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Network Programming
Computer Networks
client/server architecture, protocols, and sockets
Network Programming
a simple client/server interaction
the module socket in Python
Monte Carlo for π
a pleasingly parallel computation
A Simple Multithreaded Server
combining sockets and threads
the SocketServer module
MCS 507 Lecture 28
Mathematical, Statistical and Scientific Software
Jan Verschelde, 31 October 2012
Scientific Software (MCS 507)
network programming
31 October 2012
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Network Programming
Computer Networks
client/server architecture, protocols, and sockets
Network Programming
a simple client/server interaction
the module socket in Python
Monte Carlo for π
a pleasingly parallel computation
A Simple Multithreaded Server
combining sockets and threads
the SocketServer module
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client/server architecture
Client/server architecture defines the communication between two
computers: one is the server and the other acts as the client.
A client places a request or order to a server.
The server processes the request.
The client does not need to know how the server processes
the requests.
We distinguish between software and hardware
client/server architectures:
web and database servers offer software services;
file and print servers offer hardware services.
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network protocols
HTTP = Hypertext Transfer Protocol for web communications.
Network protocols are rules for network communication.
We consider two types of protocols:
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
First a message is sent that data is coming.
Only after the receiver acknowledges this message will
the sender send the data.
All successful transmissions are confirmed, and
retransmissions are acknowledged.
UDP User Datagram Protocol
Unlike TCP, no connection is established prior to sending
data. The sender just carries on after sending a message.
TCP is connection oriented, UDP is connectionless.
TCP is more reliable whereas UDP is more streamlined.
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Sockets are objects programs use to connect.
Sockets were introduced in 1981 in BSD Unix.
Originally used for communication between processes,
i.e.: between two programs on same computer.
Sockets support communication across platforms, independent of the
operating system.
In addition to the IP address of the computer, both server and client
must use the same port. A port is a 16-bit integer, some are reserved
for particular protocols.
Any port between 1,024 and 65,535 is free.
Sockets support both TCP and UDP.
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methods on socket objects
Most commonly used methods:
Scientific Software (MCS 507)
accepts connection and returns
new socket for passing data
binds a socket to an address
closes the socket
connects to address a
listen for connections
receives data in buffer of size b
sends data in d
network programming
31 October 2012
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Network Programming
Computer Networks
client/server architecture, protocols, and sockets
Network Programming
a simple client/server interaction
the module socket in Python
Monte Carlo for π
a pleasingly parallel computation
A Simple Multithreaded Server
combining sockets and threads
the SocketServer module
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launching a server
Running at the command prompt $:
In another terminal window we launch
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making connections
As soon as the client is launched,
we see in the terminal window for the server:
and then we type in the window of the client:
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passing a message
In the client terminal window we typed:
Then the server displays:
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Network Programming
Computer Networks
client/server architecture, protocols, and sockets
Network Programming
a simple client/server interaction
the module socket in Python
Monte Carlo for π
a pleasingly parallel computation
A Simple Multithreaded Server
combining sockets and threads
the SocketServer module
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sockets in Python
from socket import *
The socket module exports the method socket()
which returns an object representing a socket.
The first argument of socket is the Address Family (AF):
AF_UNIX : for UNIX sockets;
AF_INET : most commonly used for internet
AF_INET supports both TCP and UDP, given respectively by
SOCK_STREAM and SOCK_DGRAM as second argument of socket().
For example:
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
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defining connections
After a socket is created, both server and client define
server_address = (hostname, number)
To bind the socket to the address, the server does
and the client contacts the server then via
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taking requests
With listen() the server indicates how many incoming connections
will be accepted:
sock.listen(2) # accept at most 2 connections
The server takes requests via the accept() method:
client, client_address = sock.accept()
The accept() method returns
a socket client for receiving data;
the address of the client.
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sending and receiving data
The client sends data with send()
The server receives data applying recv()
data = client.recv(buffer)
to the socket client obtained with accept().
