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Program of the course in the Arctic Ecology
For the International Master Program in
Ecological Management in the Arctic
1. Authors of the Program: Professor Natalia Vasilevskaja, Professor Vladimir Denisov,
Ass.Professor Aleksej Nikolaev.
2. Objectives of the course – to form presentations about influence of the Arctic zone’s
ecological factors on the structure and functions of living organisms, their populations and
3. Language - English
4. Course workload: 10ECTS.
Semester: II semester.
Parts of the Course and Types of Classes. Draft distribution of study time:
Name of the topic, module
Form of classes
Climate and natural resources in the Euro-Arctic region
1.1 Physical and geographical features, climate of the Arctic
seas, particularities of temperature and light regimes of
terrestrial ecosystems in the high latitudes. Impact of possible
climate change on the environment in the Arctic. The main
types of mineral resources of the Arctic zone. Fuel and
energy reserves in the Arctic. Marine living resources.
1.2 Large marine ecosystems of the Arctic. The principal
differences between marine ecosystems from terrestrial ones,
the geographical position, the delimitation, physical
geographical conditions, ecology, resources, management.
1.3 Variability of climate conditions and geography of
fisheries in the Barents Sea.
Terrestrial Arctic Ecology
Peculiarities of terrestrial ecosystems at high latitudes.
Trophic and spatial structure of arctic terrestrial ecosystems,
ecological niches. Peculiarities of interspecies relationship.
Population Arctic Ecology
Spatial, age, gender structure of populations of plants and
animals in the Arctic latitudes. Population dynamics.
Environmental strategies.
Adaptation of living organisms to conditions of the Arctic
Characteristics of environmental drivers. Anatomical and
morphological, physiological, biochemical, and behavioral
adaptations of animals, plants and microorganisms.
Adaptation of man to the High North conditions
Characteristics of environmental drivers. Anatomical and
morphological, physiological, biochemical adaptation.
Problems of environmental pollution in the Euro-Arctic
1.1 Leading pollutants, their distribution by depositing
environments and food chains. Environmental contamination
of terrestrial ecosystems, marine and freshwater ecosystems,
soils. Nuclear explosions and their effects.
1.2 Formation of anthropogenic pollution and ecosystem
health of the Arctic seas
Culture of natural resources development (technological
aspect of sustainable development)
Development of mineral resources, biological resources.
Management of natural resources.
Methods of ecological research
Ecological monitoring in the Arctic.
Marine Arctic Ecology
8.1 The structure and contemporary operation of the Barents
Sea ecosystem as an example of an open shelf large marine
8.3 Biological productivity and primary ecosystem
components of Western Arctic ecosystems (the Barents, Kara
and White Seas)
Management of marine natural resources based on
ecosystem principals
Detailed description
Topic 1. Climate and Natural Resources in the Euro-Arctic region
1.1. General physical and geographical characteristics: borders of the region, correlation of the
land and sea areas, vertical zoning of the relief, natural zones, flora and fauna of the Euro-Arctic.
The climate and peculiarities of the atmosphere circulation in the European Arctic.
Latitudinal zonality of natural zones and influence of the Atlantic Ocean on the severity
of the climate background characteristics.
Latitudinal dependence of the luminance upon the solar angle, the notions of “the Polar
Day” and “Polar Night”. Influence of the seasonal and interannual variations in temperature and
humidity on functioning of plant and animal communities in the arctic zone.
Fuel, mineral, forest and aquatic resources. Basic types and classifications of resources.
The notion of renewable and non-renewable natural resources, the ration of the volumes for the
land and the sea.
1.2. The notion of big marine ecosystems (BME).
Background for the concept of big marine ecosystems. 5-block structure of BME; basic
blocks: productivity, fish and fishery, pollution and general state of ecosystem (“health” of the
ecosystem), social and economic factors, management.
Arctic big marine ecosystems. Criteria of their delimitation, hydro geographic and
morphostructural characteristics, general oceanology characteristics: seawater temperature and
salinity, the ice sheet, river discharge, water bodies and oceanic fronts.
Geography of the Russian Arctic BME. The main differences of the big marine
ecosystems from terrestrial ecosystems: the unity of the oceans, the three-dimensionality, free
substance and energy exchange, mobility of marine environment.
