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Tao Zhan
[email protected]
Computer Science Department
University of Maryland
A.V. Williams Building
College Park, MD 20742
Office: (301) 405-6746
Home: (301) 422-8081
Job Objective:
Software Developer/System Engineer. Available working date: June 2000
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
M.S. in Computer Science, expected May 2000
GPA 3.823/4.0
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, July 1996
GPA 3.8/4.0
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
B.A. in Economics, July 1996
GPA 3.7/4.0
Qualification Skills:
Programming Languages: C/C++ (2 years), Java (2 years), SQL(DDL/DML) (3 years),
PowerBuilder (3 years), Visual Basic (1 year)
MS SQL Server (2 years), Oracle (1 years)
Solaris/SunOS (2 years), Windows NT (2 years)
Web Server/Client:
Java Servlets, Java IDL, ASP, ADO, COM, CORBA, Perl, XML,
JavaScript, VBScript, HTML, CGI, HTTP
Java(Beans, RMI, AWT, JFC, JDBC), UNIX System Call APIs
BSD TCP/UDP and IP, Java Networks Package
Parallel Programming:
Pthreads, Java Thread
SAS, Assembly, Lisp, csh
Professional Experience:
08/98 – Current
Graduate Research Assistant
Database Group (ranked 4th in the country according to USNEWS, 1999),
University of Maryland, College Park
Designed and developed a Web Prediction Tool (WebPT) in JDK1.2 environment.
WebPT is a tool that predicts the expected delay for Web query based on learning
query feedback from WebSources.
Integrated WebPT, WebSource (HTML/XML) Extractor and Wrapper Statistics
into Wrapper Cost Model (WCM) via a Java RMI server. Extended current wrapper
mediator architectures to build Web Query Processor and Web Query Optimizer for
heterogeneous WebSource data.
12/96 – 08/98
Billing System Software Manager, Develop Engineer
IDX International Inc., Fairfax VA
09/95 – 07/96
Designed and constructed Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) System
Distribute Database using Oracle 7.0 on Client/Server network architecture cross
multi-platforms (Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Solaris/SunOS); Employed IDEF
method to design the database Information structure and PL-SQL to implement the
database in Oracle server.
Developed and maintained CAPP System Application Software as client interface,
using PowerBuilder 4.0 on Windows 3.1 platform. It is connected to Oracle
Database Server through ODBC driver. The software package is now running on
various workshops of BPPM.
Summer Intern, Programmer
Strong Computer Technology Inc., Beijing, China
06/94 – 03/95
Software group leader responsible for Billing System of CyberCall  and
Designed and constructed CyberSys Billing Database using MS SQL Server 6.5 on
Windows NT platform, including user requirement collection and analysis, DFD
construction, E-R model establishment, relational schema development, domain
constraints, schema normalization and database implementation.
Developed and maintained CyberSys Billing Application Software as client front
end interface, using PowerBuilder 5.0 PFC on Windows 95 platform, which is now
running over 20 countries around the world.
Performed Billing Database Administrator (DBA), including System
Configuration, Database Manipulation by DDL and DML, Tasks Schedule with
store procedure, Transaction and Buffer Management, and Security Control.
Developer, Programmer (Diploma Project)
Beijing People’s Printing Mechanical Inc. (BPPM) & Tsinghua University, Beijing,
06/95 – 09/95
Experimental evaluation of Web Query Optimizer against multiple WebSources,
e.g., EPA, GNIS, FAA, Aircraft library and ACM digital library. Data analysis
using SAS, Matlab.
Designed and constructed Employee Register System Database using MS SQL
Developed and maintained Employee Register System GUI Application Software,
using Visual Basic 4.0 on Windows 3.1 platform.
Programmer (Part Time)
China National Chemical Information Center, Beijing, China
Implemented Chemical Information Statistic and Analysis System, using Borland
C/C++ 4.0.
Selected Systems Development Accomplishments and Course Related Projects
Network design: Designed and implemented an ATM network layer and a connection-oriented,
reliable ATM adaptation layer. The project involved implementing TCP connection protocol, IP
routing algorithm, signaling protocol, IP packets switching, IP packets segmentation and
assembly, multi-threading queue using Pthread in C++, Fall 1999 (Best project in class, grade A,
Network Communication: Server and Clients implementation for a sample communication
channel using UDP datagram of BSD socket in C, Fall 1999.
Information Visualization: Developed a WWW interface (an Applet) for Personal Photo
Libraries based on LifeLines; Extended Eccentric Labeling Techniques, including Java Applet
implementation of Auto-adjust focus area and summary graphical information display, Fall 1999.
Operating System: Built a small operating system using Borland C/C++ on PC kernel. The
project included CPU scheduling, Queue Management, Semaphore, Concurrent Process Control,
Context Switch, Interrupt Process Control and Function call stack management, Spring 1999 (Best
project in class, grade A, CMSC412).
Advance JAVA Compiler: Developed a Java optimizer to optimize Java bytecode, including
PRE, Copy & Constant Propagation and Register Allocation in Java JFC environment, Fall 1998
(Top 5 in class, grade A, CMSC731).
Database Implementation: Implemented a concurrent, multi-user relational database
management system (DBMS) using C and C++, from physical data storage to query processor,
including index management, query optimization and concurrency control, Fall 1998 (Second best
project in class, grade A, CMSC624).
Geographical Information System: Implemented a Java Applet for demo of Vertex List
representation of geographical objects using JFC and Java2D, Fall 1998. (CMSC725)
Database Design and Application: Analysis, construction and implementation of an on-line
Auction System, using Oracle as database server and C embedded SQL as Web CGI, Spring 1998
(Top 5 in class, grade A, CMSC424).
Compiler: Several projects on basic compiler implementation of Syntax Translation, Lexical
Analysis, Syntax Analysis, Code Generation and Code Optimization, using C++ STL and Virtual
Function, Spring 1998 (Best project in class, grade A, CMSC430).
Excellent Student Prize, Tsinghua University, 1993-1996
Guang Hua Award, one of the highest scholarship in Tsinghua University, 1995
Gao Tian Award, one of the best award in Tsinghua University, 1996
Gruser J.R., Raschid L., Zadorozhny V., Zhan T. “Learning Response Time for WebSources using
Query Feedback and Application in Query Optimization”. To appear in the VLDB Journal, Special
Issue on Databases and the Web, Mendelzon, A. and Atzeni, P., editors, 36 pages, First Quarter,
Bright L., Raschid L., Zadorozhny V., Zhan T. “Learning Response Times for WebSources: A
Comparison of a Web Prediction Tool (WebPT) and a Neural Network”. Proceedings of Fourth
IFCIS Conf. on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'99), pages 160-171, 1999.
Dr. Samir Khuller
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department,
Univ. of Maryland at College Park
A. V. Williams Bldg., Room 3217
College Park, MD 20742
Phone: (301) 405-6765
Fax: (301) 314-9658
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Bill Pugh
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department,
Univ. of Maryland at College Park
A. V. Williams Bldg., Room 4143
College Park, MD 20742
Phone: (301) 405-2705
Fax: (301) 405-2744
Email: [email protected]
Huadu Xiao
Senior System Engineer
UU-Net (MCI/Worldcom)
22001 Loudoun County Pwky
Asahburn, VA, 20147
Phone: (703) 886-8113
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Michael Franklin
Computer Science Division
University of California
387 Soda Hall #1776
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: (510) 642-1662
Email: [email protected]