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Literary Analysis Rubric
Name: _____________________________________ Per: ___________ Date: _____________________
Paper Title: _________________________________ Student ID #: ______________________________
The ideas show a
thorough understanding of
the reading. Heart of the
message, content, and
details enrich and develop
theme. Clearly stated,
insightful thesis that shows
complexity and depth.
Includes important, relevant
CDs. Includes STEAL in
analysis. Unpacking
includes understanding of
literary elements and how
writer uses element to
reinforce message.
The ideas show a
complete understanding of
the reading. Clear thesis
statement and necessary
supporting details. Clearly
stated thesis but lacks the
depth and complexity of a
“6”. Strong, relevant CDs.
Includes STEAL. Unpacking
includes understanding of
literary elements and some
knowledge of how writer
uses element to reinforce
Ideas may show only
surface understanding of
reading. Clear thesis
statement with arguable
May not always
include relevant CDs or
may include obvious CDs.
May not directly refer to
STEAL but includes
characterization in analysis.
Unpacking may just identify
devices. CM thoughtful, but
may be predictable. Some
analysis, but may include
Ideas show an incomplete
or inaccurate understanding
of reading. Thesis fails to
take a position or unclear.
Point vague. Gives general
idea. Weak, irrelevant
CDs. Details loosely
related. Paper does not
argue stated thesis. No
reference to STEAL or
characterization. Unpacking
does not include literary
elements. CM dominated
by plot summary.
All parts work together
creating an insightful
essay. Internal structure,
thread of central meaning
& logical/intriguing pattern
enhance ideas that
achieve essay’s purpose.
Pacing is well controlled
and purposeful.
Provocative AG Includes a
clear and sophisticated MT
and TS. LI effectively
weaves into the CDs by
offering the necessary
context. Convincing CDs
that prove TS. CM that
perceptibly unpacks the
Interesting and appropriate
for purpose & audience.
Author’s unique perspective
evident through use of
compelling ideas, engaging
The organization pattern
fits the topic and purpose.
Structure enhances
understanding and
enjoyment. All parts of the
essay are well developed.
Pacing well
controlled.Strong AG.
Includes a MT and TS
that are less sophisticated
than a 6. Convincing CDs
that prove TS. CM that
goes beyond a mere
explanation of the CD.
Includes LI that effectively
weaves into the CDs by
offering necessary
background information.
Tone is interesting and
appropriate to audience
and purpose. Authors
presence is evident, may
not be as powerful as a
The organization pattern
may fit the topic and
purpose. Structure is
helpful but predictable.
Sequencing shows some
logic but may lack control.
Pacing may not be
controlled. Functional AG.
A part of the essay
needs better development
(MT, TS, CD, or CM).
Includes a LI to the CDs,
but it may lack some of
the necessary background
information, or it might be
too basic.
Ideas show surface
understanding of reading.
Thesis statement too broad.
Takes self-evident, obvious
position. Obvious CDs, or
may be irrelevant. Does
not refer to STEAL but
includes characterization.
Unpacking may not refer
to literary devices or
simply identifies literary
devices. CM explains
connection between TS and
CD, but lacks development.
CM surface-level & may
have too much summary.
The organization may not
fit the essay’s purpose.
Shows some logic.
Structure may lack
smoothness or be
formulaic. Pacing may be
inconsistent. AG may need
work. Some parts may
need more development
(MT, TS, CD, or CM).
Transition to CDs may be
missing or cause
confusion. Missing
context, audience, and/or
The organization doesn’t fit
the purpose. Significant
reorganization is needed.
Pacing is inconsistent. AG
missing or mechanical.
The essay strays from a
clear organizational pattern.
Missing a part or has an
unclear MT, TS, CD, or
Intro and
ineffective or
Sequencing is
random; lacks
collection of
details. Pacing
is awkward,
frustrating, or
makes it hard
to identify main
Tone is nondescript.
Shows limited awareness
of audience or may not
be appropriate for purpose.
