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Dear Patient,
South Devon and Torbay Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), is responsible for
buying and developing services for our local patients. We are constantly considering the
services offered to patients to ensure this will result in better patient outcomes, better
quality, and value for money.
Why are we writing to you?
The CCG want to significantly reduce the money spent on medicines for minor ailments
so that more money is available for treating more serious conditions such as cancer and
heart disease. The CCG want to do this by asking patients to buy inexpensive
medicines themselves where appropriate.
Previously you have received your medicines for hay-fever on prescription.
Your medication is available over–the-counter from pharmacies, supermarkets
and other outlets.
The practice in keeping with the CCG direction, is asking that you purchase
these items yourself, rather than receiving them on prescription.
We believe these medicines are inexpensive to buy, for the relatively small
portion of the year that you need to take medicine to treat your symptoms.
Therefore from {insert date} the practice will not issue prescriptions for patients
who have seasonal hay-fever and who take medication available to buy overthe-counter
Seasonal hay fever is a condition that affects many people for a limited period of
time. For most people it is easily treated with over-the-counter medications, such as
antihistamines, that are available from your pharmacist or supermarket. Buying these
treatments relatively cheaply will enable you to tackle the problem sooner and enable
your GP to see people with more serious conditions.
Below is the link to NHS choices: Hay-fever, that we recommend you to read as it
provides some helpful tips.
Buying branded hay-fever tablets is almost always more expensive than getting the
non-branded (generic) equivalent, yet the active ingredient is the same. The Royal
Pharmaceutical Society says: "Regardless of cost, and whether they are branded or
generic, all medicines are made to the same standards, so you can be reassured
your medicine is safe. Branded and generic products are the same if the dose of the
drug and the formulation (e.g., tablet or a liquid) are the same."
What does this mean for me?
We recommend that you ask for a non-branded (generic) product to treat your
We hope that you appreciate the reason for this decision but should you want to
discuss this change in approach, please contact the patient experience team at the
Telephone: 01803 652 578 (lines are open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm)
Email: [email protected]
Write to: Patient Experience
NHS South Devon and Torbay CCG
Pomona House
Oak View Close
Thank you