Download Nararative of the solar system

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As we start to leave the Atmosphere of earth to begin our journey to the centre of the
Universe we first come across the moon, this is a white coloured object with giant
craters on it but it is only small and we float past it in a couple of minutes. We then
arrive at Mars this is a very dry and dusty planet with traces of river that have now
dried up. This planet is about the same size of earth and it takes us 2 days to pass by.
The next planet we run into is Jupiter this planet is a dry and full of gases. There
appears to be a giant storm on the planet that's the same size as earth. Jupiter is
massive and it takes us up to 6 months to pass it and all of its moons. We then come
to the planet Saturn. This planet is surrounded by a ring of rock that is hitting each
other and some parts are fling off into space. This planet is about half the size of mars
and seems to be a giant dust planet. It takes us about 3 months to pass this planet and
then we arrive a Neptune the planet of beauty. This planet seems to be made up of
liquids, which have frozen over time because there isn’t enough heat for the ice to
melt. This forms the blue colour. The planet is about half the size of Saturn and it take
us 2 months to pass by before we arrive at the blue planet Neptune this is the last
planet that we pass and is made up of various types of light gasses mixed together to
make the blue colour and to form the planet. This planet is about the same size as
Uranus and it takes us 2 month to pass. We then start to arrive at the dwarf planets the
first one we come across is Pluto this is a very small planet and is made up of frozen
gasses. The planet is so small it takes us about 2 hours to pass. We are now starting to
leave earth’s solar system and heading to the first spiral arm of the galaxy. This Spiral
arm is made up of thousands of stars and even some giant stars bigger than our sun.
We then leave the spiral arm to come to the Molecular clouds these are a bunch of
stars within clouds made up of manly gasses. We leave these clouds to come to the
Galactic bulge. This is the edge of the centre of the galaxy and is full of light and
giant suns the size of our galaxy. We then get to the centre where there is a giant star
that is being engulfed by a black hole.