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By. Eva
Spelling Bee in the US
1925 : the US National Spelling Bee
by the Courier-Journal (newspaper of
Louisville, Kentucky)
1941 : the Scripps Howard National Spelling bee
by Scripps Howard News Service
2006 : the National Spelling Bee’s Championship
broadcast in ABC
Section Header
 The speller may ask the pronouncer to repeat the word
, define
 it, use it in a sentence, provide the part of speech,
provide the
 language of origin, or provide the alternate
Rules of spelling bee
The pronouncer will say the word
Spellers are encouraged to REPEAT the words
If a speller starts a word over, the sequence that has already
been spoken MAY NOT be changed
The spelling bee is conducted in rounds. When a speller incorrectly
spell a word, the speller drops out of the competition. The speller
continues until there is one speller left in the round.
 If that speller correctly
spells the next word, the
speller is declared the
champion !
Latin words
 Curriculum is another word
 from Latin like necessary and
 interrupt that has an internal
 double consonant. Can you
 think of an adjective related to
 curriculum that also has
 double r?
Show Answer
 curricular
 2. Some of the Latin study-list
 words end with the sound
 \sh.s\, and the consonant that
 begins the last syllable is c or t.
 Can you think of two words in
 English that end with this
 sound and are spelled with
 xious?
Show Answer
 anxious, noxious, and
 obnoxious.
Latin Words
 Three words come from
 the Latin verb that means
 "throw." These words are
 conjecture, dejected, and
 trajectory.
Greek words
apathy \'a-p.-the\ n
lack of feeling.
The path part of this word comes from
the Greek word for "feeling.“
Some other words you might think of:
empathy, pathology, sympathy, and
 1. analysis
 \.-'na-l.-s.s\ n
 separation of something into its parts.
 2. diatribe
 \'di-.-.trib\ n
 bitter or abusive writing or speech. The dia part of this
word means "through," "across,"
 or "apart" in Greek words.
Frequently misspelled
 Spelling rules
 •Study the word list
 •Spelling buddy
 •Spelling tutor