Download Rise of Civilization (3000-1000 BC) Classical Civilizations (1000BC

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World History (unit#5, #
Name __________________
World History Periodization Transition RevieW
Periodization 1:
Rise of Civilization (3000-1000 BC)
Foundations (5000 BC to 600 AD)
Classical Civilizations (1000BC-600 AD)
How are Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, & China similar in their geography?
2. Which early civilization was governed by
(a) pharaohs=_____________ (b) Hammurabi’s Code=_______________________
(c) the dynastic cycle=__________ (d) mandate of heaven=_________________
3. Which early civilization had a religion based on (a) Judaism=__________________
(b) Hinduism=___________________ (c) Buddhism=____________________
(d) Ancestor worship=________________
What do Persia, the territories of Alexander the Great, Rome, Gupta
India & Han China have in common? _______________________________
Name 2 cultural achievements of the following classical cultures:
(a) Greece=__________________________________________________
(b) Rome=___________________________________________________
(c) Gupta India=_______________________________________________
3) What was a unique feature of government in
(a) Athens=______________________________________
(b) Rome before Julius Caesar=__________________________________
(c) Han China=________________________________________
Overview of the periodization A time after the discovery of _____________ when civilizations began for form along the fertile soils of ______________ valleys. Over time,
many river valley societies developed into advanced civilizations which then led to the rise of large _______________________. Finally, some societies developed such
important _________________________ achievements that they became “__________________________” civilizations because their achievements influenced other
societies and the modern world.
Periodization 2:
The Post-Classical Era (600-1450)
1) Name 2 examples of cultural diffusion across each trade route:
Which post-classical societies were ruled by a: (a) caliph=____________
(a) Trans-Saharan Trade=_______________________________________
(b) khan=_____________ (c) emperor with a law code=_______________
(d) czar=___________(e) noble lords=_______________(f)dynasty=___________
(b) Indian Ocean=_______________________________________________
2) Name 2 cultural achievements of the following post-classical cultures:
(a) Aztecs=_________________________________________________________
(c) Silk Road=__________________________________________________
(b) Tang China=______________________________________________________
2) Name the society that was most affected by:
(c) Byzantine Empire=________________________________________________
(a) the Crusades=_____________________________________________
(d) Islamic Empire=___________________________________________________
(b) introduction of the Cyrillic alphabet= ___________________________
3) Which post-classical society did each of these travelers represent?
(c) Olmec culture=______________________________________________
(a) Ibn Battuta=______________, (b) Zheng He=_____________
3) How did the Mongol Empire impact world trade?
(c) Marco Polo=_______________
Overview of the periodization: A time when numerous societies became more _____________________________ to each other due to an increase in
______________________. New trade routes led to cultural diffusion, spread ___________________, and spread major world ____________________ such as Islam,
Buddhism, and Christianity (___________________ and Eastern Orthodox)
Periodization 3: Transition to the Modern World (1450-1750)
Examine each image and make a prediction about the era of transition to the modern world from 1450 to 1750
Overview of the periodization A time when Western Europe emerged from the _____________________________ and experienced a “____________” in
_______________, cities, _______________, & art. During this era, Europeans _____________________________________________ many existing
preconceptions such as ideas about ________________, science, and government. This era marked the rise of the ___________________, a time when
Europeans began to spread their ____________________________________ to parts of America and Asia