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Diet: Sodium – 100mmol
Aim: To limit total sodium intake to 100mmol (2300mg) per day.
Characteristics: Limits foods high in sodium.
• congestive heart failure
• acute or chronic renal failure
• liver disease with ascites.
Nutritional adequacy: Nutritionally adequate.
Precautions: No salt sachets are provided on meal trays. If more than four slices of bread are served per day,
a lower-sodium bread may be needed to meet the daily restriction.
Paediatrics: Suitable for use in paediatrics when combined with an age-appropriate diet.
Suggested meal structure (inclusive of all foods and fluids served at each meal):
Breakfast: <20mmol (460mg)
Morning tea: <10mmol (230mg)
Lunch: <30mmol (690mg)
Afternoon tea: <10mmol (230mg)
Dinner: <30mmol (690mg)
Supper: <10mmol (230mg)
Specific menu planning guidelines:
Hot main dishes
<15mmol (345mg) sodium per serve
≥15mmol (345mg) sodium per serve
(e.g bacon, sausages, pies, smoked fish,
silverside, some mornays, lasagne, quiche,
cheese-based dishes)
Plain roasted and grilled meat, fish and
Some egg dishes
Sauces, gravies
Sauces and gravies with
<5mmol (115mg) sodium per serve
Commercial sauce mixes
Apple, mint and cranberry sauces
Starchy vegetables / pasta / rice
Plain steamed, roasted or mashed potato
(<2mmol (46mg) sodium per serve)
Plain rice and pasta, unsalted noodles
Salads, dressings
Breads, cereals
Any rice, pasta, noodle or potato dishes
with >2mmol (46mg) of sodium per serve.
E.g. Potato wedges, scalloped potato
Fried rice
All others
Any vegetables served with cheese
or white sauce or with added salt
<6mmol (138mg) sodium per serve
All other soups
<20mmol (460mg) sodium per serve
≥20mmol (460mg) sodium per serve
(e.g ham, silverside, cheese sandwiches)
<18mmol (414mg) sodium per serve
including dressing
All breads ≤400mg sodium per 100g
Breakfast cereals ≤400mg sodium
per 100g (e.g Weet-Bix™, rolled oats,
muesli, All-Bran®)
≥18mmol (414mg) sodium per serve
(e.g ham, silverside, cheese salads)
Canned vegetables
Breakfast cereals >400mg sodium
per 100g
ACI Diet Specifications for Adult Inpatients
Diet: Sodium - 100mmol (continued)
Regular butter and margarine
Vegemite™, Marmite™,
salted peanut butter
Jam, honey, marmalade
Peanut butter with no added salt
Hot breakfast choices
Plain boiled, poached or scrambled eggs
and omelettes, prepared with no
added salt
All fruit
All yoghurt
<8mmol (184mg) sodium per serve
Milk-based desserts, ice-cream, jelly
Milk and cheese
All milk
Ricotta and cottage cheese
Bacon, sausages, canned spaghetti and
canned baked beans
Egg dishes prepared with salt
≥8mmol (184mg) sodium per serve
(e.g many commercial desserts and
Semi-hard and hard cheese (unless within
food group and meal limits)
Swiss cheese
Tea, coffee, cordial, soft drinks
Salted tomato and vegetable juice
Milo powder®, drinking chocolate
Fruit juices
Unsalted tomato or vegetable juice
Plain crackers and biscuits with <4mmol
(92mg) sodium per serve
(e.g Milk Arrowroot™, Morning
Coffee™, rice cakes)
Herbs, spices, vinegar, lemon wedge
Unsalted nuts, pepper
Sugar, sweetener, cream
>4mmol (92mg) sodium per serve of two
biscuits or portion-control pack
(e.g Jatz™)
Salted nuts, olives
Monosodium glutamate (MSG),
salt sachets
Potato crisps, salted popcorn
1.Food Standards Australia New Zealand. NUTTAB Online searchable database: foods that contain sodium.
[accessed 13 Aug 2015];
Available at:
2. Dietitians Association of Australia. Nutrition manual. 9th ed. Canberra: DAA; 2014.
3.American Dietetic Association. Nutrition care manual. Chicago: ADA; 2009. [accessed 17 March 2010];
Available at:
4.National Heart Foundation of Australia. Position statement: the relationships between dietary electrolytes and
cardiovascular disease. 2006. [accessed 13 Aug 2015].
5.Queensland Health. Low salt diet. 2015. [accessed 13 Aug 2015];
Available at:
6. European
Association for the Study of the Liver. EASL clinical practice guidelines on the management of
ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and hepatorenal syndrome in cirrhosis. Journal of Hepatology 2010
vol. 53: 397–417.
This diet specification is not to be used for patient education.
Date: 16 September 2015
ACI Diet Specifications for Adult Inpatients
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