When all is over, both client and server do
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the script
from socket import *
hostname = ’’
# blank so any address can be used
number = 41267 # number for the port
buffer = 80
# size of the buffer
server_address = (hostname, number)
server = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
print ’server waits for connection’
client, client_address = server.accept()
print ’server accepted connection request from ’,\
print ’server waits for data’
data = client.recv(buffer)
print ’server received ’, data
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the script
from socket import *
hostname = ’localhost’
number = 41267
buffer = 80
# on same host
# same port number
# size of the buffer
server_address = (hostname, number)
client = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
print ’client is connected’
data = raw_input(’Give message : ’)
Scientific Software (MCS 507)
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31 October 2012
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Network Programming
Computer Networks
client/server architecture, protocols, and sockets
Network Programming
a simple client/server interaction
the module socket in Python
Monte Carlo for π
a pleasingly parallel computation
A Simple Multithreaded Server
combining sockets and threads
the SocketServer module
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estimating π
The area of the unit disk is π:
Generate random uniformly distributed points with coordinates
(x, y) ∈ [−1, +1] × [−1, +1].
We count a success when x 2 + y 2 ≤ 1.
generate n points P in [0, 1] × [0, 1]
m := #{ (x, y) ∈ P : x 2 + y 2 ≤ 1 }
the estimate is then 4 × m/n
→ dual core processor: use two clients.
pleasingly parallel: optimal speedup (twice as fast)
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running server and 2 clients
$ python
server waits for connections...
server waits for results...
approximation for pi = 3.141487
$ python
client is connected
client received 1
client computes 0.785253200000
$ python
client is connected
client received 2
client computes 0.785490300000
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one server distributes seeds
print ’server waits for connections...’
first, first_address = server.accept()
second, second_address = server.accept()
first.send(’1’); second.send(’2’)
print ’server waits for results...’
r1 = first.recv(buffer)
r2 = second.recv(buffer)
result = 2*(float(r1)+float(r2))
print ’approximation for pi =’, result
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code for the client
import random
from socket import *
hostname = ’localhost’ # on same host
number = 11267
# same port number
buffer = 80
# size of the buffer
server_address = (hostname, number)
client = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
print ’client is connected’
s = client.recv(buffer)
print ’client received %s’ % s
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code for the client continued
N = 10**7
k = 0
for i in range(0,N):
x = random.uniform(0,1)
y = random.uniform(0,1)
if x**2 + y**2 <= 1: k = k + 1
R = float(k)/N
print ’client computes %.12f’ % R
Scientific Software (MCS 507)
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31 October 2012
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Network Programming
Computer Networks
client/server architecture, protocols, and sockets
Network Programming
a simple client/server interaction
the module socket in Python
Monte Carlo for π
a pleasingly parallel computation
A Simple Multithreaded Server
combining sockets and threads
the SocketServer module
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using sockets and threads
The main program will
define address, port numbers, server socket,
launch the handler threads of the server.
Typically we will have as many handler threads as the number of
connections the server listens to.
Inheriting from the class Thread,
the constructor of the handler will store a reference to the socket
server as data attribute,
the run contains the code to accept connections
and handle requests.
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a simple server
$ python
give #clients : 2
server is ready for 2 clients
server starts 2 threads
0 accepted request from (’’, 49152)
0 waits for data
0 received A
1 accepted request from (’’, 49153)
1 waits for data
1 received B
The clients can connect at any time,
one does not have the wait for the other to connect.
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code for the client
from socket import *
hostname = ’localhost’
number = 11267
buffer = 80
# on same host
# same port number
# size of the buffer
server_address = (hostname, number)
client = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
print ’client is connected’
data = raw_input(’Give message : ’)
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main() in
def main():
Prompts for number of connections,
starts the server and handler threads.
n = input(’give #clients : ’)
b = 80; server = connect(n,b)
print ’server is ready for %d clients’ % n
T = []
for i in range(0,n):
print ’server starts %d threads’ % n
for t in T: t.start()
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the connect function
def connect(n,b):
Connects a server to listen to n clients,
buffer size is b. Returns the socket.
hostname = ’’
# to use any address
number = 11267 # number for the port
buffer = b
# size of the buffer
server_address = (hostname, number)
server = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
return server
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the handler class
from socket import *
from threading import *
class Handler(Thread):
Defines handler threads.
def __init__(self,n,s,b):
Name of handler is n, server
socket is s, buffer size is b.
