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Shingles also recognized as Herpes Zoster is an awful infection caused by the Herpes virus presenting as a
burning, stinging, painful, blistering rash, along an area served by a single spinal nerve. The same virus that causes
Chicken pox is responsible for Shingles, and anyone who has had Chicken pox during childhood has a likelihood of
developing Shingles later in life. The virus can stay dormant in nerve cells of the body for many years, and can
reactivate anytime during lifetime, by an immune trigger or age, causing Shingles. You cannot get Shingles if you
have never had Chickenpox. Shingles as such is not contagious, but contact with the virus can cause a person to
develop Chickenpox for the first time, which can later lead to Shingles.
Causes of Shingles:
• Past history of Chickenpox.
• Weak Immune system.
• Conditions that lower the immune system like Pregnancy, chronic health conditions, diabetes, heart disease, HIV,
Surgery, Stress, etc.
• Nutritional deficiencies.
• Aging.
• Stress.
• Skin injury.
• Long term use of certain drugs like steroids, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc.
Symptoms of Shingles:
• Pain on one side of the body usually on chest, back, neck, face, arms and legs.
• Rash with oozing blisters.
• Numbness, tingling, itching and burning.
• Fever with chills.
• Fatigue.
• Headache.
• Loss of taste.
• Swollen lymph nodes.
• Joint pains.
• Genital lesions (ulcers on private parts).
• Glaucoma (a condition of increased pressure within the eyeball).
• Blindness.
• Hearing loss.
• Facial paralysis.
Homeopathic approach to Shingles:
Homeopathy can be an exceptionally successful approach in decreasing susceptibility in acute and chronic
infections, as well as in treating the infection itself. Homeopathy is the best choice of treatment for Shingles. A
weakened immune system is more prone to such infections. Homeopathic remedies are known to positively
influence the immune system and stimulate the body's own healing ability. Homeopathic remedies successfully and
speedily help in healing the lesions, the pain, the discomfort, and prevent further development of complications and
future outbreaks of Shingles. Homeopathy does not consider Shingles as an affection confined just to the skin, but
perceives it as having deeper roots within the system of the patient. Hence, the treatment is not merely
symptomatic, but is constitutional, striving to treat the disease from the root cause.
The Homeopathic constitutional approach always considers the illness in the context of the whole person taking
into account the mental, emotional, physical symptoms and the circumstances surrounding their lives. Its purpose is
balance and harmony on all levels by enhancing the body’s own defenses. Homeopathy strengthens a person's
immune and defense system, hence treating the active infection and having long-term benefits by preventing
recurrence. Proper use of Homeopathic remedies for Shingles can bring positive results promptly. Homeopathic
remedies are natural, gentle, safe and easy to take, are regulated by the FDA and prepared according to the
Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. Some Homeopathic remedies that are commonly used to
treat Shingles are given below. These are just a few of the commonly used Homeopathic remedies and are
mentioned only to create awareness about the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines in Shingles. It is
not advisable to resort to self-medication for any disease.
Homeopathic remedies for Shingles:
Apis Mellifica: This remedy is indicated when there is swelling with soreness, stinging pains that are worse from
touch, pressure, heat in any form, on the right side and feel relieved from cold application. The pustules are very
sensitive to touch.
Arsenicum Album: This is a very deep acting remedy suggested when there are red, burning, scaly lesions that
are relieved by warmth and are worse from scratching, from cold and at night causing restless anxiety. These
patients have an unquenchable thirst and are exhausted by the slightest exertion.
Clematis Erecta: This is an exceptional remedy for red, burning blister-like eruptions on the head, face and nose.
The vesicles are red, burning and scaly with itching, are worse from washing with cold water, at night, from warmth
of bed and feel better in open air. These patients have a tendency towards genitourinary conditions.
Iris Versicolor: This remedy is supportive in pustular eruptions especially on the scalp, right side of the stomach
with stomach problems, burning and nausea. These patients are worse from rest, in the evening, night and are
better from continued motion.
Lachesis: This remedy is indicated when bluish – purplish lesions are concentrated on the left side of the body with
swelling, that is worse from warmth, but better by cold. These patients are extremely talkative, restless, uneasy and
have hot perspiration.
Mezereum: This remedy is recommended in middle-aged persons when there are fierce looking brown scabs with
severe pain, burning and intolerable itching. These patients are very sensitive to cold air.
Ranunculus Bulbosus: This is an outstanding remedy used for Shingles, which acts specifically on the skin and is
useful when the nerve pains are burning and itching. Pain is worse from slightest touch, movement or eating and is
better on exposure to cold air. The eruptions are mainly on the palms and trunk of the body. There is also pain of
the right eye with herpetic eruptions on the cornea.
Rhus Tox: This remedy has a brilliant effect on the skin and mucous membrane. It is useful when emerging blisters
are red, painful, with intense itching, feel better by warmth and are worse during sleep and in wet weather. The
patient has glandular swelling, is very restless with pain, and constantly changes position.
Self-care measures:
• Get medical help immediately, as it is infectious.
• Apply ice on blisters, to relieve pain and burning.
• Wash hands each time you touch your blisters.
• Avoid sharing towels, pillowcases, bed sheets, etc.
• Wear cotton clothing.
• Avoid use of scented soaps, powder, bubble baths or feminine hygiene products.
• Relax, as stress can trigger the symptoms.
• Garlic is a strong inexpensive Antiviral which you can add to your diet.
When other systems of medicine fail to work effectively, consider Homeopathy. The natural, gentle, non-toxic,
effective and rapid acting Homeopathic remedies will help relieve the symptoms of Shingles, enabling you to
experience substantial improvement in your outlook and quality of life.
About the author:
Neepa Sevak (DHMS, DHom, DIHom, DHM, CCH, RSHom (NA), HMA) is experienced and registered with the
Arizona Homeopathic Board of Medical Examiners, and certified by the Council of Homeopathic certification. She is
currently practicing Classical Homeopathy, is a Supervisor, Clinical Faculty and is on the Board of International
Affairs at the American Medical College of Homeopathy. Neepa is also serving as a specialist at ACA (Autism
Community of Africa, an organization that is helping heal Autistic children in Africa, with the help of Homeopathic
remedies). Her mission is to “Promote Health through Homeopathy with a Holistic, Totalistic, and Individualistic
Phone: (480) 363 0758
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