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Signs and Symptoms
Monthly periods have stopped or has become increasingly irregular
Hot flushes and night sweats
Heart palpitations
Mood swings
Depressed mood
Dry skin
Frequent urination
Dryness of the vagina, with discomfort and painful intercourse
Physical and mental fatigue
Noticeable decrease interest and libido
Breast tenderness
Reduced 'zest for life' - little enthusiasm for exercise, hobbies, social events, etc
Why does the menopause occur?
Once a woman reaches a certain age, usually between 40 and 55 years,
changes to her hormones begin
These result in the ovaries no longer producing eggs every four weeks or so
The monthly periods stop, and hormone changes in the body change markedly
These changes may occur suddenly, or over several months
Many of the symptoms of the menopause are the result of these hormonal
Menopause is associated with qualities of Dryness with Heat. Women are
innately Moist, but as women get older they lose moistness and progress
towards dryness. This is evident when the levels of oestrogen decrease in
preparation of cessation of ovulation. This increase in dryness & heat presents
as hot flashes, dry skin, vaginal dryness and increased anxiety to mention a
few. Menopause symptoms will be aggravated with a lifestyle that increases
qualities of Dryness and Heat in the body
Treatment according to the Tibb Lifestyle Factors
Food & drink – Eat more Cold & Moist and Hot & Moist foods and the least
amount of Hot & Dry foods. Consume more fresh fruits and vegetables, fruit
juices, yogurt and high fibre, whole grain products. Avoid red meats (beef, pork,
liver etc), fatty foods (dairy products)) and processed foods (sausage, bacon,
etc). Cut down on chocolate, fried foods, caffeine beverages, cold drinks,
excessive alcohol
Eat 3 servings of oily fish such as salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel and sardines
per week. Nuts and seeds also contain essential fatty acids that are vital for
hormone production and healthy skin and nerves
Eat alfalfa, soybeans, soy sprouts, crushed flaxseeds, garlic, green beans,
sesame seeds, wheat, yams, pumpkin seeds, cucumbers, corn, apples, anise
seeds, cabbage, beets, olive oil, olives, papaya, oats, peas, and sunflower
seeds. These are all important sources of natural oestrogen
Breathing exercises - Tibb deep breathing exercises lower irritability and
anxiety, and dampen mood swings
Physical exercise - any form of regular light/moderate exercise, such as
walking in the morning or evenings. It boosts mood, reduces emotional stress,
helps control appetite and regulate blood sugar levels. Avoid strenuous activity
Sleep - take active measures to ensure a regular good night sleep
Relaxation - Try to avoid emotions like anger and excitement. Try to resolve
any niggling worries. Keep a journal and write down the events and activities of
the day including worries and stressors
Meditation – Practice Tibb meditation exercises for at least 5min early morning
and at bedtime
Detox - A short monthly fruit or vegetable fast is advised
Here are some effective home remedies
Vaginal Dryness lotion - 30ml of almond oil. 2 drops of geranium essential oil.
One capsule of 1,000 IU of Vitamin E. Mix all the ingredients and apply inside and
outside the vagina twice a day
These Tibb medicines for relieving menopausal symptoms are available
ProWoman capsule
This nutraceutical contains a wide range of
vitamins, herb essences and minerals to help
relieve the symptoms of the menopause
Menoherb tabs
This herbal medicine alleviates the
troublesome symptoms associated
with menopause
Some good advice
The menopause is not a disease, but a very natural and predictable phenomenon
After the menopause, a woman is more likely to develop osteoporosis, heart and
circulation problems, weight gain and urinary incontinence. A good habit is to
have regular medical check-ups
Cutting down salt in food is recommended, for both the menopause and other
possible future disorders
Start the habit of drinking several glasses of lukewarm water a day, as this
reduces the chance of dehydration
The menopause is an important, watershed time in a woman's life. It is a very
good opportunity to cut down or stop smoking, with an added bonus of slowing
down the appearance of wrinkles
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