Download When used with the Momentum ENT Ethernet Communication

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Schneider Automation BootP Lite
Ethernet IP Address Download Utility For
Schneider Automation Ethernet Products
BootP Lite Software
BootP Lite is a Windows-based software utility for downloading an Ethernet IP address, default router and subnet mask to
Schneider Ethernet Products.
When used with the Momentum ENT Ethernet Communication Adapter, the utility permanently changes the IP address in
the adapter’s flash memory.
When used with a Momentum M1 Ethernet Processor or Quantum NOE Communications module the utility changes the
IP address, default router and subnet mask of the processor. Optionally, it may cause the processor to enter Stopped
mode on completion of power up. This is useful when inappropriate outbound network traffic might result if the processor
immediately transitioned into Run mode after power up.
Copy “Bootplt.exe” to the directory from which you wish to execute the program.
Your computer must be running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT or Windows 3.11 For Work Groups. Your
computer must also provide a network connection, via an Ethernet Communications card, to the Ethernet network on
which the target device ( processor or communication adapter ) is located.
The utility is invoked from the DOS command line or the MS-DOS Prompt under Windows 95 or the Command Prompt
under Windows NT.
General Instructions:
You will want to be located near the target device ( processor or communication adapter ) to power cycle it and to
verify correct operation.
1) Bootp Lite is invoked from the command line (see detail below).
2) Power cycle the target when prompted.
3) Diagnostic or error messages will be displayed as the process proceeds.
4) Check the LED blink pattern of the target hardware to confirm the success of the operation. Refer to “Responses
to BootP Lite Commands”, below.
BootP Lite Commands:
From the DOS prompt, type the command bootplt <enter>, and the display above will come up on the screen. This
display illustrates the basic function of the Bootplt program. The MAC address for the target device is the first piece of
information that is required. It is a unique address for the target device that is set at the factory. On the Momentum
M1E processors and Ethernet communication adapters the MAC address is on a label that is located on the side of the
plastic enclosure.
The desired IP address for the target device is also required. This address is user selectable, but should be in the
same domain as the IP address of the PC that is being used as the Bootp server. The IP address for the router and
the IP mask are optional information that is not required if the PC is local to the target device.
The following is a sample of the steps required to configure an IP Address for a Momentum ENT Ethernet communication
1. From the DOS prompt, as shown above, enter the command < bootplt>, followed by a space, than the MAC Address
of the target device ( communication adapter ), followed by a space, and than the IP Address that is being assigned to
the target device. Then press the <enter> key.
2. The message as shown above, will appear below the DOS command that you entered, and will first repeat the MAC
address and IP address information that was entered. The message on the next line ask if you have checked the
network to insure that there are no other devices connected that already have the same IP address that is to be written
to the selected target device. Using the PING command with the IP address, the computer will send out a message
over the network with the selected IP address and wait for a response. If there is no device on the network with this IP
address, the PING message will receive 4 “Request Timed Out “ responses. Enter Y and the Bootp function will
If there is a device on the network that already has the IP addressed assigned to it, the response will be 4 messages
“Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128” . At this point you should select another IP address to write
to the target device.
3. Once “Y” is entered, the Bootp program will begin the broadcast sequence, where it will write the selected IP address
to the target device ( Momentum communication adapter in this example), which has been identified by its MAC
address. A total of 10 messages are written to the target device,. During this write operation, the power to the target
device must by cycled ( turned off and on again ).
4. When the Bootp program has finished sending the 10 messages to the target device, display above indicates the
“Bootp broadcast sequence is complete”. The program identifies the target device ( ENT communication adapter ) that
has been given the new IP address. The user is asked if they want to now save the new IP address in the Flash
memory of the communication adapter.
Note: It is highly recommended that new IP address is saved to the non-volatile Flash memory on the ENT
communication adapter. In the event of a power failure, the IP address will be saved and when power is returned, the
communication adapter will start up with it IP address and resume communications.
5. Enter “Y” to confirm that the IP address is to be saved in communication adapter’s Flash memory and when the
operation is complete the message above is displayed. At this point the Bootp operation is complete, the
communication adapter has an IP address and can be communicated to by other Ethernet devices on the network.