Thread.__init__(self,name=n) = s = b
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defining the handling
def run(self):
Handler accepts connection,
prints message received from client.
n = self.getName()
server =
buffer =
client, client_address = server.accept()
print n + ’ accepted request from ’,\
print n + ’ waits for data’
data = client.recv(buffer)
print n + ’ received ’, data
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Network Programming
Computer Networks
client/server architecture, protocols, and sockets
Network Programming
a simple client/server interaction
the module socket in Python
Monte Carlo for π
a pleasingly parallel computation
A Simple Multithreaded Server
combining sockets and threads
the SocketServer module
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the SocketServer module
With the SocketServer module we do not need to import the
socket module for the server script.
Follow these steps:
from SocketServer import StreamRequestHandler,
Inheriting from StreamRequestHandler
define a request handler class. Override handle().
→ handle() processes incoming requests
Instantiate TCPServer with (address,port)
and an instance of the request handler class.
→ this returns a server object
Apply the method handle_request() or serve_forever()
to the server object.
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a server to tell the time
In the window running the server:
$ python
server is listening to 12091
press ctrl c to stop server
connected at (’’, 49154)
read "What is the time?
" from client
writing "Thu Nov 10 21:55:30 2011" to client
In the window running the client:
$ python
client is connected
Thu Nov 10 21:55:30 2011
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code for the client
from socket import *
hostname = ’localhost’
number = 12091
buffer = 25
# on same host
# same port number
# size of the buffer
server_address = (hostname, number)
client = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
print ’client is connected’
data = ’What is the time?’
client.send(data + (buffer-len(data))*’ ’)
data = client.recv(buffer)
print data
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code for the server
from SocketServer import StreamRequestHandler
from SocketServer import TCPServer
from time import ctime
port = 12091
class ServerClock(StreamRequestHandler):
The server tells the clients the time.
def handle(self):
Handler sends time to client.
ss = TCPServer((’’,port),ServerClock)
print ’server is listening to’, port
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code for the handler
def handle(self):
Handler sends time to client.
print "connected at", self.client_address
data =
print ’read \"’ + data + ’\" from client’
now = ctime()
print ’writing \"’ + now + ’\" to client’
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about rfile and wfile
attributes in the class StreamRequestHandler
rfile contains input stream to read data from client
example: data =
client must send exactly 25 characters!
wfile contains output stream to write data to client
example: self.wfile.write(data)
all data are strings of characters!
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using serve_forever()
With serve_forever(), we can
serve indefinitely many requests,
simultaneously from multiple clients.
ss = TCPServer((’’,port),ServerClock)
print ’server is listening to’, port
print ’press ctrl c to stop server’
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ’ ctrl c pressed, closing server’
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Summary + Exercises
For more: Foundations of Python Network Programming: The
comprehensive guide to building network applications with Python by
Brandon Rhodes and John Goerzen, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2010.
Make a server to compute determinants. A client first sends the
dimension n and then the server reads n2 floats as the n rows of
an n-by-n matrix A. Before closing down, the server sends det(A)
to the client.
Make a multithreaded server to evaluate Python expressions.
Clients send strings which can be evaluated by Python’s eval().
The server sends the result of the evaluation to the client.
Homework due Friday 16 November at 10AM:
exercises 1 and 3 of lecture 21; exercise 1 of lecture 22;
exercise 2 of lecture 23; exercises 2 and 4 of lecture 24;
exercises 1 and 2 of lecture 25; exercises 1 and 3 of lecture 26.
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