Download Digital Communication System for Competitive Industries

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Customer Case Study
Vehicle Towing Company (S. Africa)
Digital Communication System for
Competitive Industries
The photograph is an image only.
To survive in competitive industries, it is important to have some
originality in your business. In the following success story
reported by Multisource Telecoms (South Africa), a customer of
theirs chose IDAS as their own private communication system
instead of relying on a shared system. As a result, they now
enjoy advantages in business which their competitors do not
In South Africa, the host country of the “2010 FIFA World Cup”, vehicle towing
remains a very competitive industry. The roads in urban areas are very
congested in South Africa, especially during the rush hour. From such crowded
roads, towing companies skillfully remove stranded and accident damaged
vehicles and thereby help to avoid aggravation of traffic congestion. Their
prompt performance is highly appreciated by other drivers and the traffic police.
Analog vs Digital Coverage
Audio quality
Better audio quality
The reason why this industry is so competitive is that there is a large need for
vehicle towing throughout South Africa, especially in the built-up urban areas.
Furthermore, payment for towing is usually guaranteed by auto insurance,
which is another attractive incentive for those who engage in this industry.
Better distance coverage
Minimum required audio quality
Analog FM
High level
Signal strength
Low level
To survive in this competitive industry, reliable and effective communication is
critical. In order to carry out the work promptly, tow truck drivers need to be
quickly and effectively given information such as the exact location of stranded
vehicles and the fastest route to get there. If the communication is not relayed
effectively and a tow truck arrives at the destination late, the traffic situation
there may have gotten worse or a competitor might have arrived earlier to carry
out the tow instead.
Knowing this background, Vertel Investments, one of Multisource Telecoms’
distributors, offered IDAS to a customer in the towing industry. Their territory
area is the province of Gauteng, which includes the cities of Johannesburg and
the capital, Pretoria.
The customer wanted a more effective communication system than
competitors in order to carry out their work promptly, and more secure
encryption than their current analog system provided to avoid eavesdropping.
The roads in Johannesburg.
Customer Case Study
Vehicle Towing Company (S. Africa)
“Time is a critical factor in the vehicle towing industry” - says Mr.
André van Niekerk, Multisource Telecoms Distribution Sales Manager and representative in charge of this project. “The customer
wanted to communicate accurate information faster than their
competitors. In addition, the wider communication area they have
with IDAS, the more business they can acquire. As a digital
system ensures much better audio quality than analog, the customer now enjoys effective and clear communication over a wider
geographical area than before.”
In fact, the customer was very satisfied with the improved audio
quality and extended coverage of IDAS. Before implementing the
IDAS system, they were unable to communicate under highway
bridges and flyovers due to too much noise and interference
received on analogue. IDAS has now enabled them to communicate in such places. The standard digital voice scrambler was
also an important factor for the customer in preventing lost business opportunities to competing companies that hear the same
information over the current shared analog radio network.
By implementing IDAS, the customer has obtained their own
private communication system, and they now enjoy more effective and secure communications over their competitors and say
that IDAS is the ideal communication system for their business
<Customer Needs>
More effective communication than competitors:
Arriving FIRST is the priority in the vehicle towing industry
in South Africa. Therefore the customer wanted to communicate effectively the necessary information such as
the exact location of the stranded vehicles and the fastest route to get there.
More secure encryption than analog:
Even if the customer was to receive the relevant information first, a competitor may have been listening in on their
radio communications and arrive at the destination
earlier. Avoiding this eavesdropping was also one of the
customer’s foremost needs.
Wider communication coverage:
If the dispatcher can communicate with the tow truck
drivers over a wider geographical area than at present,
they may be able to effectively increase their chance of
attaining additional business.
IDAS radios and repeaters
▲ IC-F5061D: IDAS VHF mobile radio
▲ IC-F3161DT: IDAS VHF handheld radio
▲ IC-FR5000: IDAS VHF repeater
<Keys to Success>
Excellent audio quality
(compared to analog):
The excellent audio quality of digital helps the customer
to avoid miscommunications and as a result the customer can now exchange information more effectively,
reliably and faster than before.
Higher security level than analog:
IDAS’ 15 bit voice scrambler ensures a higher security
level than analog and avoids eavesdropping by competing companies.
Wider coverage than analog:
Thanks to less noise than analog, the customer now
enjoys clearer audio communication over a wider
geographical area than before. IDAS has enabled
effective communications, even under highway
bridges and flyovers, where their former analog
system could not cover.
Their own private communication system:
In order to achieve more effective communication than
their competitors, the customer needed to have their
own private dedicated communication system instead of
sharing the same communication system with their competitors.
For more information,
please visit our global web site or your nearest distributor.