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The Nominative and Accusative Cases
Nominative Case
The nominative case is used for the _____________ of the sentence. The subject
is the person or thing that __________________ in the sentence.
We play guitar.
Wir spielen Gitarre.
Anja and Helga dance.
Anja und Helga tanzen.
The boys listen to music.
Die Jungen hören Musik.
Accusative Case
The accusative case is used for the _______________ of the sentence. The direct
object is the person or thing __________________ the action of the verb.
We play guitar.
Wir spielen Gitarre.
Anja and Helga throw the ball. Anja und Helga werfen den Ball.
The boys listen to music.
Die Jungen hören Musik.
German Articles
In German, the articles change depending on the ________________ and
_______________ of the noun.
There are several German verbs that are often followed by the Accusative. Being
able to recognize these verbs will help you as you learn about Direct Objects. Make
sure you know what these verbs mean!
Another very important expression that is always followed by the Accusative:
Es gibt
One important thing to remember – sein is never followed by the Accusative.
Er ist ein Junge.
Er ist mein Freund.
Der Bruder ist ein Schüler.
Übung A. In the sentences below, circle the subject and underline the direct
object. Note: Some sentences will not have a direct object.
Zum Beispiel:
The boy has the eraser.
1. I have the computer.
2. She has the ruler.
3. Mr. Schumann buys the backpack and the scissors.
4. School is fun! (Spass)
5. She sings. (singen)
6. Andrea and Jürgen need the pen.
7. We are playing the computer game. (das Computerspiel)
8. I have the book.
9. You have the TV.
10.Anja and Christiane have the ruler and the notebook.
11.The parents don’t know the teacher (male).
12.I don’t have the clock.
13.Thomas needs the book.
14.Michael is new here.
15.The children need school supplies. (Die Kinder)
16.The girl knows the boy.
17. Do you have a pencil?
18.Tomorrow he’s buying the computer. (kaufen)
19.You have the CD and the DVD.
20.We don’t need the eraser, we need the pencil sharpener.
Übung B. Translate the sentences above into German.
Zum Beispiel:
The boy has the eraser
Der Junge hat den Radiergummi.