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Chapter 16
Identify the general sources of economic
Identify specific institutional factors that
promote economic growth.
Comprehend why income levels and growth
rates vary among countries.
Work week: 50 – 70+ hours
High infant mortality rates
Life expectancy: 25 – 35 years
Income per person (in 1990 dollars): $650
Country can produce more
As GDP per capita rises
Better air and water
More leisure
Longer lifespans
Improved diet
Better quality of life
Rule of 70– if a variable grows at a rate of x
percent per year, 70/x will approximate the
years required for the variable to double
GDP Growth
Years for GDP
to Double
Small changes in the
growth rate of GDP have
a big impact over time.
Major sources of economic growth are
Gains from trade
Entrepreneurial discovery
Investment in physical and human capital
Favorable institutional environment
Trade moves items from people who value
them less to people who value them more
Trade allows for
◦ Division of labor
◦ Specialization
◦ Mass production
More trade means more output and growth
Technological advancement and innovation
allows us to produce more
Entrepreneurs take risks
◦ Some ideas are made of win
◦ Many ideas fail
The market
◦ Rewards good ideas
◦ Puts a stop to resource draining projects
Do robots and machines steal jobs
from people or reduce employment?
Physical capital – machines
Human capital – knowledge and skills
Institutions — legal, regulatory, and social
constraints that impact property rights and
enforcement of contracts
Government’s role is very important
◦ Encourage productive activities
◦ Discourage unproductive ones
Legal system
Secure property rights
Rule of law
Evenhanded enforcement of contracts
Political stability
Competitive markets
◦ Firms succeed by pleasing consumers
◦ Firms that do not are driven from the market
Stable money and prices
◦ Low/no inflation
◦ Encourages investment
Minimal regulation
◦ Regulations make starting a business difficult
◦ Regulations often have unintended consequences
Avoidance of high tax rates
◦ High taxes reduce efficient use of resources
◦ High taxes increase underground activity and, labor
force dropout
Open international trade
◦ Avoid tariffs
◦ Avoid quotas
1. Population growth
◦ Thomas Malthus, the dismal scientist, 1798
◦ People produce, not just consume
2. Natural resources
◦ Institutions more important than natural resources
◦ Natural resources do not guarantee growth
 Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore
 Nigeria, Venezuela, Russia
3. Foreign aid
◦ Agricultural and monetary donations
◦ Aid can have unintended consequences
 Politically distributed
 Disrupt markets
4. Climate and location
◦ Far from major markets, tropical climate
◦ Institutions more important than location
Identify the general sources of economic
Identify specific institutional factors that
promote economic growth.
Comprehend why income levels and growth
rates vary among countries.