Download SEC . 4. Appointees under this Act shall, while on

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58 STAT.]
78T11 CONG., 2D SESS .-CHS. 580, 581-DEC. 14, 1944
SEC . 4. Appointees under this Act shall, while on active duty, receive the same pay and allowances as a rear admiral of the upper
half, plus a personal money allowance of $5,000 per annum.
SEC . 5 . In the discretion of the President, by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate, each officer who shall have served in the
grade or rank of Fleet Admiral or General of the Army by virtue of
an appointment under the provisions of this Act shall, upon retirement or reversion to the retired list, as the case may be, have on the
retired list the highest grade or rank held by him on the active list
or on active duty : Provided, That each such officer shall be entitled
to retired pay equal to 75 per centum of the active-duty pay provided
herein for an officer appointed pursuant to the provisions of this Act
Provided further, That no officer of the naval or military service on
the active or retired list shall be appointed or advanced to the grade
or rank of Fleet Admiral or General of the Army except as provided
in this Act .
SEC . 6. The officers appointed under the provisions of this Act shall
take rank among themselves while on active duty according to dates
of appointment .
SEC . 7. Nothing in this Act shall affect the provisions of the Act of
September 3, 1919 (41 Stat . 283 ; 10 U. S . C. 671a), or any other law
relating to the office of General of the Armies of the United States .
SEC . 8. This Act shall be effective only until six months after the
termination of the wars in which the United States is now engaged
as proclaimed by the President, or such earlier date as the Congress,
by concurrent resolution, may fix .
Approved December 14, 1944 .
Pay and allowances .
Grade or rank upon
retirement or reversion to retired list .
Retired pay.
Restriction .
Precedence .
General of the
Armies of the U . S .
Effective period .
To provide Government protection to widows and children of deceased World
War I veterans, and for other purposes .
December 14,1944
[H. R . 1744]
[Public Law 483]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the
for widows
United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 1 of andPensions
of World
Public Law Numbered 484, Seventy-third Congress, June 28, 1934, War children
I veterans.
; 53 Stat.
as amended, is hereby amended by repealing subsections (a) and (b) 1068 .
38 U. S . 0 . ° 603 (a),
thereof and substituting the following
(b) .
"SEC. 1 . (a) The surviving widow, child, or children of any
deceased person who served in World War I before November 12,
1918, or if the person was serving with the United States military
forces in Russia before April 2, 1920, and who was discharged or
released from active service under conditions other than dishonorable after having served ninety days or more or for disability
incurred in the service in line of duty, or who at time of death was
receiving or entitled to receive compensation, pension, or retirement
pay for service-connected disability, shall, upon filing application
and such proofs in the Veterans' Administration as the Administrator
of Veterans' Affairs may prescribe, be entitled to receive pension as
provided by this Act."
SEC. 2 . That section 2 of Public Law Numbered 484, Seventy-third
48 Stat. 1281 .
38 U. S . C . ° 504.
Congress, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows
"SEC. 2. (a) That the monthly rates of pension shall be as follows :
Monthly rates .
Widow but no child, $35 ; widow and one child, $45 (with $5 for each
additional child) ; no widow but one child, $18 ; no widow but two
children, $27 (equally divided) ; no widow but three children, $36
(equally divided) with $4 for each additional child (the total amount
to be equally divided) .
Maximum .
52 Stat . 353.
38 U . S . C . ° 505a.
"Widow of a World
War I veteran ."
Proof of marriage.
Date of marriage .
Continuous cohabitation requirement .
Effective date .
Adjudication of prior
48 Stat . 8 .
38 U . S . 0 . °° 70112t, note foll . ° 724 ;
Supp . III, ° 701 et sex .,
note foll. ° 732.
Ante, pp. 219, 230,
287, 291, 762, 793.
f.~57 Stat . 554 .
38 U . S . C ., Supp .
III, °° 727-732, 450,
603 (c) .
Veterans of World
War II .
Non-service-connected death.
48 Stat . 1281 .
38 U . S . 0 . °° 503505, 506-507a; Supp.
III, ° 503.
Ante, p. 803.
38 U . S. C ., Supp.
III, note foil . ° 732.
Ante, p. 230 .
PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 581-DEC . 14, 1944
[58 STAT.
"(b) The total pension payable under this section shall not exceed
$74 . Where such benefits would otherwise exceed $74, the amount of
$74 may be apportioned as the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs
may prescribe."
SEC. 3 . That section 3 of Public Law Numbered 514, Seventy-fifth
Congress, May 13, 1938, is hereby amended to read as follows
"SEC. 3 . On and after the date of enactment of this Act for the
purpose of payment of compensation or pension under the laws
administered by the Veterans' Administration, the term `widow of a
World War I veteran' shall mean a woman who was married prior
to the effective date of enactment of this amendment, or ten or more
years, to the person who served : Provided, That all marriages shall
be proven as valid marriages according to the law of the place where
the parties resided at the time of marriage or the law of the place
where the parties resided when the right to compensation or pension
accrued : And provided further, That where the original date of marriage meets the statutory requirement and the parties were legally
married at date of death of the veteran, the requirement of the statute
as to date of marriage will be regarded as having been met . Compensation or pension shall not be allowed a widow who has remarried
either once or more than once, and where compensation or pension is
properly discontinued by reason of remarriage it shall not thereafter
be recommenced . No compensation or pension shall be paid to a
widow unless there was continuous cohabitation with the person who
served from the date of marriage to date of death, except where there
was a separation which was due to the misconduct of or procured by
the person who served, without the fault of the widow ."
