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Modern Physics
Jen-Inn Chyi
Course Description
 The quantum theory of light
1. Blackbody radiation
2. Planck’s law
3. Photoelectric effect
4. Compton effect and x-rays
5. Particle-wave complementarity
 The particle nature of matte
1. The composition of atoms
2. The Bohr atom
3. The Franck-Hertz experiment
 Matter waves
1. De Broglie wavelength
2. The Dvisson-Germer experiment
3. Matter wave packets
4. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle
5. The wave-particle duality
 Quantum mechanics in one dimension
1. The Born interpretation
2. Particle in a box
3. The finite square well
4. The quantum oscillator
5. Expectation values
6. Tunneling phenomena
 Quantum mechanics in three dimensions
1. Th Particle in a three-dimensional box
2. Space quantization
3. Quantization of angular momentum and
4. Atomic Hydrogen
 Atmoic structure
1. Zeeman effect
2. The spinning electron
3. The spin-orbit interaction
4. The exclusion principle
5. The periodic table
 Statistical Physics
1. The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
2. Bose-Einstein distribution
3. Fermi-Dirac distribution
 Molecular structure
1. Bonding mechanisms
2. Molecular rotation and vibration
3. Molecular spectra
 The solid state
1. Bonding in solids
2. Quantum theory of metals
3. Band theory of solids
4. Semiconductor devices
5. Superconductivity
6. Lasers
Textbook / Handouts
Modern Physics, 3rd Ed. by Serway, Moses and Moyer
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