position, and your opinion of the
whole work. Remember, you cannot praise or condemn without proof, explain your
personal reactions. See the Section on the - The course term paper/presentation to guide
you with the required format.
Assignments – must be turned in on time. No late assignments will be accepted,
unless approved by the instructor on a case-by-case basis, and only for extreme
emergencies. All written reports for the research projects are to be submitted three weeks
prior to the end of the semester.
All assignments must be typed and adhere to the following:
a) Appropriate heading: A cover page to include
Student name – Course Days and Time of class - Date - Title of Assignment
b) All pages must be neat (No rip-outs, jagged edges, etc.
Multiple pages must be stapled or paper-clipped.
c) All margins observed (1” on all four sides of the page).
Font size #12 only, double –spaced and Times Roman font style only.
d) Satisfactory content and correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, etc
Multiple pages must be stapled or paper-clipped.
Failure to adhere to the above instructions will result in a deduction of 10 points per
assignment; therefore, I encourage you to do your best on the first attempt. With each
assignment, you will be given complete instructions about the format and requirements.
Learning Resources - There are a variety of resources on campus available for students
whose first language is not English, or those who have difficulty with writing
assignments. The Writing Center is located in Rm. 2201 and there are a number of tutors
available for individual help in other areas as well. Please make use of these resources
since this will increase your chances of getting a good grade in the course.
Special Needs - Students with disabilities can contact the ACCESS Department located
in Building 1, Room 1180. Students must present documentation from ACCESS to the
instructor, informing of their specific needs. ACCESS students are allowed to be
accompanied by a note-taker or language interpreter, depending on the particular need.
Students who do not qualify for ACCESS but have difficulty keeping up with class notes
may use a tape recorder to assist them in retention and retrieval of the material.
Visitors in the classroom
In order to maintain an appropriate learning environment, only individuals who are
officially registered will be allowed in the classroom. Any special arrangement must be
made in advance with the instructor.
Students are also expected to abide by the college’s Code of Conduct, as described in the
Handbook of Student Rights and Responsibilities – (See web link provided below)
Listed here are general guidelines for student behavior
* Attendance: MDC guidelines and standards are followed. Attendance will be
taken during each class meeting by passing a sheet of paper around the classroom that
has the name of each student currently enrolled in the course printed on it. Those
students who sign the attendance sheet in the appropriate place will be recorded as
present for that class session. Each student will be allowed to miss three class hours.
Absences over three classes may result in a student being "dropped" from the course.
Occasionally a prolonged absence from class may be unavoidable due to illness,
family emergency, and so forth. If you will have to miss three or more consecutive
class hours, please notify the instructor as soon as possible. If you do not notify the
instructor about a prolonged absence you may be dropped from the course after you
miss the third class hour.
NOTE: Absence from a class meeting does not exempt you from any class work that
is due during the time you are absent. Students who absolutely must miss a class
should call the instructor and leave a message prior to the class they are going to
miss, or as soon as they can get to a telephone in case of an emergency.
*Academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, and any other misrepresentation of
work) is a major violation of MDC Disciplinary Policies and Procedures and will not
be tolerated. Students involved in any form of academic dishonesty will face
disciplinary sanctions (may include termination from a program) according to MDC’s
Disciplinary Policies and Procedures. Disciplinary sanctions may include termination
from a program. Please familiarize yourself with MDC’s General Policies and
Procedures Manual”
Academic dishonesty includes such features as:
a) Cheating on an examination.
b) Plagiarizing – taking and passing off as one’s own the ideas, writings, or work of
another without citing the sources.
c) Falsifying records.
d) Submitting work from another course without permission by the instructor.
e) Assisting anyone to do any of the above.
In General, student is to refrain from engaging in behaviors that most people
consider inappropriate, insolent, and challenging. (i.e., reading newspapers or
magazines in class, doing work from another course during class, passing notes or
playing games, walking in late and passing in front of the instructor). Students
who come early are asked to sit at the front or nearby and leave the back rows of
the classroom for those who might be late, in order to avoid students having to
walk in front of the instructor while class is in session and minimize the
disruption that may occur from time to time. Let us be cooperative and avoid
others feeling uncomfortable.
Students will, as much as is possible, avoid entering class late or leaving class
early. If it is necessary to leave a class early, please let the instructor know before
the class session begins.
Considering that development of critical thinking and promotion of “deep
learning” is a goal of the class, participation via questioning and discussion is
required. Student is encouraged to prudently and respectfully express their
comments, and avoid trivial pop psychology commentary. During lectures
students will be taking notes and will raise their hand and wait to be
acknowledged before speaking. Students will avoid the temptation of whispering
and creating a general distraction/nuisance during lectures. Participation via
questioning and discussion is required to promote “deep learning” as it is an
active process, and is a part of your grade.
Electronic devices for personal use such as cellular phone, headphones, Ipod, etc.,
should not be used in the classroom Students who fail to turn off their electronic
devices prior to entering classroom will be asked to leave the room...
No make-up exams may be taken, unless a legitimate reason is provided and
appropriate documentation is submitted, and if it is made-up before the test
questions and answers are returned to students. It is the student's responsibility to
make any arrangements to make-up a test before the questions and answers are
returned to students.
Students will bring all necessary supplies for exams (i.e., paper, pen, pencil,
scantron) with them to class. Test questions will be answered on machine scored
answer sheets and a #2 pencil is recommended.
Personal Philosophy: What you believe, you will perceive, and then receive.
Personal mission: to empower you to optimize your natural capacity in
improving the quality of your daily life and contribute to a betterment of the
*** Course requirements are subject to change by instructor as deemed appropriate to
meet the needs of the program and the student. Students are responsible for information
in the syllabus, and pertinent documentation and announcements made in the class
whether or not you are present. “Yes, why not”, read this syllabus again.
Purpose: Through the academic disciplines and co-curricular activities, General
Education provides multiple, varied, and intentional learning experiences to facilitate the
acquisition of fundamental knowledge and skills and the development of attitudes that
foster effective citizenship and life-long learning.
As graduates of Miami Dade College, students will be able to:
1. Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
2. Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data.
3. Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning.
4. Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information.
5. Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures, including global and historical
6. Create strategies that can be used to fulfill personal, civic, and social
7. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society.
8. Use computer and emerging technologies effectively.
9. Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities.
10. Describe how natural systems function and recognize the impact of humans on the