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Patricia R Taylor, Ph.D.
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as
nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable)
University of Akron, Ohio
University of Akron, Ohio
Kent State University, Ohio
Biomedical Sciences
Case Western Reserve University, Ohio
Ocular Immunology
A. Personal Statement
The goal of the proposed research is to characterize the role of IL-17 lymphocytes and neutrophils in
retinal pathology during diabetic retinopathy. Through this research I postulate that potential IL-17
immunomodulators will the delay onset of retinal pathology, which can be used as future therapeutics.
My training has been in multiple areas of immunology, but the past few years I have focused on the
characterization of a novel subset of IL-17 producing neutrophils, which was recently published in
Nature Immunology. Over the past year, I have expanded my ocular immunology background to
examine the role of IL-17 producing neutrophils in diabetic retinopathy. Early studies in animal models
suggest that diabetes mediates IL-17 production in both lymphocytes and neutrophils, which induce
retinal pathogenesis in early stage diabetic retinopathy. As a new junior faculty member of the
Department of Ophthalmology at Case Western Reserve University’s School of Medicine, I am
collaborating with a team of well-established ophthalmologists and vision science researchers that are
helping me characterize this diabetes-mediated immune dysfunction that is eliciting IL-17-driven
pathology. Since this is the first study of IL-17 producing neutrophils in diabetes, these novel discoveries
should lead to potential therapeutics for multiple diabetes complications.
B. Positions and Honors
Post-doctoral Fellow
Academic and Professional Honors
2013-2015 NIH LRP Extramural Clinical Research Award
2010 FOCIS Travel Award
2005 Magna cum Laude
2003-2004 McLaughlin Academic Scholarship
2004 Phi Sigma Alpha Scholastic Achievement
2003 Golden Key International Honor Society Award
2002 Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society Award
2001 National Society of Collegiate Scholars Award
2001 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Award
Eric Pearlman, PhD
Douglas Rhee, MD
C. Contributions to Science
My major contributions to science are in the field of cellular and ocular immunology, focusing on
characterizing and immunomodulating innate immune cells. My neutrophil study published in Nature
Immunology (2014) has been my highest impact work. In this paper, I characterized a novel subset of
neutrophils that both produce and respond to IL-17, which makes this neutrophil the first autocrine IL-17
cell discovered. This IL-17 autocrine activity is important because it elicits increased production of
reactive oxygen species and proteinases, which is very relevant to tissue damage in multiple infectious
diseases, and autoimmune and chronic disorders; including diabetic retinopathy.
1. Modulation of innate immune cells.
During my graduate studies, my research focused on identifying immune-mediated mechanisms that
regulated the adaptive immune response against HSV-1 and HIV, using a ligand-epitope antigen
presenting system. This included the identification of one of the first viral dendritic cell vaccines. During
my pre-doctoral studies, my mentors and I successfully designed a method for modulating immunogenic
responses by activating dendritic cells for immune interventions in multiple viral infections (Patent
a. Rosenthal KS, Taylor PR, Zimmerman DH. 2012. J-LEAPS Peptide and LEAPS-Dendritic Cell
Vaccines. 2011. Microbial Biotechnology 5(2): 203-13. PMCID: PMC3815780.
b. Taylor PR, Koski GK, Paustian CC, Bailey E, Moore FBG, Cohen PA, Zimmerman DH, Rosenthal
KS. 2010. J-LEAPS Vaccines Initiate Murine Th1 Responses by Activating Dendritic Cells. Vaccine
28(34): 5533-42. PMID: 20600501.
c. Taylor PR, Paustian CC, Koski GK, Zimmerman DH, Rosenthal KS. 2010. Maturation of dendritic
cell precursors into IL12 producing DCs by J-LEAPS Immunogens. Cellular Immunology 262:1-5. PMID:
d. Zimmerman DH, Taylor P, Talor E, Bendele A, O’Neill S, Rosenthal KS. 2010. CEL-2000
Therapeutic Vaccine Arrests Disease Progression in Collagen Type II Model for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
International Immunopharmacology 10(4): 412-21. PMID: 20074669.
2. Characterization of IL-17 activation mechanisms in immune cells.
In my collaborative studies, I assisted in the mechanistic characterization of innate cell activation of IL17 producing lymphocytes.
a. Deng Z, Ma S, Zhou H, Zang A, Fang Y, Li T, Shi H, Liu M, Du M, Taylor PR, Zhu HH, Chen J,
Meng G, Li F, Chen C, Zhang Y, Jia XM, Lin X, Zhang X, Pearlman E, Li A, Feng GS, Xiao H. 2015.
Tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2 mediates C-type lectin receptor-induced activation of the kinase Syk and
anti-fungal TH17 responses. Nature Immunology 16: 642-652. PMCID: PMC4439382.
b. Paustian C, Taylor P, Johnson T, Xu M, Rosenthal KS, Shu S, Cohen PA, Czerniecki BJ, Koski G.
2013. Extracellular ATP and Toll-like Receptor Agonists Trigger Human Monocytes and Activation
Program that Favors T helper 17. PLoS ONE 8(1): e54804. PMCID: PMC3561418.
3. Discovery of a novel IL-17 producing neutrophil subset.
My post-doctoral project focused on the innate and adaptive immune response during cornea infections,
which led to the discovery and characterization of a novel neutrophil population. I determined that this
neutrophil population both produces and responds to IL-17, which is the first IL-17 autocrine cell
discovered. These discoveries are directly relevant to all of my current studies.
a. Taylor PR, Roy S, Meszaros EC, Sun Y, Howell SJ, Malemud CJ, Pearlman E. 2016. JAK/STAT
regulation of Aspergillus fumigatus corneal infections and IL-6/23-stimulated neutrophil. IL-17, elastase,
and MMP9 activity. Journal Leukocyte Biology 100(1): 213-222. PMCID: PMC4946614.
b. Taylor PR, Pearlman E. 2015. IL-17A production by neutrophils. Immunology Letters 169: 104-5.
PMID: 26582721.
c. Taylor PR, Roy S, Leal SM Jr, Sun Y, Howell SJ, Cobb BA, Li X, Pearlman E. 2014. Autocrine IL17A / IL-17RC neutrophil activation in fungal infections is regulated by IL-6, IL-23, RORγ t and Dectin-2.
Nature Immunology 2:143-151. PMCID: PMC3972892.
d. Taylor PR, Leal SM Jr, Sun Y, Pearlman E. 2014. Aspergillus and Fusarium corneal infections are
regulated by Th17 cells and IL-17 producing neutrophils. Journal Immunology 192:3319-27. PMCID:
e. Sun Y, Karmakar M, Taylor PR, Rietsch A, Pearlman E. 2012. ExoS and ExoT ADPribosyltransferase activities mediate Pseudomonas aeruginosa keratitis by promoting neutrophil
apoptosis and bacterial survival. Journal of Immunology 188(4): 1884-95. PMCID: PMC3273577.
4. Identification of IL-17 producing neutrophils in multiple disease states.
Currently, I am investigating the role of IL-17 producing neutrophils in autoimmune disease, chronic
inflammatory disease, and in microbial infections. My collaborators and I have determined that IL-17
producing neutrophils have a pathologic role in fungal keratitis, Pseudomonas keratitis, diabetic
retinopathy, and cystic fibrosis. These discoveries are directly relevant to all of my current studies.
a. Taylor PR, Bonfield TL, Chmiel JF, Pearlman E. 2016. Neutrophils from F508del cystic fibrosis
patients produce IL-17A and express IL-23-dependent IL-17RC. Journal Clinical Immunology 170:53-60.
PMID: 2715536.
b. Hsu D, Taylor P, Fletcher D, van Heekeren R, Eastman J, van Heekeren A, Davis P, Chmiel J,
Pearlman E, Bonfield T. 2016. Interleukin-17 pathophysiology and therapeutic intervention in cystic
fibrosis lung infection and inflammation. Infection and Immunity 84(9):2410-2421. PMCID:
D. My Bibliography
1. Taylor PR, Bonfield TL, Chmiel JF, Pearlman E. 2016. Neutrophils from F508del cystic fibrosis
patients produce IL-17A and express IL-23-dependent IL-17RC. Journal Clinical Immunology 170:5360. PMID: 2715536.
2. Hsu D, Taylor P, Fletcher D, van Heekeren R, Eastman J, van Heekeren A, Davis P, Chmiel J,
Pearlman E, Bonfield T. 2016. Interleukin-17 pathophysiology and therapeutic intervention in cystic
fibrosis lung infection and inflammation. Infection and Immunity 84(9):2410-2421. PMCID:
3. Taylor PR, Roy S, Meszaros EC, Sun Y, Howell SJ, Malemud CJ, Pearlman E. 2016. JAK/STAT
regulation of Aspergillus fumigatus corneal infections and IL-6/23-stimulated neutrophil. IL-17, elastase,
and MMP9 activity. Journal Leukocyte Biology 100(1): 213-222. PMCID: PMC4946614.
