Download Regionally Significant Weeds In the Southern Rivers CMA region

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Regionally Significant Weeds In the Southern Rivers CMA region
Common Distribution, Name status and trend1 Lantana Extensive becoming more widespread and common in the northern part of region; rare and isolated south of Ulladulla. Lantana must be stopped in the area south of Ulladulla. Serrated Tussock Widespread across the region, particularly tablelands, though in many areas it remains absent or sparse. Still spreading rapidly. Found primarily along transport corridors in the Kiama and Shellharbour LGAs. More widespread in the Wollongong LGA. Not present south of Kiama on the coast or the tablelands at this stage. Spreading. Widespread throughout the region. Common weed of roadsides, unimproved grazing land. And disturbed bushland. Persistent patches are in hard‐to‐manage areas. Coolatai Grass Blackberry Priority sites Containment strategy Key actions National, State, regional or local strategies2 Southern containment zone lies to the south of the boundary with ESC. Shoalhaven buffer zone lies to the south of Ulladulla. Lower priority–Illawarra and Shoalhaven land management zone lies to the north of Ulladulla. Clean country and small new infestations. Larger infestations must not be neglected and land managers may need support. Eradicate south of the containment line; strategically reduce in the buffer zone, Protect priority sites in land management zone. Prevent sale. Staged eradication/control programs in the containment and buffer zones.. Protect priority sites in land management zone. Promote best practice management. Facilitate biological control. Extension programs. ST&SCNPC plan expired 2010. National Strategy for lantana. PLAN TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS from Lantana. Limited work is likely without external funding. Target isolated infestations. . Reduce marginal infestations and contain core infestations. Search and destroy rare and isolated infestations. Reduce marginal infestations. Promote best practice management in core infestations. Extension program. ST&SCNPC and Monaro plan concluded Dec 2008. National Strategy for serrated tussock. GRASSY WEEDS THREAT ABATEMENT PLAN (TAP). High risk pathways in the Kiama and Shellharbour LGAs (ie transport corridors). Establish containment line on Shellharbour / Wollongong boundary. Prevent spread south and west by establishing containment zones within the Wollongong LGA and destroying all infestations in adjoining LGAs. Search and destroy all infestations outside the Wollongong LGA. Establish containment lines on the Wollongong LGA boundary. GRASSY WEEDS TAP According to local priorities. Keep clean areas clean. Protect key threatened species and EECs. Concentrate efforts to clean areas. Staged programs progressively control larger patches. Education and awareness programs ST&SCNPC plan concluded Dec 2007. National
Strategy for blackberry. Regional Weed Management Strategy for Southern Rivers Catchment 1 Common Distribution, Name status and trend1 Priority sites Containment strategy Key actions National, State, regional or local strategies2 African Lovegrass Widespread across the region, though in many areas it still remains absent or sparse. Still spreading rapidly. Clean country and small, new and emerging infestations. Search and destroy rare and isolated infestations. Reduce marginal infestations. Promote best practice management in core infestations. Extension program. Control on road verges and other high risk pathways. ST&SCNPC, and Monaro plan concluded Dec 2008 GRASSY WEEDS TAP Scotch Broom Widespread through region, particularly broom in upper Shoalhaven River. Clean country and small new infestations. Restrict expansion and destroy new and emerging infestations. Promote grazing strategies to limit seeding in core areas. Reduce marginal infestations. Contain core infestations. Eradicate small infestations. Consolidate previous control. Staged programs on larger infestations. ST&SCNPC plan concluded Dec 2007. Gorse Limited distribution in the south; more common in the north. All areas if found. Search and destroy all infestations. Target high risk pathways to prevent / limit spread. Fireweed Widespread across the coastal plain, though in some areas, it still remains absent or sparse. Spreading rapidly, All willows are widespread, associated mostly with rivers. Seedling willows on gravel beds. Isolated populations at Bombala, Bega and in the Wollongong area. New infestations continue to be found. Marginal population at Braidwood,. Large clean areas according to local priorities. EECs such as Themeda headlands Control emerging infestations. Target high risk pathways to prevent / limit spread. Prevent sale. Staged eradication programs of smaller infestations. Facilitate biological control. Reduce marginal infestations. Promote best practice management in core infestations. Extension program. Search and destroy all infestations. Promote best practice management. Control on road verges and along riparian corridors. Search and control emerging populations. Promote best practice management in core infestations. Rare and isolated weedy species. Priority sites per NPWS PAS. Staged programs to either protect a site or to eliminate