Writing is safe, writer
Tone shows little to no
awareness of audience or
purpose. Writing is
monotone and flat. Writer
seems unengaged. Writing
The writer
needs to
understand how
to create a
Tone is inconsistent or
may be dull. Shows an
awareness of audience
and purpose. Author’s
presence may not always
The essay
needs a thesis
statement and
details. Main
idea unclear.
Details repeat
each other
seem random.
Ideas confuse
the reader.
Does not
respond to
Literary Analysis Rubric
language, and relevant
details. Committed and
“6”. Writer is committed
and persuasive. Writer
behind the words comes
show through. Writing is
safe- writer may not take
risks. Shows some
commitment to topic.
doesn’t take risks. Shows
minimal commitment to
topic. Writing may seem
lacks commitment to topic.
Word choice reflects
careful thinking about
reading. Words are rich,
colorful, and precise.
Words energize writing.
Language moves &
enlightens the reader.
Vocabulary striking varied.
Strong active verbs
dominate. Verb tense
shifts are correct.
The word choice creates a
clear message. Broad
range of words that are
carefully chosen. Word
choices energize writing.
Vocabulary varied. Active
verbs throughout the
essay. Verb tense shifts
are correct.
The word choice is
appropriate and functional.
The words work but might
not energize the writing.
Attempts at colorful
language may be
overdone. May include
some passive verbs. Verb
tense mostly correct.
Words are colorless, flat,
and imprecise. Monotonous
repetition. Images are
fuzzy or absent. Frequent
language errors. Many
passive verbs and linking
verbs. Many verb tense
distracting, and
vague. Words
and phrases
detract from
Language used
Show limited
The sentences make the
ideas really stand out.
There is a rhythm and
flow to language and
word patterns. Sentence
construction enhances
meaning. Varied length
and structure. Varied
beginnings. Connecting
words join and build on
other words.
The sentences are skillfully
written and keep the
reader’s interest. There is
a rhythm and flow to
language and word
patterns. Sentence
construction enhances
meaning. Varied length and
structure. Varied
beginnings. Connecting
words join and build on
other words. Not as
sophisticated as “6”
The essay has one or
two errors that do not
interfere with the reader’s
understanding. Writing is
complex and shows a
wide range of conventions.
Some sentence problems
may exist. Sentences are
not all alike; there is
some variety. May
occasionally have choppy
or awkward sentences.
Writer doesn’t manipulate
structure to enhance
meaning. May be missing
connecting words and
phrases. Sentences may
lack craft and music.
Words common and
obvious; lack energy.
Words adequate and
correct in general sense.
Words work but don’t
capture interest. Reaches
for color; thesaurus
overload. Language may
be used incorrectly.
Passive and linking verbs
may dominate. May
include many verb tense
errors. Nouns common or
Sentences are usually
constructed correctly.
Sentences are routine.
There is little variety in
structure. Connecting words
are absent. Some
sentences invite reading
aloud; choppy, awkward,
and stiff.
The essay has many
sentence problems.
Sentences ramble, are
incomplete or awkward.
Monotonous structure.
Endless or no connectives.
Text invites reading aloud.
The writer
needs to learn
how to
The essay has a few
careless errors in
punctuation and grammar,
but errors Capitalization
and end punctuation
correct, but may have
internal errors.
The errors in the essay
confuse the reader.
Grammar and usage
problems are not serious.
Paragraphing may lack
cohesion and organization.
Errors are frequent and
distracting. Grammar and
usage errors are obvious
and serious. Paragraphing
lacks cohesion and
Help is needed
to make
Minor errors in MLA
Two or three MLA Errors
Many errors in MLA
Little, if any, compliance
with MLA formatting
No compliance
with MLA
Grammar & punctuation
are correct, and copy is
free of all errors. Writing
is complex enough to
show skill in using a
wide-range of conventions.
May manipulate
conventions for style.
Correct MLA format