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Pinnacle Safety Program
IH-007 Hearing Conservation Program
Updated: 03/2013
Page: 1 of 4
GM Approval by:
The purpose of these standards is to prevent the occurrence and reduce the progression of
occupational noise-induced hearing loss among our miners.
This part sets forth mandatory health standards for each surface and underground coal mine
subject to the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977. This program covers Pinnacle
operations at 8 Haulage, ID Number 46-01816; the Preparation Plant, ID Number 46-05868;
and Green Ridge, ID Number 46-09222.
a. Action level. An 8-hour time-weighted average sound level (TWA8) of 85 dBA, or
equivalently a dose of 50%, integrating all sound levels from 80 dBA to at least
130 dBA
b. Audiologist. A professional, specializing in the study and rehabilitation of
hearing, who is certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
(ASHA) or licensed by a state board of examiners.
c. Baseline audiogram. The audiogram recorded in accordance with § 62.170(a)
of this part against which subsequent audiograms are compared to determine the
extent of hearing loss.
d. Criterion level. The sound level which if constantly applied for 8 hours results in
a dose of 100% of that permitted by the standard.
e. Decibel (dB). A unit of measure of sound pressure levels, defined in one of two
ways, depending upon the use:
1. For measuring sound pressure levels, the decibel is 20 times the common
logarithm of the ratio of the measured sound pressure to the standard
reference sound pressure of 20 micropascals (µPa), which is the threshold
of normal hearing sensitivity at 1000 Hertz (Hz).
2. For measuring hearing threshold levels, the decibel is the difference
between audiometric zero (reference pressure equal to 0 hearing
threshold level) and the threshold of hearing of the individual being tested
at each test frequency.
f. Dual Hearing Protection Level. A TWA
8 of 105 dBA, or equivalently, a dose of 800% of that permitted by the standard,
integrating all sound levels from 90 dBA to at least 140 dBA.
g. Hearing protector. Any device or material, capable of being worn on the head
or in the ear canal, sold wholly or in part on the basis of its ability to reduce the
level of sound entering the ear, and which has a scientifically accepted indicator
of noise reduction value.
h. Hertz (Hz). Unit of measurement of frequency numerically equal to cycles per
Pinnacle Safety Program
IH-007 Hearing Conservation Program
Updated: 03/2013
Page: 2 of 4
GM Approval by:
Permissible exposure level (PEL). A TWA8 of 90 dBA or equivalently a dose of
100% of that permitted by the standard, integrating all sound levels from 90 dBA
to at least 140 dBA.
Reportable hearing loss. A change in hearing sensitivity for the worse, relative
to the miner's baseline audiogram, or the miner's revised baseline audiogram
where one has been established of an average of 25 dB or more at 2000, 3000,
and 4000 Hz in either ear.
k. Revised baseline audiogram. An annual audiogram designated to be used in
lieu of a miner's original baseline audiogram in measuring changes in hearing
sensitivity as a result of the circumstances set forth in 30 CFR 62.170(c)(1) or
62.170(c)(2) of this part.
l. Sound level. The sound pressure level in decibels measured using the Aweighting network and a slow response, expressed in the unit dBA.
m. Standard threshold shift (STS). A change in hearing sensitivity for the worse
relative to the miner's baseline audiogram, or relative to the most recent revised
baseline audiogram where one has been established, of an average of 10 dB or
more at 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz in either ear.
n. Time-weighted average—8 hour (TWA8). The sound level which, if constant
over 8 hours, would result in the same noise dose as is measured.
a. The General Manager has the ultimate responsibility for the utilization of this program
at Pinnacle.
b. All Site Managers shall ensure adherence to the Hearing Conservation program.
c. Employees are responsible for understanding and adhering to this Hearing
Conservation program and procedures.
d. The management team will provide hearing protection use, limitations, proper wear
and limitations of hearing protectors during Annual Training.
e. Pinnacle will provide a variety of hearing protection in accordance with 30 CFR
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Pinnacle Safety Program
IH-007 Hearing Conservation Program
Updated: 03/2013
Page: 3 of 4
GM Approval by:
f. Pinnacle will maintain employees audiometric test results for as long as they are
employed at Pinnacle plus six (6) months.
g. Pinnacle Safety Department with the assistance of Human Resources will notify the
miner in writing if the monitoring results show an exposure exceeding 85 dBA, within
fifteen (15) days. HR will maintain a copy of this notification in the employee’s
a. Upon employment at Cliffs Natural Resources, all employees are automatically
enrolled in our Hearing Conservation Program.
b. The Safety Team shall provide assistance and guidance for a system of monitoring
that evaluates each miner's noise exposure sufficiently to determine continuing
compliance with this Hearing Conservation program.
c. The Management Team must assure that no miner is exposed at any time to sound
levels exceeding 115 dBA, as determined without adjustment for the use of any
hearing protector.
d. If during any work shift a miner's noise exposure equals or exceeds the action level of
85 dBA, (TWA8) the Pinnacle Mine Management team must offer hearing protection,
and voluntary audiometric testing.
e. The Safety Team will schedule the annual Audiograms for those miners enrolled in
the program and conduct dosimeter testing. This is scheduled normally in the 1st
Quarter of each year.
f. The management team must assure that all feasible engineering and administrative
controls have been implemented to reduce the miner’s exposure level to the PEL.
g. If a miners exposure (based on dosimeter data) is above the action level of 90dBA,
then the miner will be required to wear hearing protection and voluntary audiometric
annual testing.
Within 30 days of a miner's enrollment into a hearing conservation program, provide the
miner with training. The mine operator must give training every 12 months thereafter if the
miner's noise exposure continues to equal or exceed the action level. Training must include:
a. the effects of noise on hearing;
b. the purpose and value of wearing hearing protectors;
Pinnacle Safety Program
IH-007 Hearing Conservation Program
Updated: 03/2013
Page: 4 of 4
GM Approval by:
c. the advantages and disadvantages of the hearing protectors to be offered;
d. the various types of hearing protectors offered by the mine operator and the
care, fitting, and use of each type;
e. the general requirements of this part;
f. the mine operator's and miner's respective tasks in maintaining mine noise
controls; and
g. the purpose and value of audiometric testing and a summary of the procedures.
h. We provide this training in our Miner’s Annual Training.
The Safety team will certify the date and type of training given each miner, and maintain the
miner's most recent certification for as long as the miner is enrolled in the hearing
conservation program and for at least 6 months thereafter.