from an area. Search and destroy rare and isolated infestations. Reduce marginal infestations. National Strategy for willows. Wollongong, Bombala, Bega and other areas with very small infestations. Restrict expansion and destroy primary infestations. Promote grazing strategies and other pasture management strategies to limit seeding in core areas. Search and destroy rare and isolated infestations. Reduce marginal infestations. Promote best practice management in core infestations. Extension program. National Strategy for Chilean needle grass. ST&SCNPC plan concluded Dec 2007. GRASSY WEEDS TAP. Willows Chilean Needle Grass Regional Weed Management Strategy for Southern Rivers Catchment National Strategy for gorse. ST&SCNPC plan concluded Dec 2008 2 Common Distribution, Name status and trend1 Priority sites Containment strategy Key actions National, State, regional or local strategies2 Bitou Bush Bitou is widespread along the coast . It is more common and in greater density in the northern Shoalhaven and Illawarra regions. Limited distribution south of Sussex Inlet. Control programs are progressively reducing it. Emerging as a difficult weed in Illawarra and lower Shoalhaven. Recently found at Bega. All areas south of the national containment line at Sussex Inlet. Protect areas according to TAP priorities north of Sussex Inlet. Staged programs outside of TAP sites. In the containment zone eradicate all infestations. Consolidate and expand previous control programs to the north of the containment line. Eradicate all infestations south of Sussex Inlet. Search and destroy rare and isolated infestations to the north. Reduce marginal infestations. Contain core sites and establish buffer zones to prevent further spread. ST&SCNPC plan concludes June 2011. BITOU TAP. National Strategy for bitou bush and boneseed. Clean country and small isolated/new infestations. Reduce spread by promoting better stock and produce movement practices. Control small infestations. Staged programs on larger infestations. Restrict expansion. ST&SCNPC plan concluded March 2007. NATIONAL SPOROBOLUS PLAN Maderia Vine Widespread and common in the north but limited further south and on the Tablelands. Urban interface; Littoral and subtropical RF; Riparian corridors; disturbed bushland. Staged programs to either protect a site or to eliminate from an area. Alligator Weed Very limited number of populations all on the coast. Backyard gardens and wetlands/creeks. All areas if found. Salvinia Very limited number of populations on farm dams, swamps, creeks. All areas if found. Eradicate wherever found if possible especially if weed threatens river systems or threatened species. Control annually at established sites. Eradicate wherever found if possible especially if weed threatens river systems or threatened species. Control annually at established sites. Extension program to reduce spread. Search and destroy small/isolated infestations. Reduce marginal infestations. Promote best practice management in core infestations. Control road verges and other high risk pathways Education and publicity programs to raise awareness of threat Control priority sites. Search and destroy in areas where weed is uncommon. Search and destroy. Search and destroy. ST&SCNPC plan concludes June 2011. National
Strategy. Giant Parramatta Grass Regional Weed Management Strategy for Southern Rivers Catchment EXOTIC VINES TAP ST&SCNPC plan concludes June 2011. National
Strategy. 3 Common Distribution, Name status and trend1 Priority sites Containment strategy Key actions National, State, regional or local strategies2 Water Hyacinth All areas if found. Eradicate wherever found if possible especially if weed threatens river systems or threatened species. Control annually at established sites. Control small infestations. Staged programs on larger infestations. Search and destroy. ST&SCNPC plan concludes June 2011. Search and destroy primary infestations. Progressively reduce marginal infestations. Participate in biological control programs. Search and destroy all known populations National Strategy bridal creeper. Search and destroy all known populations ST&SCNPC plan concludes June 2011. National
Strategy for bitou bush and boneseed.
Extension program to reduce spread. Search and destroy small/isolated infestations. Reduce marginal infestations. Promote best practice management in core infestations. Control road verges and other high risk pathways. ST&SCNPC plan concluded June 2008.
Very limited number of populations on farm dams, swamps, creeks. Asparagus Coastal reserves, Spp. Bridal native bushland, Veil Creeper urban areas. Increasing. In or near environmentally significant bushland. Sea Spurge Widespread along the coast south of Kiama. Limited distribution. Emerging weed on both the coast and Tablelands. Entire coastline Eradicate All areas if found. Limited distribution on the coast. Widespread on the Tablelands. Spreading. All areas where found on the coast. Clean country and Isolated infestations on the Tablelands. Search and destroy with objective of eradication over time. Eradicate on the coast. Control small infestations on the Tablelands and implement staged programs on larger infestations. Restrict expansion. Boneseed Saint John’s Wort Regional Weed Management Strategy for Southern Rivers Catchment 4