Download Android Studio,

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Android Studio,
 Android Studio IDE
 Android SDK tools
 Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) Platform
 Android 6.0 emulator system image with Google APIs
Installing Android Studio,
Get Started – Building Your First App,
 Creating an Android Project,
Android Studio Installation
1. Download, Android Studio for Windows
2. Install Android Studio (if old version is installed, it will help you to uninstall the old version IDE)
 Select components to install: Android Studio, Android SDK, Android Virtual Device,
Performance (requires 4.3B)
3. Configuration Settings
 Android Studio Installation Location: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio 1
 Android SDK Installation Location: C:\Users\Lin\AppData\Local\Android\sdk1
 Emulator Setup – recommended 2 GB
 Choose Start Menu Folder: Android Studio
4. Error launching Android Studio
 The environment variable JAVA_HOME (with the value of C:\Program
Files\Java\jre.8.0_60) does not point to a valid JVM installation.
 Solution:
 Java Runtime Environment Version 8.0 Update 66 – Nov. 23, 2015:
 C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_66
 Computer => Properties => Advanced system settings => Environment Variables
 User variables for Lin => PATH
 System variables => New, then enter a new path
 JAVA_HOME C:\Program Files\Java\JDK1.8.0_60
5. Windows => All Programs => Android Studio => Android Studio
 Start “Downloading Components”
 Android SDK was installed to C:\Users\Lin\AppData\Local\Android\sdk1
 …
 Installing Archives
 …
 Creating Android virtual device
 Android virtual device Nexus_5_API_23_x86 was successfully created
6. Welcome to Android Studio
 Recent Projects
 Quick Start
 Start a new Android Studio project
 Open an existing Android Studio project
 VCS: Check out project from Version Control
Import project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc)
Import an Android code sample
Docs and How-Tos
7. Adding SDK Packages
 Configure => SDK Manager
 Download the latest SDK Platforms, SDK Tools; Enabled SDK Update Sites
8. Adding the support Libraries
 Android Wear, Android TV, Google Cast
9. Get Started – Building Your First App,
 Setup Your Environment
10. Create a Project with Android Studio – “Hello World app”,
 Quick Start => Start a new Android Studio project
 Configure your new project
 Application name: My First App
 Company Domain:
 Project location: D:\565-2016-Spring-MobileComputing\0AndroidAppLab\MyFirstApp
 Target Android Devices
 Phone and Tablet: Minimum SDK API 15: Android 4.0.3 (IceCreamSandwitch)
 Add an activity to Mobile
 Select Blank Activity and click Next
 Customize the Activity => change the Activity Name to MyActivity
 LayoutName => activity_my
 Title => MyActivity
 Menu Resource Name => menu_my
 Click the Finish button to create the project
 MyFirstApp … now a “Hello World” app with the following default files
 XML layout file – app/src/main/res/layout/activity_my.xml
 Hellow world! Message with some settings –
 app/src/main/java/com.mycompany.myfirstapp/ – containing
Java Activity class which starts the activity and loads the layout that says “Hello
 app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml – describes the fundamental characteristics
of the app and defines each of its component.
 App/build.gradle
 drawable-<density>/
 layout/
 menu/
 mipmap/
 values/
11. Run Your Application,
 Run on a Real Device
 Setup your device
 Run the app from Android Studio
 Run the app from a command line
 Run on the Emulator