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Geometry Essentials
Objective 1 - Use the Pythagorean Theorem and Its Converse
Objective 2 - Know Geometry Formulas
Angles and Their Measure
Objective 1 – Find the Arc Length of a Circle
Objective 2 – Convert from Degrees to Radians and Radians to Degrees
Objective 3 – Find the Area of a Sector of a Circle
Right Triangle Trigonometry
Objective 1 - Find the Values of Trigonometric Functions of Acute Angles
Objective 2 - Use the Fundamental Identities
Objective 3 - Find the Values of the Remaining Trigonometric Functions, Given the Value of
One of Them
Objective 4 - Use the Complementary Angle Theorem
Computing the Values of Trigonometric Functions of Acute Angles
Objective 1 - Find the Exact Values of the Trigonometric Functions of
Objective 2 - Find the Exact Values of the Trigonometric Functions of
 45
 30 and
 60
Objective 3 - Use a Calculator to Approximate the Values of the Trigonometric Functions of
Acute Angles
Trigonometric Angles of General Angles
Objective 1 - Find the Exact Values of the Trigonometric Functions for General Angles
Objective 2 - Use Coterminal Angles to Find the Exact Values of Trigonometric Functions
Objective 3 - Determine the Signs of the Trigonometric Functions of an Angle in a Given
Objective 4 - Find the Reference Angle of a General Angle
Objective 5 - Use a Reference Angle to Find the Exact Value of a Trigonometric Function
Objective 6 - Find the Exact Values of Trigonometric Functions of an Angle, Given Information
about the Functions
Unit Circle Approach: Properties of the Trigonometric Functions
Objective 1 - Find the Exact Values of the Trigonometric Functions Using the Unit Circle
Objective 2 - Know the Domain and Range of the Trigonometric Functions
Objective 3 - Use the Periodic Properties to Find the Exact Values of the Trigonometric
Objective 4 - Use Even-Odd Properties to Find the Exact Values of the Trigonometric Functions
Graph of the Sine and Cosine Functions
Objective 1 - Graph the Sine Function y  sin x . Know Properties of the Sin Function
Objective 2 - Graph the Cosine Function y  cos x . Know Properties of the Cosine Function
Objective 3 - Determine the Amplitude and Period of Sinusoidal Functions
Objective 4 - Graph Sinusoidal Functions Using Key Points
Graphs of Tangent, Cotangent, Cosecant, and Secant
Objective 1 - Graph Functions of the Form y  A tan( x)  B and y  A cot(x)  B
Objective 2 - Graph Functions of the Form y  A csc(x)  B and y  A sec(X )  B
The Inverse Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Functions
Objective 1 - Find the Exact Value of Inverse Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Functions
Objective 2 - Find an Approximate Value of Inverse Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Functions
Objective 3 - Use Properties of Inverse Functions to Find Exact Values of Certain Composite
The Inverse Trigonometric Functions (Continued)
Objective 1 - Find the Exact Value of Expressions Involving Inverse Sine, Cosine, and Tangent
Objective 2 - Know the Definition of the Inverse Secant, Cosecant, and Cotangent Functions
Objective 3 - Use a Calculator to Evaluate sec 1 x , csc 1 x , and cot 1 x
Sum and Difference Formulas
Objective 1 - Use Sum and Difference Formulas to Find Exact Values
Objective 2 - Use Sum and Difference Formulas to Establish Identities
Double-angle and Half-angle Formulas
Objective 1 - Use Double-angle Formulas to Find Exact Values
Objective 2 - Use Half-angle Formulas to Find Exact Values
Trigonometric Equations (I)
Objective 1 - Solve Equations Involving a Single Trigonometric Function
Trigonometric Equations (II)
Objective 1 - Solve Trigonometric Equations Quadratic in Form
Objective 2 - Solve Trigonometric Equations Using Identities
Applications Involving Right Triangles
Objective 1 - Solve Right Triangles
The Law of Sines
Objective 1 - Solve SAA or ASA Triangles
Objective 2 - Solve SSA Triangles
The Law of Cosines
Objective 1 - Solve SAS Triangles
Objective 2 - Solve SSS Triangles
Area of a Triangle
Objective 1 - Find the Area of SAS Triangles
Objective 2 - Find the Area of SSS Triangles