SEC . 4. This Act shall be effective from the date of its approval :
Provided, That notwithstanding the repeal of subsections (a) and
(b) of section 1 of Public Law Numbered 484, Seventy-third Congress, as amended, contained in section 1 of this Act, claims otherwise
payable for a period prior to the effective date of this Act may be
adjudicated and placed on the roll and the benefits of this Act shall
be applicable to such claims and those claims now on the rolls .
SEC . 5 . Except to the extent they may conflict with the provisions
of this Act ~ the provisions of Public Law Numbered 2, Seventy-third
Congress, March 20, 1933, the Veterans Regulations promulgated
thereunder, and of Public Law Numbered 144, Seventy-eighth Congress, July 13, 1943, as now or hereafter amended, shall be applicable
to this Act : Provided, That no compensation or pension shall be
reduced or discontinued by the enactment of this Act .
SEC. 6 . The widow, child, or children of a veteran who served in
World War II whose death is not due to service therein, but who at
the time of death was receiving or entitled to receive pension, compensation, or retirement pay for disability incurred in such service,
or who, having served at least ninety days during such war period or
having been discharged for disability incurred in line of duty during
such service, dies or has died from a disease or disability not service
connected and at the time of death had a disability due to such service
for which pension would be payable if 10 per centum or more, in degree,
shall be entitled to pension in the amounts and otherwise subject to
the conditions of Public Law Numbered 484, as amended : Provided,
That for the purposes of this section the definition of the terms "veteran", "widow", "child or children" shall be those applicable to World
War II as provided in Public Law Numbered 2, Seventy-third Congress, as now or hereafter amended : And provided further, That
section 4, Public Law Numbered 312, Seventy-eighth Congress, is
hereby amended accordingly .
Approved December 14, 1944 .
58 STAT.] 78TH CONG., 2D SESS .-CHS. 587, 588-DEC. 15, 1944
December 15, 19"
To amend an Act entitled "An Act to regulate the practice of the healing art to[H . R . 31501
[Public Law 484]
protect the public health in the District of Columbia", approved February 27,
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 25 of
the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the practice of the healing art
to protect the public health in the District of Columbia", approved
February 27, 1929, is amended by striking out the following language
in the first sentence of said section : "that he practiced the healing art
under authority of said license for not less than two consecutive years
immediately preceding the date of his application," and inserting in
lieu thereof the following : "that he practiced the healing art after the
issuance of said license for not less than one continuous year out of
three years immediately preceding the date of his application" ; and
inserting after the words "District of Columbia ." at the end of the
first sentence of said section the following : "The required one continuous year's practice may be either private, institutional or governmental, or a combination thereof ." ; and striking out the words "without examination" wherever they appear in the second and third
sentences of said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following :
"under substantially the same terms and conditions" .
Approved December 15, 1944 .
Healing Arts Prac
tice Act,
D . C.,
45 Stat. 1335 .
D . C. Code ° 2-121.
Reciprocal licensing
10 of the Act of March 3, 1925 entitled "An Act to provide [H. 3313]
[Public Law 485]
for the regulation of motor-vehicle traffic in the =District of Columbia, increase
the number of judges of the police court, and for other purposes", as amended .
To amend section
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 10 of
the Act of March 3, 1925, entitled "An Act to provide for the regulation of motor-vehicle traffic in the District of Columbia, increase
the number of judges of the police court, and for other purposes",
as amended, be amended to read as follows
SEC . 10. (a) Any person operating a vehicle, who shall injure any
person therewith, or who shall do substantial damage to property
therewith and fail to stop and give assistance, together with his
name, place of residence, including street and number, and the name
and address of the owner of the vehicle so operated, to the person
so injured, or to the owner of such property so damaged, or to the
operator of such other vehicle, or to any bystander who shall request
such information on behalf of the injured person, or, if such owner
or operator is not present, then he shall report the information above
required to a police station or to any police officer within the District
immediately. In all cases of accidents resulting in injury to any person,
the operator of the vehicle causing such injury shall also report
the same to any police station or police officer within the District
immediately .
"Any operator whose vehicle causes personal injury to an individual
and who fails to conform to the above requirements shall, upon conviction of the first offense, be fined not more than $500, or shall be
imprisoned not more than six months, or both ; and upon the conviction of his second or subsequent offense, shall be fined not more
than $1,000, or shall be imprisoned not more than one year, or both .
"Any operator whose vehicle causes substantial damage to any
other vehicle or property and fails to conform to the above requirements, shall, upon conviction of the first offense, be fined not more
District of Columbia Traffic Act,
43 Stat. 1124.
D . C . Code ° 40-809
Fleeing from scene
of accident.
Report .
Personal injury .
Property damages