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Presented to you by:
Moin Patel
What type of illness is it?
 Malaria is a mosquito-
borne infectious disease
of humans and other
What is a Vector Borne?
 "Vector-borne disease" is the
term commonly used to
describe an illness caused by
an infectious microbe that is
transmitted to people by
blood-sucking arthropods.
 The arthropods (insects ) that
most commonly serve as
vectors include: blood
sucking insects such as
mosquitoes, fleas, lice, biting
flies and bugs, and blood
sucking arachnids such as
mites and ticks.
What is the vector that transmits
the disease?
 It is caused by protists of
the genus Plasmodium.
The vector that transmits
the disease are female
mosquitoes called,
Anopheles Mosquito.
Types of malaria
 There are 2 types of malaria caused by parasites:
 Plasmodium falciparum (severe type of malaria)
 Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium Falciparum
Plasmodium Vivax
How is it transmitted?
 It is transmitted from
animal to human by the
mosquito biting the skin.
What are the symptoms?
 Symptoms include; chills, fever, pain, sweating,
headache, diarrhea and vomiting.
 Symptoms of severe malaria include; going into a
coma, severe breathing difficulties, low blood sugar,
and could even lead to death if not treated properly.
After Effects of Malaria
 There are no serious health issues you may have if you
survive it.
 If you live in an area where malaria is really prominent
the symptoms of malaria can reappear after varying
symptom-free periods. Living in a malaria area means
getting sick once or twice a year.
 Relapse commonly occurs between 8-24 weeks.
 Keeping mosquitoes
from biting you,
especially at night.
 Wearing insect spray and
wear long-sleeved
clothing if you are
outdoors at night.
 Sleeping under bed nets.
 Taking anti-malaria
medications and getting
Who does it Affect?
 It affects mostly young
children between the
ages of 6 months to 5
 It also affects pregnant
 When you have a really
low immunity system,
you are more vulnerable
to get infected by
Does it Spread?
 It is a disease that cannot spread from person to
 Also, it is a disease that cannot be transmitted sexually.
Does it Need a Vector?
 Vector control remains the most generally effective
measure to prevent malaria.
Are there any Cures?
 There are medication
used to cure malaria
 Chloroquine
 Lariam
 Malarone
 Fansidar
 Quininine
 Doxycycline
 Artemisin Derivatives
History of the Disease
 Discovery of the malaria
parasite was first noticed
in November 6, 1880 by
Charles Louis Laveran;
who was stationed in
Constantine, Algeria when
he noticed a patient
suffering from malaria.
 Yes malaria is still around
today mostly in tropical
and subtropical regions,
including; much of SubSaharan Africa, Asia, and
the Americas.
How many lives are lost annually?
 It is a leading cause of death and disease worldwide.
 The amount of deaths are estimated to be about 1
million people each year; with about 300-500 million
cases of malaria occurring annually.
A Video From Malaria
 Source 1:
 Source 2:
Source 3:
Source 4:
Source 5:
Source 6:
Source 7:
Source 8:
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