4. Deng Z, Ma S, Zhou H, Zang A, Fang Y, Li T, Shi H, Liu M, Du M, Taylor PR, Zhu HH, Chen J,
Meng G, Li F, Chen C, Zhang Y, Jia XM, Lin X, Zhang X, Pearlman E, Li A, Feng GS, Xiao H. 2015.
Tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2 mediates C-type lectin receptor-induced activation of the kinase Syk and
anti-fungal TH17 responses. Nature Immunology 16: 642-652. PMCID: PMC4439382.
5. Taylor PR, Pearlman E. 2015. IL-17A production by neutrophils. Immunology Letters 169: 104-5.
PMID: 26582721.
6. Taylor PR, Roy S, Leal SM Jr, Sun Y, Howell SJ, Cobb BA, Li X, Pearlman E. 2014. Autocrine IL17A / IL-17RC neutrophil activation in fungal infections is regulated by IL-6, IL-23, RORγ t and Dectin-2.
Nature Immunology 2:143-151. PMCID: PMC3972892.
7. Taylor PR, Leal SM Jr, Sun Y, Pearlman E. 2014. Aspergillus and Fusarium corneal infections are
regulated by Th17 cells and IL-17 producing neutrophils. Journal Immunology 192:3319-27. PMCID:
8. Paustian C, Taylor P, Johnson T, Xu M, Rosenthal KS, Shu S, Cohen PA, Czerniecki BJ, Koski G.
2013. Extracellular ATP and Toll-like Receptor Agonists Trigger Human Monocytes and Activation
Program that Favors T helper 17. PLoS ONE 8(1): e54804. PMCID: PMC3561418.
9. Sun Y, Karmakar M, Taylor PR, Rietsch A, Pearlman E. 2012. ExoS and ExoT ADPribosyltransferase activities mediate Pseudomonas aeruginosa keratitis by promoting neutrophil
apoptosis and bacterial survival. Journal Immunology 188(4): 1884-95. PMCID: PMC3273577.
10. Rosenthal KS, Taylor PR, Zimmerman DH. 2012. J-LEAPS Peptide and LEAPS-Dendritic Cell
Vaccines. Microbial Biotechnology 5(2): 203-13. PMCID: PMC3815780.
11. Taylor PR, Koski GK, Paustian CC, Bailey E, Moore FBG, Cohen PA, Zimmerman DH, Rosenthal
KS. 2010. J-LEAPS Vaccines Initiate Murine Th1 Responses by Activating Dendritic Cells. Vaccine
28(34): 5533-42. PMID: 20600501.
12. Taylor PR, Paustian CC, Koski GK, Zimmerman DH, Rosenthal KS. 2010. Maturation of dendritic
cell precursors into IL12 producing DCs by J-LEAPS Immunogens. Cellular Immunology 262:1-5.
PMID: 20163792.
13. Zimmerman DH, Taylor P, Talor E, Bendele A, O’Neill S, Rosenthal KS. 2010. CEL-2000
Therapeutic Vaccine Arrests Disease Progression in Collagen Type II Model for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
International Immunopharmacology 10(4): 412-21. PMID: 20074669.
E. Research Support
Completed Research Support
RO1 EY018612
01/01/15 – 04/30/16
Title: Pathogenesis of Fungal Keratitis
Role: co-I (subcontract)
Agency: National Eye Institute
Description: This project examines the activation mechanism of IL-17 producing neutrophils during
fungal corneal infections to identify potential therapeutic targets.
F32 EY022278
08/01/12 – 08/01/14
Title: The role of IL-17 in fungal keratitis
Role: PI
Agency: National Eye Institute
Description: This project examined the role of IL-17 producing neutrophils and Th17 cells in Fusarium
and Aspergillus keratitis, using a murine model of fungal keratitis.
T32 EY07157
10/01/10 – 02/01/12
Title: Adaptive immunity during Aspergillus keratitis
Role: Post-doctoral Trainee (Visual Sciences Training Program)
Agency: National Eye Institute
Description: The goals of this training grant was to design an immunized murine model that
induced an adaptive immune response to a fungal cornea infection, under the mentorship of
Dr. Eric Pearlman.
Current Research Support
VA-K2 BX003403
04/01/16 – 03/31/21
Title: The role of IL-17 neutrophils and lymphocytes during diabetic retinopathy
Role: PI
Agency: Biomedical Laboratory Research & Development-Neurology F
Description: This project examines the role of IL-17 in diabetic retinopathy and examines potential
therapeutic targets that would delay the onset of clinical retinopathy.