1.3. Fishery is the main type of economic activities in the Barents Sea.
The main object of fisheries is the cod; the number and distribution in the sea area,
dependence on the natural conditions. Climate fluctuations in the ecosystem of the Barents Sea
and influence of thermal and ice changes on the fishing geography. Regional differences and
peculiarities of cod distribution, regularities in migrant strategies, the role of warming in the
geography of fish concentrations . Contract on the territorial division of the Barents Sea between
the Russian Federation and Norway and its fishery value.
Thermal state of waters is the main abiotic factor, quasi-periodicity of “warm” and ‘cold”
periods, their influence on the fishing outcome.
Topic 2. Terrestrial Arctic Ecology
Peculiarities of terrestrial ecosystems at high latitudes. Trophic and spatial structure of arctic
terrestrial ecosystems, ecological niches. Peculiarities of interspecies relationships in terrestial
arctic ecosystems: interrelationship of species of adjacent trophic levels (interrelationships of
plants and animals, predators and their victims). Competition and mutualism in the arctic
ecosystems. Dynamics of ecosystems: daily and seasonal aspects of ecosystems, ecological
successions, secular succession of ecosystems.
Topic 3. Population Arctic Ecology
The notion of population. The genetic and ecological interpretation of the notion of population.
Peculiarities of the Arctic plants populations. Space structure of the Arctic populations: types of
space distribution, space differentiation. Functional integration in the Arctic populations of
animals. Different interpopulation structures. Homeostasis of populations: support of space and
genetic structure, regulation of density. Dynamics of population: age structure of populations,
gender structure of plant and animal populations in conditions of the Arctic latitudes, dynamics
of the number and population cycles. Ecological strategies.
Topic 4. Adaptation of living organisms to conditions of the Arctic latitudes
Characteristics of environmental drivers. Anatomical and morphological, physiological,
biochemical, and behavioral adaptations of animals, plants and microorganisms.
Topic 5. Adaptation of man to the High North conditions
Characteristics of environmental drivers. Adaptation and acclimatization. Mechanisms of
formation of individual and population adaptation. Anatomical and morphological,
physiological, biochemical adaptation. Probability of occurrence of disadaptation changes in the
organism and illnesses.
Topic 6. Problems of environmental pollution in the Euro-Arctic region
1.1 Characteristics of the basic sources of pollution. The main pollutants, their abiotic and biotic
transformation, their distribution by depositing environments and food chains. Environmental
contamination of terrestrial ecosystems, marine and freshwater ecosystems, soils. Nuclear
explosions and their effects.
1.2 Formation of anthropogenic pollution and ecosystem health of the Arctic seas. Characteristic
of existing and possible sources of pollution and pollutants. Ways of pollutants’ entry to the
marine environment. Abiotic and biotic transformation, accumulation, assimilation.
Topic 7. Culture of natural resources development (technological aspect of sustainable
Development of mineral resources, biological resources. Management of natural resources,
mineral deposits (oil and gas, coal, nickel, cobalt, platinum metals, diamonds, phosphor, gold,
lead, silver, zinc, uranium, stannum, rare metals. Technology of developing ferrous metals: iron,
chrome, manganese, titanium. Developing bio resources. Ways of realization of the program
“Arctic – 21st century”. Management of natural resources. Methods of ecological research.
Topic 8. Marine Arctic ecology
8.1. Structure and modern functioning of Barents marine ecosystem as an example of an open
shelf BME.
The Barents Sea is a vast shelf sea with approximate area in 1400 hund. km2 and with average
depth in 200 m. The sea has water exchange with the Atlantic and the Arctic seas. Advection of
warm Atlantic waters affects ice coverage through western and partly northern borders of the
Barents Sea which is the only non-freezing sea among the arctic ones all year round. Almost the
whole water area is the same thermodynamic front or bound between the Atlantic and the Arctic.
Such geography provides high interannual mobility of climatic variables and spatial differences
of sea regions from south-western "warm" zone till northern-eastern "cold" zone, moreover, it
guarantees high spatial-temporal heterogeneity of abiotic and biotic ecosystem factors and
features which characterize BME of the Barents Sea as an open shelf ecosystem.
Ecosystem of the Barents Sea as a complex of environmental conditions, creatures living there,
substance flow and energy which consists of abiotic and biotic components. The main abiotic
factors are shallowness of sea basin, existence of several branches of warm and cold streams,
establishing of solid and drift ice cover on the most part of the sea in cold period(35-80% of ice
coverage in April), the angularity of the coastline.
