* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
REGISTRATION FORM 14TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL DERMATOLOGY EXCHANGE PROGRAM of THE SKIN CANCER FOUNDATION April 5 –7, 2013 San Juan, Puerto Rico Co-Directors: Perry Robins, MD Deborah Sarnoff, MD Enclosed is a check (or credit charge) payable to The Skin Cancer Foundation in the amount of $500. I plan to attend the conference in Puerto Rico, and understand that this registration fee serves as my annual membership fee to The Skin Cancer Foundation, which is tax deductible. Credit card: VISA MasterCard AmEx Account No._______________________________ Expiration Date____________________ Name on card______________________________ Signature_________________________ Credit Card Billing Address:__________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE: ________________________ FAX:_____________________ E-MAIL:____________________ Name(s) of accompanying person(s):____________________________________________________________ Upon receipt of your Registration, you will be given hotel registration instructions. Please complete and return this form with your tax-deductible registration/contribution to: The Skin Cancer Foundation 149 Madison Ave., 9th floor New York, NY 10016 Phone: (212) 725-5176 Fax: (212) 725-5751 e-mail: [email protected]