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Current Projects
Performance-Based Pay plan (PBP)
Focusing on:
Strand 3 Concept 3
Represent and analyze mathematical
situations and structures using algebraic
Common Core Practices 1, 3, and 6
1. Make Sense of problems and persevere in
solving them
3. Construct viable arguments and critique
the reasoning of others.
6. Attend to precision.
All teachers have been assigned tasks to
complete to ensure full participation
with the plan.
 A pretest has already been given.
Algebra 1A/1C Pre-test average – 51.89%
Geometry 1A Pre-test average – 54.75%
 Classes are working on 2nd formative
3rd formative test and Post-test to be
given 2nd semester.
Current Projects
Special Education Classes
 We currently have 3 math teachers and
3 SPED teachers co-teaching sections of
TAG Algebra 1A/B, TAG Geometry 1A/B
and TAG Algebra 1C/D
 Pre-Algebra and Core Math are being
taught in the J/K wing
 New this year - 1 section of Co-taught
Algebra 1A/B and 2 sections of
Current Projects
Several teachers are experimenting with
the re-teach process. Teachers have
been switching students for
Some teachers are restructuring
their II time to maximize the time for
Current Projects
Geometry 1A/B Pilot –
3 teachers collaborated and restructured the
Geometry curriculum.
Same concepts are being taught in all Geometry
classes, these 3 teachers are simply using a
different approach.
The data is promising – these pilot students
outscored their peers on the common
midterm on multiple concepts.
Current Projects
II AIMS Tutoring
August-October – Seniors who had not passed
the Math AIMS were scheduled into
Grebloski’s II for AIMS tutoring.
November-April – Sophomores who failed the
8th grade Math AIMS, failed 9th grade math
and currently failing 10th grade math are
scheduled into Grebloski’s II for AIMS
Bringing on the Consistency!
The following courses were given common
course syllabi at the beginning of the 11-12
school year:
Algebra 1A/B, Geometry A/B,
Algebra 1C/D, Algebra 2A/B,
Financial Literacy and College Ready Math
Teachers collaborated at the end of 10-11
More Consistency!
Common midterms and final exams have been
created for the following:
Algebra 1A/B, TAG Algebra 1/B,
Geometry 1A/B,
Algebra 1C/D, Algebra 2A/B,
Financial Literacy
College Ready Math
Keep it coming….
Each math course has a course leader.
They bring their teachers together to
discuss curriculum, pacing,
assignments, grading and assessments.
The consistency in the courses has led to
a decrease of “teacher shopping.”
Mathematics in Automotive
Tina Grebloski (Math) and
Dave Damiani (Auto)
0 hour Auto Block class receives the 4th
math credit
 Auto teacher presents original lesson
 Math teacher assesses and re-teaches if
MVHS Math Department
New 4th year Courses
Probability and Statistics
This course will encompass descriptive and inferential
statistics: organization of data; measures of central
tendency, dispersion, and association; linear
regression and correlation. The concept of probability
and its properties include random variables: expected
value, variance, independence, standard discrete and
continuous distributions, and normal approximation.
The study of sampling and statistical inference
include: estimating population parameters, interval
estimation, and hypothesis testing. This class is
designed to cover the state standards and meet the
4th year math requirement. A graphing calculator
is highly recommended.
Financial Literacy
This course is designed to help students
with decision-making skills they will apply and
use to become wise and knowledgeable:
consumers, savers, investors, users of credit,
money managers, citizens, and members of a
global workforce and society. Students will be
exposed to: budgets, insurance plans,
retirement plans, savings and investing plans,
various forms of income, income
withholdings, use of credit, finance charges,
interest, late fees, calculations of loan
repayments, stocks, bonds, real estate and
pyramid schemes. This class is designed to
cover the state standards and meet the 4th
year math requirement. A scientific
calculator is recommended.
MVHS Math Department
Future Projects