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Global TB
Drug Facility
“Securing timely access
to quality, affordable TB drugs”
What services does the GDF provide?
• Grant Service for first-line anti-TB drugs for
countries for some or all of their drug supply and
wish to expand or strengthen their DOTS
• Direct Procurement Service for countries,
NGOs and donors to buy first- or second-line
anti-TB drugs for use in DOTS programmes;
• Facilitator of Rational Use of TB medicines
GDF as Rational Use facilitator
• Standardization
• FDC tablets
• Blister sheets of 7 x 4 tablets
• Patient kits
• Pediatric formulations
• Quantification tool
GDF as Rational Use facilitator
• Only medicines for WHO
recommended regimens
• 10 first line products:
– 5 FDCs
– 3 single formulations
– Streptomycin and for Injections
• 8 second line products
GDF as Rational Use facilitator
FDC tablets
• Patients: less tablets to take
• Improved adherence
• Reduces development of MDR TB
• Same No. of tablets throughout intensive
and continuation phases of treatment
GDF as Rational Use facilitator
GDF designed blister cards
• 1 card: 4 rows of 7 = 28 tablets
• Based on dosing schemes of 28 dose per
• Regardless patients takes 2, 3, 4 or 5 tabs
• Always full blister cards used for intensive
as well as for continuation phase of Tr.
GDF as Rational Use facilitator
Stop TB Patient kits
Stop TB Patient Kits
Full treatment for one patient in the
middle weight band (40 to 54 kg)
For patients in the
• lower (30-39 kg) or higher (55-70 kg)
weight bands and beyond
• the health worker will adjust the
number of blisters at the beginning of
Every kit is personalised for the patient
by writing name, address,
body weight and treatment register
number on the outside of the kit:
GDF as Rational Use facilitator
Quantification tool (Excel based)
calculate country wide TB drug requirements:
• Regimens,
• No. of patients / regimen
• Present stocks,
• Buffer stocks,
• Stock-out dates / required dates of delivery
• Quantities per item
• Cost per item / total cost
Thank you for your support
to the GDF!