Download natural source of vitamins and other good things

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Vital for growth, development and
repair of body tissues. Helps
enzymes and hormones to
Carry some vitamins and energy to
cells. Essential fats are vital to the
brain, eyes and nerves and omega3 is anti-inflammatory
Pulses (Peas, Beans, Lentils), Soya (eg Tofu, Soya
milk, Soya mince), Wholegrains (eg Rice), cereals,
Seeds & seed paste(eg Tahini) and beansprouts,
Nuts (all types).
Seeds (esp. Linseed, Flaxseed, Hempseed and their
oils), dark green leafy vegetables, nuts & nut oils
(esp. walnuts), tofu, avocados, olive oil.
All plants have cells which contain protein, therefore it
is virtually impossible to eat a plant diet deficient in
Main source of energy
Vitamin A [beta
Antioxident. Vision, bones & teeth
development, growth and tissue
Wholegrains (Oats, Bread, Brown Rice, Pasta eg
Wholegrain Spaghetti, Rye),
Potatoes, Beans, Peas, & Lentils
Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Apricots Red/yellow
peppers, Tomatoes, Gr.leafy Vegetables,
Watercress, Mangoes, Pumpkins, Cantaloupe
Melons. Romaine Lettuce
B1 Thiamin
B2 Riboflavin
B3 Niacin
B5 Pantothenic
acid, B9 Folic acid,
Absorption of energy, protein &
fats, cell growth and nerve
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Keeps bowels healthy and regular;
slows sugar & fat absorption and
reduces cholesterol.
Nerve formation, red blood cell
production and allows us to use
nutrients such as protein.
Antioxidant. Immunity, wound
healing, Formation of collagen in
skin, tendons, bones.
Helps calcium absorption for
bones & teeth; supports the
immune system.
Olive oil is best for cooking. Flaxseed and hempseed oil
shouldn’t be heated. Ideal for salad dressing though and
high in omega-3! Dark gr. Veg are also high in Omega3. All oils should be fresh, unprocessed & stored in dark
cool place.
Avoid sugary carbohydrates and eat plenty of starchy
(complex) Carbohydrates. In a plant based diet there are
lots to choose from.
Antioxidants protect against disease by destroying free
radicals which cause damage
Brazil Nuts, Hazelnuts, Almond, Gr.leafy
Vegetables, Brewers yeast, Wholegrains,
Beansprouts, Broad Beans, Bananas, Peanuts,
Avocados, Mushrooms, Peas, Wheatgerm, Currants,
Soya mock meats, Yeast extracts,
Folic acid is in eg Spinach, Romaine Lettuce,
Cauliflower, lentils, Kidney beans, Berries.
Fruit & Vegetables, Wholegrain (Pasta, Rice, Oats,
Bread), Nuts, Beans, Peas, Lentils.
Folic acid is important in preventing defects in unborn
babies. It is found widely in the veggie diet. Also needed
to make red blood cells, skin and bones.
Nerve formation, red blood cell production and
allows us to use nutrients such as protein.
Important to ensure a good dietary supply of vitamin
B12 from fortified foods or supplements.
Oranges, Grapefruits, Broccoli, Spinach, Cabbage,
Green peppers, Parsley, Potatoes, Peas,
Blackcurrants, Strawberries and many other fresh
fruits & green vegetables
Sunlight on skin, Fortified Breakfast Cereals and
Soya Milk, Vegetable Margarines.
Antioxidants protect against disease. Your body can’t
store vitamin C, so you need to eat it every day. Vitamin
C helps the body absorb iron.
Very important nutrient for health. An animal free diet is
full of fibre foods! Try to use organic where possible.
In summer, you’ll get plenty of vitamin D from the
action of sunlight on your skin. Ensure you get a dietary
source of vitamin D in the winter. Vitamin D2 is animal
Vitamin E
Selenium, Cobalt
Vegetable Oils, Wheatgerm, Wholegrains,
Tomatoes, Nuts (esp Almonds), Sunflower & other
seeds, Avocados, Asparagus, Spinach, Apples,
Carrots, Celery.
Broccoli, Lettuce, Spinach, Cabbage, Brussel
Sprouts, Asparagus, Molasses, Peas, Basil, Thyme,
Sesame Seeds and other seeds, Pulses (Tofu, Beans
Gr. Leafy Veg(eg Broccoli, Watercress), Swede,
Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Fortified Soya Milk,
Cinnamon, Fennel, Olives.
Vital for making red blood cells to Beans, Lentils, Peas, Broccoli, Spinach, Cabbage,
move oxygen around the body;
Wholegrains, Dried Apricots, Prunes, Figs, Dates,
and for energy production.
Pumpkin seeds, Black Treacle, Cocoa, Turmeric,
Makes Thyroid hormones; vital for Green Leafy Veg, Asparagus, Sea vegetables(eg
regulating metabolism
Kelp) Vecon Veg Stock, Strawberries
Skeletal formation, metabolism,
Green Leafy Veg, Nuts(eg Cashews, Almonds),
production of DNA, energy and
Avocados, Wholegrains, Bananas, Apricots, Apples,
muscle & nerve function
Fluid balance, Muscle & nerve
Fennel, Brussel Sprouts, Broccoli, Aubergines,
impulse function, Heart muscle
Parsley, Cantaloupe Melons, Tomatoes, Cucumber,
Turmeric, Apricots, Ginger root, Strawberries,
Avocados, Bananas, Cauliflower, Cabbage,
Involved in metabolism, Wound
Lentils & other pulses, Tofu, Wholegrains (eg Rice,
healing and immunity.
Bread etc), Gr. Leafy Veg, Nuts 7 Seeds (esp.
Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds), Brewers Yeast,
Basil, Thyme
Dental, Skeleton, Skin & Hair
Spinach, Broccoli, Peas, Beans, Lentils, Brewers
health, red blood cell growth and
Almonds, Bananas, Potatoes, Wholegrains,
Legumes, Beans, Seaweeds.
By Juliet Gellatley,
Nutritional Therapist,
Vitamin K
Antioxidant. Helps protect the skin
from UV damage; needed for lung
membranes; stops fats in cell
membranes going rancid.
Enables blood to clot. Releases
energy from cells. Maintains bone
Bone & Teeth structure; Muscle
contractions; Blood clotting and
nervous system. Also vital to some
VVF Founder & Director.
All antioxidants help protect against many diseases.
Vitamin E reduces bladder cancer by half and lowers the
risk of prostrate cancer and Alzheimer’s
Half our needs can be made by bacteria in the gut.
Although dairy contains calcium, it is not the best source
because cows’ milk also contains saturated fat,
cholesterol and 35 hormones such as oestrogen but no
fibre, iron and very little
Vitamins A. C, or E.
To increase absorption, consume with food or drinks
rich in Vitamin C.
Essential for muscle relaxation
Potassium protects against high blood pressure and
osteoporosis as it lowers the loss of calcium from the
Essential for healthy sperm, skin, taste and smell.
Selenium is an antioxidant and helps stop diseases.
Molybdenum fights nitrosamines, which are associated
with cancer. A deficiency has been linked to impotence.
Veggie diets are high in selenium and molybdenum