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5-4.4 What are the principal events related to
the involvement of the United States in World
War II, including campaigns in North Africa
and the Mediterranean; major battles of the
European theater such as the Battle of
Britain, the invasion of the Soviet Union, and
the Normandy invasion; and events in the
Pacific theater such as Pearl Harbor, the
strategy of island-hopping, and the bombing
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Let’s Remember…
The Roaring 20s: USA became known as world
power. Economic boom time in American with
many new inventions.
The Stock Market Crash of 1929: Marked the
end the economic boom of the 1920s .
The 1930s/Great Depression: Exposes the
economic weakness of the United States.
The New Deal/1940s: Programs proposed by
FDR which focused on 3 goals: Relief,
Recovery and Reform to get the USA out f the
Great Depression.
What is a DICTATOR??
Dictator: a person exercising absolute power,
especially a ruler who has absolute,
unrestricted control in a government.
Principal events related to USA’s
involvement in WWII
Rise of European dictators:
Benito Mussolini of Italy
⬜ Adolf Hitler of Germany
Mussolini and Hitler were dictators and
used military aggression against the rest
of Europe to secure their goals.
European Dictators
Adolf Hitler
Principal events related to USA’s
involvement in WWII
Japan also had a militaristic government
that was seeking to expand its nation’s
Joseph Stalin of USSR (Russia) was also a
dictator, but opposed Hitler.
European Dictators
Joseph Stalin
Tajo Hideki
Axis Powers
Axis Powers
Germany (Hitler),
Japan (Tajo), and
Italy (Mussolini)
All seeking to
expand their nations
power by using
military aggression.
2nd Session
Leaders of the World
United States
Franklin D.
Great Britain
Charles de
Joseph Stalin
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
How it all started….
First, Hitler started using military aggression
against the rest of Europe to secure his goals
of ruling the world.
European leaders tried to avoid war and
responded to the aggression of Hitler’s
Germany with a policy of appeasement,
giving in to his demands.
Appeasement: to bring to a state of peace,
quiet, ease, calm, or contentment
However, when Germany invaded Poland,
allied Britain and France declared war on
Soon Germany had defeated France and was
constantly bombing Great Britain in an effort
to beat the spirit of the last undefeated
European country.
These continuous-feeling air raid were know
as the Battle of Britain and they were
significant because they were the first
instance in which Hitler’s plan of conquest
were foiled.
Battle of Britain
German air raids on Britain.
Germany also invaded the Union of the Soviet
Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.).
The Congress of the United States had passed
laws that required President Roosevelt to maintain
an official policy of neutrality. (Neutrality: the
policy or status of a nation that does not
participate in a war between other nations)
However, President Roosevelt tried to help the
British leader Winston Churchill; the leader of the
Free French, Charles de Gaulle, and the leader of
the Soviet Union, Josef Stalin with supplies.
Germany invading U.S.S.R.
Adolf Hitler
Hitler believed that the German people were
superior race.
Superior: higher in station, rank, degree, and
He and many of the German people thought that
the Treaty of Versailles: treaty that ended WWI
was unfair and the economic sanctions placed on
Germany after WWI were unrealistic and
extremely punitive.
Hitler’s goal was for Germany to avenge itself by
taking over the rest of Europe, if not the world.
With the establishment of extreme nationalism,
Hitler was able to use his influence to successfully
invade other areas of Europe (Poland and France).
Goal of the Japanese
Japan wanted to establish control of the Far
East in order to assure the economic
prosperity of the Japanese people.
After the Japanese bombing of the U. S.
Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, President
Roosevelt asked the United States Congress
to declare war on Japan
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Germany (Hitler) and Italy (Mussolini) declared
war on the USA to help out their ally Japan
forming the Axis Powers.
USA (FDR), Great Britain (Churchill), and the
Soviet Union (Stalin) became know as the
Allied Powers.
Allied Powers
Axis Powers
USA, Britain, and Soviet Union
Germany, Italy, and Japan
Allied Powers
Allied Powers
United States (FDR),
England (Churchill),
and Russia (Stalin)
Allied Powers wanted
to stop the Axis and
defeat them
unconditionally so
that they could not
invade other
countries again.
3rd Session
European Theater
Strategies used by the Allied
Heavy bombing raids on Germany.
Ground troops land on the German occupied
Operation Torch: to free the Mediterranean
Sea from German control, protect oil fields of
the Middle East.
Take pressure off the USSR who was taking
heavy losses as it was being invaded by
Operation Torch
Defeating the Axis Powers
The USSR was able to hold off the German
advance and then began defeating them on
the eastern front.
Allied landings in Italy brought the surrender of
the Italians, but German forces continued the
bitter fight on the Italian peninsula.
The invasion of Normandy on D-Day provided
a second front against the Germans in the
west and provided some relief for the Russian
The invasion of Normandy on DDay
Defeating the Axis Powers
The invasion of Normandy led to the eventual
surrender of the Axis Powers in Europe, but the
Allied powers continued to struggle against the
Japanese army that was determined to fight until
all was lost.
USA utilized the island-hopping strategy in the
Pacific theater to take only strategic Japaneseheld islands in order to move within range of the
gasoline tank capacity of American planes so they
could bomb Japan in preparation for an invasion
of the Japanese home islands.
The Americans had heavy casualties as they
fought to take Japanese-occupied islands
because of the Japanese unwillingness to
accept defeat.
The Death of a Great: FDR dies and Vice
President Harry S. Truman was sworn in as
President of the United States of America.
Allied Powers kept preparing to invade Japan
while scientist successfully tested the worlds
first atomic bomb.
Atomic Bomb
The decision of whether to risk many more
American lives with another invasion of Japan
or to use the atomic bomb fell to Truman.
The United States dropped two bombs, one on
Hiroshima and a second on Nagasaki, which
led to the surrender of the Japanese and
brought an end to World War II