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General Relativity - Curvature Demo/Prac
Notes for set up – assemble base (shorter uprights are for corners), then stretch the lycra over top and equally
space the 20 clamps (0.5m apart). It does not need to be super tight, a slight dip in the middle is fine. The height
of every support should be 1m. Just use books to level if it’s not already. Do this before the prac. You may also
wish to practice the prac before the lesson.
1. Discuss what aspects of the apparatus do not model spacetime curvature
- Not 3D: - space is a “lattice” surrounding the mass
- Lots of friction in this model
- A mass doesn’t “indent” or “weigh down” the fabric, spacetime curves towards a mass (more accurate
if fabric curved towards the mass under the fabric). Draw 3D curvature
2. Place weight (0.5kg) in middle. Note curvature changes towards object – curvature “slope” increases closer
to the object (Slope is a measure of Newtonian Force). Write F = GMm/r2 on board. Highlight the slope/distance
relationship. The slope (Force/Gravity) is proportional to inverse square of distance from the object. Place
second weight in middle – observe increase in slope/Force/Gravity.
3. Gravity wave. Distortion of fabric ripples with changes in mass (slap the fabric), these are propagating gravity
waves. Ripples in spacetime which move at speed of light
4. Curved space bends light. Use marble as a photon, fire it to a student at other side, see curvature. This is the
seeing of the star behind the eclipse. From the perspective of the observer looking at the star (opposite to the
person rolling the marble), the light is redshifted as it approaches the observer (increasing wavelength as it
“loses energy” climbing out of gravity well). Put ∆θ = 1.75”/d on board
5. As light climbs out of gravity well it is redshifted (student who receives marble (ie photon) would see it
redshifted). Write shift equation on board ∆f/f = g∆h/c2 where f = freq leaving earth. This leads us to the effect
of gravity on time T=T’(1+gh/c2) where gravity at T > T’
6. Gravity describes passage of object along spacetime curvature. Let marble, representing mass roll straight to
collision with central weights. Explain that the object in the middle is also responding to the curvature of the
smaller mass, but this is not seen because of mass differences. Objects leaving the mass, need escapoe velocity
climb out of well. Put escape vel on board vesc = (2GM/r)1/2
7. Black holes. Logical extension of more mass , get increasing slope. As mass increases, slope approaches
infinity. This gives no geodesic (straight line path) for light to exit. Draw on board and the Schwarzschild radius
rs = 2GM/c2. Use metre ruler to roll a marble toward mass. Bring ruler closer to mass with each subsequent
release, show curvature increases, logical extension to black hole.
8. Remove mass from centre, place two heavy balls near each other to show they both move towards each other.
The motion of anything in the vicinity of a gravity well will be effected by it.
9. Passing objects can be “caught” in the curvature resulting from a larger mass. Lead to orbit. Roll a marble
representing Mass (asteroid/planet etc) in a shallow path over fabric to show circular orbit (or as near as
possible). Comment on speed increase with increasing curvature / gravity. Comment on why it spirals in and
doesn’t stay the same radius – friction forces. Write up velocity/radius relationship – vorbit = (GM/r)1/2 students
can calculate the speed the marble would have to do to stay in 1m orbit around the 1kg mass at centre. – What
might they expect?
10. Perihelion shift. Throw another marble with a less shallow path and have students note the position of the
perihelion with each orbit. Relate this to the evidence for general relativity (Mercury) 2°/100yrs
11. Roll a mass and ask students to pay particular attention to the curvature created by the small mass.
Previously explained that it wouldn’t noticeably affect a large mass, but it is there and will affect masses of
similar size. Roll a larger mass, curvature is greater. Comment on frame of reference (principal of equivalence),
the curvature around the moving ball is exactly the same whether it is still, in orbit (ie affected by other
curvatures) or moving faster or slower.
12. Throw two marbles together – they will stay touching as they spiral in, locked in each other’s gravity wells.
Ask students to note what happens as they get closer to the large mass and gain more energy. They break apart –
two reasons:
- tidal forces (lower one is pulled more towards the middle than the top one).
- Increase in energy (velocity) of the individual mass is sufficient for it to break the forces of
attraction resulting from the curvature. Question, how can we make the objects spin around each other
faster? – Can you give them a “spin” as you let them go?
13. Spaghettification - group a large mass of balls (eg release from under cup?) as they spiral in they will
14. Objects will “capture” each other in their gravity wells. Throw two marbles at the same time with a distance
between them. They will come together as they rotate around the larger mass
15. Grouping of masses. This effect is the same for groups of objects. Throw two lots of two marbles and they
will also come together in orbit if have a close enough encounter.
Spread the whole class around circumference and give students practice rolls to ensure they can roll without
having the marbles fly off the fabric.
Want to have all students then coordinate rolling of 10 (?) marbles in quick succession all in the same direction.
When all marbles have been thrown, have students look for the dynamic interactions of groupings, collisions
and regroupings. How many groups of 2,3,4 etc do they see? Hopefully see things like the larger a group gets
the more marble s collects. Ensure it is related to the curvature. Give it a few goes.
17. Effect of a large mass. Do the same exercise but include 7 or so larger (heavier) marbles. Observe this
18. Orbiting Planets
Place a weight in the middle, call it the sun. Throw a large and a small marble together with slight separation.
Might need a few goes but will see moon orbiting earth as earth orbits sun. Do it again with two moons.
19. Remove marbles and place two heavy weights a metre or so apart. Explain how gravity is used to send man
to the moon. Throw a marble to get a figure 8 around the two weights.
Establishing the direction of galaxy (or celestial system) rotation. Remove the marbles and place the weights in
the middle. As last time, give each student 10 marbles. Have half the class on one side rolling in one direction
and the other half rolling the opposite. Ensure equal numbers in both directions. Perhaps girls vs boys? Ensure
some separation between the two students facing each other (1m is fine). On your instruction all students release
their 10 marbles in quick succession. Watch. The end result will most likely be a single direction of rotation, ie
the winner! This models the random nature of collisions in establishing the direction of rotation. Retrieve the
marbles and do another couple of times. Discuss – how could the direction be biased? Throw the marbles harder
(perhaps a boy solution) – just fly out of the system! Simply need to throw it in such a manner as to maximise
the time on the fabric.
21. Play time