Failed Bootp Operation
Under certain situations, such as the target device may already have an IP address, the Bootp program may fail in writing
an IP address to the target device. In this situation the message below will appear. If the target device does have an
existing IP address but because of new system requirements must be changed, Press the “F3” key to re-initiate the Bootp
operation which should than write the new IP address to the target device.
Responses to BootP Lite commands:
When used with the ENT communications adapter:
1) The new IP address is permanently stored in the adapter’s flash memory .
2) To confirm that the download operation has been successful, check the following LED’s:
Run: On
When used with the M1 Ethernet Processor in “passive bootp” mode:
If the target has been configured for “passive bootp” mode via the “Use IP” option in the Concept programming
panel, on power up:
1) The processor will enter Stopped mode after power up is completed;
2) The new IP address may be used to communicate with the controller;
3) To confirm that the download operation has been successful, check the following LED’s:
LAN Status: On
Run: Off
The downloaded IP address may be used to communicate with the processor. This new IP address, default router
and subnet mask are volatile. You may use a programming panel (such as Concept V2.2 or greater) to
permanently store this information to the processor’s Flash memory.
When used with the M1 Ethernet Processor in “active bootp” mode:
If the target has been configured for “active bootp” mode via the “Use BootP” option in the Concept programming
panel, on power up:
1. The processor will transmit BootP requests until a BootP response is received.
2. The processor will Start on completion of power up, if it has been programmed to do so.
3. To confirm that the download operation has been successful, check the following LED’s:
LAN Status: On
Run: On if the processor has been programmed to start, otherwise Off.
The downloaded IP address may be used to communicate with the processor. This new IP address, default router
and subnet mask are volatile. You may use a programming panel (such as Concept V2.2 or greater) to
permanently store this information to the processor’s Flash memory.
When used with an un-configured M1 Ethernet Processor:
If the target is un-configured, ie, contains no program, or contains no configuration extensions (this is the default
as shipped from the factory), on power up:
1. The processor will enter Stopped mode after power up is completed;
2. The new IP address may be used to communicate with the controller;
3. To confirm that the download operation has been successful, check the following LED’s:
LAN Status: On
Run: Off
The downloaded IP address may be used to communicate with the processor. This new IP address, default router
and subnet mask are volatile. You may use a programming panel (such as Concept V2.2 or greater) to
permanently store this information.
When used with a Quantum NOE Communication module:
1. The downloaded IP address may be used to communicate with the NOE.
2. To confirm that the download operation has been successful, check the following LED’s:
Run: On
The new IP address, default router, and subnet mask are volatile and may be lost during a power OFF state. You
may use a programming panel (such as Concept V2.2 or greater) to permanently store this information.
System Compatibility:
BootP Lite is designed to work properly with the following Modicon products:
Model Number
Firmware Version
NOE 100 Megabit Communications Module
140 NOE 771 00
1.0 or greater
NOE Factory Cast Communications Module
140 NOE 211 10
1.0 or greater
M1 Ethernet Processor
171 CCC 960 20
1.0 or greater
M1 Ethernet Processor
171 CCC 980 20
1.0 or greater
ENT Communications Adapter
170 ENT 110 00
1.0 or greater
System Requirements:
BootP Lite requires an IBM or compatible personal computer with an Ethernet network communications card, running a
DOS session under one of the following operating systems:
Windows 3.11 Windows for Workgroups
Windows 95;
Windows 98;
Windows NT.
Caution: Be sure to verify the MAC address of the target device before invoking this program. If you do not enter the
correct parameters of the target controller, it will come up running in its old configuration An incorrect MAC address may
also cause an unwanted change to another device and cause unexpected results.
Note: Where possible, we recommend that you install and operate BootP Lite and the target device on an isolated
network, and verify that the address of the target device has been correctly modified. This will prevent any unexpected
results from affecting your network. In the system configuration below, the computer that is performing the Bootp operation
and the 4 Momentum I/O modules with the ENT Ethernet communication adapters are in the same domain. In simple
terms, the computer and all of the I/O modules should have the same series of IP addresses as shown in the issiatration
IP Address 192.168.1 30
Ethernet Switched Hub
First Module IP address