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Athletic Training Notes
Unit: Foot and Ankle Injuries
The foot and ankle __________ the weight and _____________ force as a person walks and
The feet and lower legs work to maintain _____________ and adapt to various surfaces.
________ are the most common and most frequent injured joint.
Preventing Foot and Ankle Injuries
Taking care of the foot and ankle are essential to _________ ___________ and continuous
athletic participation
Preventative measure may include:
Ligament Injuries
__________-stretching or tearing of ligaments and usually occurs as a result of trauma to a joint
that is forced to the extreme of its range of movement
Commonly occur at:
Great-Toe Sprain
Helps kick a ball, push off when _________ or ___________, and maintaining _____________
If __________ ___________ is applied to this area, _____________ can be sprained
Some feel ______ causes more great-toe sprains than _________
ATC will recommend __________
When athlete returns to actions, the great-toe can be _________ and _________ to provide
support and decrease pain.
Arch Sprain
Can be caused by _______________________, _______________________, or
Athlete will report significant _________ over the involved arch and will experience
____________ walking or running
ATC will notice ___________ and come ______________ over the ____________ surface
PRICE (_______________________________________________________________)
An ________ _________ may relieve some of the pain
Lateral and Medial Ankle Sprains
______ of ankle sprains are caused by excessive _________________
___________ ligament is very strong compared to the ____________ ligaments and the
_________ prevents severe _______________
When the ankle ____________, the _____________ ligaments are injured.
_____________ depends on the amount of ______________, the amount of _______________,
the type of _________, and the strength of the ______________
Athlete with an ____________ must be _____________ to determine its ________________
_______ and __________ must be removed
__________ and _____________ may occur
ATC will determine the ___________ based on the athlete’s ability to _________ the ankle
If no ____________ in ROM or strength, athlete may be allowed to play with the ankle
_____________ by a brace or tape
Any ______________ in ROM will be treated with ______________
Ankle Dislocations
Can occur either _____________ or ____________________
_______________ dislocation occurs when the ________ of the foot strikes the ground
_______________ dislocation occurs with a _______ to the ___________ aspect of the leg while
the ankle is in _______________ flexion
______________, _______________, and ___________________ will occur
ATC will ________________ the lower leg and ankle, _______________________, give athlete
_______, and remove athlete from _____________
Muscle and Tendon Injuries
_____________ occur as a result of _________________ or putting a muscle or tendon under
excessive __________________
____________________-inflammation of a tendon
Typically occurs as a result of __________________ stress
Achilles Tendonitis
________________________ is the strong tendon joining the ______________________ muscle
in the calf to the _________
Any sport involving repeated ____________, _______________, and _______________ may
cause the cells in the tendon to break down ___________________
ATC will note ______________, _________________, and expression of __________
_________ and _________ will need to be done by the athlete
Achilles Tendon Rupture
Feels as if someone shot him in the _________ of the ________ leg
Occurs when there is a forced _______________ of the foot, a ________ over the Achilles
tendon, or a sudden forceful ______________ of the _____________________.
ATC will notice _____________ and a __________________ where the tendon used to be
The _______________ must be repaired ______________
Bone Injuries
Direct _________ to an area and ________________ use can cause fractures
Common symptoms include:
ATC can _________ the injured area
Athlete must go to a doctor to get __________ and a _________
5th Metatarsal Avulsion Fracture
Most common avulsion fractureAnkle is forced into ______________, the muscles ___________ forcefully to stabilize the lateral
aspect of the ankle, the _____________________ tendon pulls part of the _________ away at
its attachment
ATC uses ___________ and refers athlete to team ______________
Epipyseal Injury of Distal Tibia and Fibula
____________-growth plates
___________ tibia and fibula epiphyses become __________ when the ankle is forced into
___________ flexion and ____________
Athlete will experience ________ and _______________
ATC will ____________ the injury and refer him to a ______________ for _____________
Possible for the ______________ to close ____________________, which will stunt __________
growth at that site
Stress Fractures
Most commonly occur to the ___________, ____________, and ______________
_________________ stress due to _________________ is usually the cause
____________ becomes more intense at ____________ and after the ____________________
A _________________________ can be used to verify a stress ____________________
A __________ will not show a stress fracture until _____________ after the initial ___________
when a _________ begins to form at the site
Takes _____________ weeks of rest to heal
Muscle fibers on the ____________ side of the ___________ become __________ and
Athlete complains of ___________ and ______________ to run or walk properly
TreatmentsRecommended to get _________________, stretching, and _____________________
ATC may ________ on additional ______________ to protect the area
Toe Abnormalities
________________________-middle joint of the toe is flexed and the joint
(_________________ and ________________) is hyperextended
________________________(bunion)-pressure on toe toward the ______________ of the body
at the great-toe
___________________________-nail grows into the surrounding soft tissue