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San Francisco State University
ECON 302
Michael Bar
Fall 2016
Problem set 5
Due Tuesday, November 29
Names (Type):
Name 1_________________________________
Name 2_________________________________
Name 3_________________________________
Assignment Rules
1. Homework assignments must be typed. For instruction how to type equations and math
objects please see notes “Typing Math in MS Word”.
2. Homework assignments must be prepared within this template. Save this file on your
computer and type your answers following each question. Do not delete the questions.
3. Your assignments must be stapled.
4. No attachments are allowed. This means that all your work must be done within this word
document and attaching graphs, questions or other material is prohibited.
5. Homework assignments must be submitted at the end of the lecture, in class, on the listed
6. Late homework assignments will not be accepted under any circumstances.
7. All the graphs should be fully labeled, i.e. with a title, labeled axis and labeled curves.
8. In all the questions that involve calculations, you are required to show your work. That is,
you need to write the steps that you made in order to get to the solution.
9. You are encouraged to work on this homework assignment in groups of up to 3 people,
and submit one assignment with up to 3 names typed on this page.
10. This page must be part of the submitted homework.
Consumption-Saving Decision and Ricardian Equivalence
1. (10 points). Saving and Investment equation.
a. Derive the saving and investment equation.
b. Suppose that in some economy the private saving is 15, the domestic investment
is 20, and the government runs a deficit of 3. What must be the current account
deficit in that country?
2. (35 points). In this question you need to use Excel and data for HW5 posted on the course
web page. This exercise illustrates the debt burden and the cost of debt since 1940.
a. Plot the graph of the government debt as a fraction of GDP for all the years for
which the data is available.
b. Why does it make sense to look at the debt as a fraction of GDP, and not at the
debt itself?
c. What was the debt to GDP ratio during the last year of the data?
d. In what year was the size of the debt the largest, and in what year was the debt
burden (debt/GDP ratio) the largest?
e. Plot the graph of the interest payments as a fraction of government income (cost
of debt) for all the years for which the data is available.
f. Why does it make sense to look at the government interest payments as a
percentage of its income?
g. In what year was the interest payment the largest, and in what year was the cost of
debt (interest as a fraction of government receipts) the largest?
3. (40 points). Consider the two-period model of consumption and saving.
a. Write the consumer’s problem of utility maximization subject to the budget
constraints in two periods.
b. Derive the lifetime budget constraint from the budget constraints in each period.
Show your derivations.
c. Give the economic interpretation of the left hand side and the right hand side of
the lifetime budget constraint.
d. Draw a fully labeled graph of the lifetime budget constraint with a tangent
indifference curve indicating the optimal choice for a lender, and label the saving
as well. In order to receive all the points your graph should be clear and the lines
are carefully drawn with a ruler.
e. Draw a fully labeled graph of the lifetime budget constraint with a tangent
indifference curve indicating the optimal choice for a borrower, and label the
saving as well. In order to receive all the points your graph should be clear and
the lines are carefully drawn with a ruler.
f. An increase in current income y1 will increase the current consumption c1 by the
same amount (i.e. c1  y1 ). True/false, circle the correct answer, and provide a
g. Consider the government budget constraint and suppose that the real interest rate
is 6%. If the government gives a tax cut of 30 in the first period (i.e. T1  30 ),
find the necessary change in the second period’s taxes ( T2  ? ) that would keep
the present value of taxes unchanged.
h. State the Ricardian equivalence theorem.
4. (10 points). Suppose that instead of a lump-sum taxes, the taxes are proportional to
income ( 0  t1, t2  1 ), so that the budget constraints are now
BC1 : c1  s  y1 (1  t1)
BC 2 : c2  y2 (1  t2 )  (1  r ) s
Prove that the Ricardian Equivalence theorem still holds.
5. (25 points). Consider the two-period model of consumption and saving. Suppose that the
consumer’s utility is U (c1, c2 )  ln( c1)   ln( c2 ) .
a. Write the consumer’s problem
b. Write the consumer’s demand for consumption in both periods and his supply of
c. Prove that saving for this consumer is increasing in real interest rate.
d. Suppose that income in the first period increases by $100. Find the change in the
first period’s consumption.
e. How does the change in the change in c1 in the last section depend on the
parameter  ? Provide economic intuition for this result.
6. (30 points). Consider the model of optimal investment discussed in class.
a. Write the firm’s maximization problem.
b. Explain in words what the firm wants to maximize.
c. According to this model, what should be stock price of the firm?
d. Derive the optimal investment condition and provide economic interpretation of
e. Illustrate graphically the impact of an increase in real interest rate on the demand
for investment.
f. Illustrate graphically the impact of future technological improvement on the
demand for investment.
Capital Market
7. (5 points). Draw a fully labeled diagram of the capital market for an open economy with
trade deficit.
8. (5 points). Suppose the government increases its deficit. Illustrate graphically the impact
of this event on the capital market. Show what happens to the equilibrium saving,
investment, and trade deficit.
9. (5 points). Suppose that future productivity in the economy is expected to increase.
Illustrate graphically the impact of this event on the capital market. Show what happens
to the equilibrium saving, investment, and trade deficit.