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Data Mining New
May 2016
age 1
Page 2: Review of 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting
age 2 Review of the Wo s
age 3 Review of the 6th I
age 4
age 4 Sec
Data Mining
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A Message from the Chair
Dear DM section members,
Hi Everyone! First, I would like
to express my sincere gratitude
for your strong support of the
INFORMS Section on Data
Mining (DM) this year! The
section has grown dramatically to over 450 members
and has become one of the most active communities
in INFORMS. This growth has been due to the
efforts of the past advisory boards, section chairs,
secretary-treasurers, council members, webmasternewsletter editor, session chairs, and other active
Last year, as the section vice-chair, I was fortunate to
work with Dr. Art Chaovalitwongse (Chair), Dr.
Shawn Mankad (Secretary/Treasurer), four council
members (Dr. Shuai Huang, Dr. Mustafa Gökçe
Baydoğan, Dr. Veena Mendiratta, and Dr. Chun-An
Chou), and Dr. Kaibo Liu (webmaster & newsletter
editors). Without their efforts, we could not have had
such a successful year for our section.
At the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Philadelphia
this year, the DM cluster sponsored 21 technical
sessions. Thank you to all session chairs who
organized high quality sessions for the cluster this
year. More information about the cluster is included
in an article below.
Dr. Kamran Paynabar served as the chair of the DM
Best Student Paper Award competition. Among all
papers submitted, the top four papers were selected
for the presentation at the DM Best Student Paper
Competition session. Congratulations to the winner,
Mingdi Yu, and the other three finalists Sam
Davanloo Tajbakhsh, Fulton Wang, and Murat
Yildirim. Thank you to Dr. Paynabar and the team of
reviewers for their work in selecting the finalists and
winner. More information about the finalists is
included below.
In conjunction with the INFORMS Annual Meeting,
the annual Data Mining-Analytics workshop was
held. Workshop co-chairs Mustafa Gökçe Baydoğan,
Shuai Huang, and Asil Oztekin invested a
tremendous amount of time and effort to organize the
workshop, which was reflected in a high quality
event. In addition, great thanks are given to our
workshop sponsors, including IBM and University of
Massachusetts Lowell. More information about the
workshop is included in an article below.
analytics. Dr. Onur Seref will take the lead in
This year, INFORMS has three invited sessions at the
Statistical Learning and Data Mining (SLDM) 2015
Conference on June 9-11, 2015, at UNC Chapel Hill.
Here is the link:
SLDM is a section of the American Statistical
Association and holds conferences once every 2
years. It is a good way to link the INFORMS data
mining community with the statistics data mining
community. More information about the SLDM can
be found at:
the section continues to grow in membership and is in
organizing the cluster for the INFORMS Annual
Meeting next year. At the business meeting, the
Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Shawn Mankad reported that
good financial health.
Review of the Workshop on Data
Mining and Analytics
The Data Mining (DM) Subdivisions of the Institute
for Operations Research and Management Sciences
(INFORMS) organized the Workshop on Data
Mining and Analytics (INFORMS DM-Analytics
2015) on Oct 31, 2015 at Philadelphia, PA, in
conjunction with the 2015 INFORMS Annual
Conference. A total of 25 papers were selected under
Next year the DM section will have another great
year in 2015 with the new slate of officers: Dr. Onur
(Secretary/Treasurer), Dr. Paul Brooks, Council
Member, and Dr. Kaibo Liu, Council Member.
