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Exam 1 Study Guide
Chapter 1:
 Define and give examples of Earth’s biodiversity
 Summarize the four characteristics that all living things share
 Biosphere
 Biodiversity: definition and where is biodiversity the greatest?
 Species
 Biology
 Organism
 Cell
 Metabolism
 Summarize four major unifying themes of biology
 Give an example of each of the themes of biology
 System
 Ecosystem
 Homeostasis
 Evolution
 Adaptation
Chapter 5:
 Describe the specialization in multicellular organisms.
 Identify different types of stem cells.
 Tissues
 Organ
 Organ system
 Cell differentiation
 Characteristics of stem cells. Why are they important?
Metric System Conversions:
 Know from nano- to Tera-.
 Lab examples
 SI units
 Metric System PowerPoint
Lab Stuff:
 Hypothesis
 Scientific method
 Independent variable
 Dependent variable
 Experimental vs control group