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Date Of Birth 09 Dec, 1966, 10:54
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Order Country Norway
Order Date
03 Jun, 2009, 21:03
Query Detail
My future job prospects and careers prospects will be better in India or Norway? Currently I am working in Norway .
But my family is in India .Shall I switch job to India or continue here for long period? If your answer comes Norway
then I will bring my family here permanantely.
 ABC you are born in Makar Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant) whose lord Shani is in the second house.
 Your birth star (Nakshatra - Moon Star - constellation) is Swati 3rd Pada (quarter).
 Guru is exalted and retrograde, Sukra is combust and Shani is Swagruhi.
 No other planet in your horoscope, is either exalted, debilitated, swagruhi (in own sign), combust or
 Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) are always retrograde.
 Sun and Moon are always direct.
 Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Mangal (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Sukra (Venus) and Shani
On studying and deliberating on your horoscope, its divisional charts, as well as your Dashas, Mahaveer observes
the following.
Rahu a malefic and separative planet is placed in your fourth house of motherland. This is not good, which is why
you may have shifted early in your life to a foreign country.
Sukra the lord of your tenth house of career is placed in the twelfth house of foreign, which is fabulous for a career
Interestingly, Mangal the lord of your fourth house of mother land is in the ninth house of long distance travel and
away from motherland. It exchanges places with Budha, which means that Budha is in the sign of Mangal (Mangal
also rules your eleventh house of gains) and Mangal is in the sign of Budha. Budha also rules your sixth house of
So now, that the lords of your sixth house and ninth house (Budha), lord your fourth house of motherland and final
settlement and the ninth house of gains (Mangal) are associated with travellings and gains from distant places and
as Sukra is in the twelfth house of foreign, with Rahu being in the fourth house, you tend to have a better career
abroad. Thus India is ruled out.
Now looking at the response to your earlier order (4830344), Norway and Canada were good options, as Canada is
now ruled out as the choice in this order is between India and Norway, Mahaveer finds that you will have a good
career in Norway.
Wishing you good luck and may Lord Mahaveer bless you.
With Mahaveer's Grace,
Rikhav Khimasia