Ramin Moghaddass is our new webmaster.
a peer-review process for presenting in two parallel
all-day tracks (7 sessions) at the workshop and some
were invited to a special issue of Annals of
presented at the workshop: Dr. Sounder Kumara
(Pennsylvania State University) and Dr. Joe Zhu
Review of 2015 INFORMS Annual
(Worcester Polytechnic Institute). The detailed
The 2015 INFORMS Annual meeting was held in
INFORMS website at
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania November 1-4, 2015. The
The keynote abstracts are here:
session information and abstracts are available on the
Data Mining Section sponsored 21 sessions. The
sessions covered a variety of topics including
Machine and statistical learning and planning for
mechanical, medical and bioinformatics applications;
data analytics and optimization for manufacturing
system design, energy and healthcare applications;
social media and network analysis; and business data
The program co-Chairs of this workshop were
Mustafa Gökçe Baydoğan (Boğaziçi University,
Turkey), Asil Oztekin (University of Massachusetts
Lowell, USA), and Shuai Huang (University of
Washington, USA). The Management Committee
consisted of Kwok-Leung Tsui (Georgia Institute of
Technology), Victoria Chen (University of Texas at
Arlington, USA), George Runger (Arizona State
University), and Tom Au (AT&T Labs).
• Murat Yildirim and Nagi Gebraeel, Sensor-Driven
Condition-Based Generation Maintenance and
Operations Scheduling, Georgia Institute of
Review of the 6th Annual INFORMS
Data Mining Student Paper Award
Dr. Kamran Paynabar organized the competition this
year. The top four papers were selected for the
presentation at the 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting
in Philadelphia, PA. The information on the four
finalists and their papers is as follows.
• Sam Davanloo Tajbakhsh, Enrique Del Castillo
and Necdet Serhat Aybat, Sparse Precision Matrix
Selection for Fitting Gaussian Random Field Models
to Large Data Sets, Penn State University.
• Mingdi You and Eunshin Byon, A When Wind
Meets Turbines: A New Statistical Approach for
Characterizing the Heterogeneous Wake Effects in
Multi-turbine Wind Farms, University of Michigan.
• Fulton Wang and Cynthia Rudin, Falling Rule
Lists, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The winner of the Best Student Paper Award was
Mingdi You and Eunshin Byon for the paper titled
“When Wind Meets Turbines: A New Statistical
Approach for Characterizing the Heterogeneous
Wake Effects in Multi-turbine Wind Farms" from
University of Michigan.
Secretary / Treasurer
Michael Hahsler
Southern Methodist University
Email: [email protected]
The award was established in 2009 to increase the
involvement of students in the section, facilitate
networking among students with interest in data
mining, and recognize excellent student work.
Council Members
Mustafa Gökçe Baydoğan
Boğaziçi University
Email: [email protected]
Next year, we will have 4 best paper awards,
sponsored by SAS.
Veena Mendiratta
Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent
Email: [email protected]
Kaibo Liu
University of Wisconsin
Email: [email protected]
2016 INFORMS International Meeting
June 12-15, 2016.
Hawaii, USA
Paul Brooks
Virginia Commonwealth University
Email: [email protected]
2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting
November 13-16, 2016
Nashville, TN, USA.
Former Chairs
Kwok Tsui (2003-2004)
City University of Hong Kong
Section Officers
Tom Au (2004-2005)
AT&T Lab
Cynthia Rudin
Duke University
Email: [email protected]
Tory Chen (2005-2006)
University of Texas at Arlington
Andrew Kusiak (2006-2007)
University of Iowa
Vice Chair
Onur Seref
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Email: [email protected]
Wei Jiang (2007-2008)
Stevens Institute of Technology
Xiaoming Huo (2008-2009)
Georgia Institute of Technology
Rong (Winnie) Duan (2009-2010)
AT&T Lab
Seoung Bum Kim (2010-2011)
Korea University
Jing Li (2011-2012)
Arizona State University
Paul Brooks (2012-2013)
Virginia Commonwealth University
M.K. Jeong (2013-2014)
Rutgers University
Art Chaovalitwongse (2014-2015)
University of Washington
Webmaster/Newsletter Editor
Ramin Moghaddass
University of Miami
Data Mining Workshop 2016 Co-Chairs
Asil Oztekin, Ramin Moghaddass, and Cem Iyigun
Data Mining Section Website
Please visit our website at