The polar front zone as quasi steady region of the contrast interaction between warm Atlantic
and cold polar waters with high biodiversity and high bio productivity. The role of
hydrodynamic factors in formation of intensive flows of organic substance in zone of
convergence along the polar front.
The structure of big Barents marine ecosystem. Subdivision of BME on the following
subsystems: ecosystems of Atlantic and Arctic waters, ecosystems of front zones, sea ice and
glacial edge, coastal ecosystems.
General functional (trophic) structure of the Barents Sea BME. Simplified model of food chain.
Main biogeographic groups (boreal and arctic), trophic levels, gradually connecting autotrophs
and heterotrophs and providing energy transfer of synthesized organic substance from eutrophic
layer to level of benthic biocoenosis (biotic communities).
Content of biotic structure of Barents marine ecosystem and species diversity characteristic.
8.3. Bio productivity and primary components of western Arctic ecosystems (the Barents, White
and Kara seas).
The Barents Sea
Biogeographic characteristic of phytoplankton. Annual cycle of spatial and species structure.
Pelagic ecosystems of open shelf: subarctic shelf, Barents Sea arctic shelf. Space division of
Barents Sea arctic shelf into 2 main zones: the zone of deep water shelf (northern part of the
Barents Sea located beyond the Polar front) and the zone of shallow water (Pechora Sea and
Canino-Colguevskoe melkovodye).
Coastal ecosystems: subarctic coastal ecosystems, arctic coastal ecosystems, estuarial coastal
Total primary production of the Barents Sea according to satellite data and average figures,
quantity of annual production. Peculiarities of reproductive potential of Barents Sea ecosystem.
Species phytoplankton and zooplankton predomination in number as factors of stabilization of
bio productive process.
The White Sea
The White Sea is less rich variant of productive potential of the Barents sea; influencing factors.
Quantitative characteristics of phytoplankton community. Primary plankton production in the
White Sea. Comparison of daily and annual data of total production with other arctic seas (the
absolute minimum). Species content of zooplankton in the White sea.
The Kara Sea
Cut period role of intensive plankton functioning (2 times shorter than in the Barents Sea).
Important role of freshwater fauna in zooplankton formation in the Kara Sea. Impact of river
flow pace on the quantity of zooplankton in Ob and Yenisei estauries, two biggest rivers of
Topic 9. Management of marine natural resources based on ecosystem principles.
Determination of the basic principles, the change of the management paradigms during the
transformation to the integrated management of marine natural resources: from individual forms
to ecosystems; from small spatial scales to the plurality of scales; from near-term outlook to
long-rage outlook; from separate control systems and researches to adaptive management; from
final product management to multi-purpose product potential support; from individual
consideration of human and ecosystem to the common view on a human as an integral part of
Rational management of marine natural resources conditions; main ecological consequences of
the production and consumption: extraction, emission, occupation.
The main point of ecosystem-oriented management (EOM) – possibility of adaptation to
polystructural behavior of ecosystems. Adaptation and elasticity – main factors of ecosystemoriented management.
Sea territorial planning, its main point and appropriation. Social choice as the main argument of
decision about providing the territory for the concrete form of sea-economical activity.
The role of strategic ecological estimation of ecological-economical determination of regional
development. Mechanisms of sea-economical activity realization with help of sea territorial
The main stages in the system of sea shelf management: determination of the limits of the
system, which is under control; determination of ecosystem resources and ecological balance
inside ecosystem involved; estimation of marine natural resources variety and its interaction
with each other and the environment; establishment of the priorities, purposes and goals of
marine natural resources management, taking into account socio-economic factors; regulation of
economical activity with purpose of adaptation to the chosen criteria and fixed purposes;
adaptation from present management practice to elaboration of ecosystem policy and current
administration under stable use of sea shelf resources; timely response to the necessity of
correction on basis of monitoring and estimation of received results (adaptive management).
Comparative analysis of two system management strategies: CZM (Coastal zone management)
and EOM in the context of the concept BME.
Ecosystem service as a connecting-link between ecology and ecological economy (ecological
analysis). Classification of ecosystem service, specificity of its estimation, the role of market and
non-market means of estimation. Possibility of adaptation to the changes – key thesis of
scientific foundations of ecosystem-oriented management. Examples of these management
strategies in the world. Norwegian plan of stable management of marine natural resources in
Norway exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Indicators of stable development arctic big marine
ecosystem (BME). Fundamental zoning of water area as an initial instrument of spatial planning
Barents-Kara shelf as example).
5. Form of evaluation - Exam
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