Download Lab C C242: S Simple C Circuits , Week 2

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Lab C242:
, Week 2
For thiss section, yo
ou need onlyy fill out thee accompannying data sheet. No othher write-upp is needed..
y will find
d 3 carbon rresistors, mo
ounted in doouble-banan
na mounts.
At yourr position, you
Measurre and recorrd on the datta sheet, thee resistancess of the 3 reesistors withh your DMM
Build thhe followin
ng circuit, using
the 3 resistors and the DC power suppply (which
h acts like a
battery)). Set the vo
oltage Vo to
o about 10 V and measuure Vo withh the DMM. You can put
p the threee
resistors in any ord
der in the cirrcuit, just be sure to reccord which is which.
ges across each of the
Measurre the voltag
three reesistors. (V1 = voltage aacross R1, ettc)
Computte the currents throughh each of thee
three reesistors, and
d record answers in mA
(I1 = currrent thru R1, etc.)
s voltage law
w (the loop law) and Kirchhoff’s
law (the junctioon law). Is
Verify Kirchhoff’s
there anny discrepan
ncy? If so, explain.
urrent through the batteery. Does thhis agree witth your earllier measureements?
Computte Ibat the cu
NAME____________________________ DATE_______________________
PARTNER’S NAME(S)_______________________________________
Record all results with a reasonable number of sig.figs!
Vo = _______________________
R1 = ________________ R2 = ________________ R3 = ________________
V1 = ________________ V2 = ________________ V3 = ________________
I1 = ________________ I2 = ________________ I3 = ________________
How is I1 computed?
Check that Kirchhoff’s voltage law (loop law) is obeyed:
Check that Kirchhoff’s current law (junction law) is obeyed:
Compute Rtotal (show how you computed it):
Rtotal (computed) =_____________________ Rtotal (measured) =_____________________
Compute Ibat (show how you computed it):
Ibat = __________________
What do you expect to happen to I1 when the resistor R3 is removed from the circuit? Explain in
writing, and then check your prediction experimentally with your circuit.
Experimental Result: