Download 1)______ is the smallest particle of an element that

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CREDITS: returnofthestudysheet
1)_____________ is the smallest particle of an element that retains its properties
2) the 3 particles of an atom are ____________, ____________, ____________, with charges
____________, ____________,____________ respectively
3) the number of ____________ determines which element it is
4) The ____________ and ____________ are located in the nucleus
5) The charge of a proton and electron are respectively +/- ____________
6) These two are almost the same size: ____________ and ____________
7) Mass number is _________________________________________________________________
8) Atomic number is ____________________________________________
9) # of protons = _______________________________________
10) Atomic mass is the __________________________________________________________________
11) Isotopes are diff. forms of the same element that have the same number of ____________
(____________) but a diff amount of ____________ in their nucleus, therefore having diff
12) Atomic Mass: _____________ *______________ (repeat)
Give the number of protons in all of the following
Krypton _________________
Copper ___________________
Hydrogen __________________
Sodium ____________________
Bromine ___________________
Iron ________________________
Give the number of electrons in an atom of the following:
Potassium ____________________
Boron _____________________
Iodine _____________________
Uranium __________________
CREDITS: returnofthestudysheet
Give the number of neutrons in one atom of the following:
You can do this by _______________________________
Fluorine ________________
Boron ___________________
Magnesium ________________
Silver _____________________
Fill out the table
Isotope name
# of protons
# of
# of
Calcium -40
The number after the isotope name is the ________________ __________________________________
Nuclear symbol: The top number is the ________________ __________________________________
The bottom number is the ________________
Mass is measured in __________
Mass is in u? idk
Calculate the following
1) C-12 has a nat. abundance of 98.89% and C-13 has a nat. abundance of 1.11% , the mass of C-12 is
12.000u (amu) ; the mass of C-13 is 18.0003 u, how do we calculate the atomic mass?
2) Calculate the avg atomic mass for neon if its nat abundance is 90.5% neon- 20 and 0.3% neon- 21 ,
and 9.2% neon 22
CREDITS: returnofthestudysheet
3) Calculate the avg atomic mass of silver if 13 out of 25 atoms are silver-107 and 12 of 25 atoms are
silver -109
Work with the following isotopes:
12/6 C
13/6 C
14/6 C
(write out here )
1) The element is ____________________
2) The number 6 is the ____________________
3) The numbers 12, 13, 14 are ____________________
4) How many protons & neutrons are in each isotope
1) Give the number of protons (p), electrons (e), and neutrons (n) in one atom of chlorine-37.
2) An atom of the isotope sulfur-31 consists of how many protons, neutrons, and electrons?
3) How many neutrons are there in an atom of lead whose mass number is 208?
4) Atoms of the same element with different mass numbers are called
5) How many protons and electrons are present in one Br– ion?
6) An oxide ion, O2–, has
CREDITS: returnofthestudysheet
7) A magnesium ion, Mg2+, has
Solve these , show work
1) The nat abundance for boron isotopes is 19.9% (10.013 amu) and 80.1 % B-11 (11.009 amu) .
Calculate the atomic mass of boron
2) Calculate the mass of silicone using the following data for percent nat abundance and mass of
each isotope
92.23% si 28 (27.9769 amu) ; 4.67% si- 29 (28.9765); 3.10% si- 30 (29.9738 amu)
3) Magnesuim consists of 3 isoptopes with masses of 24 (78.5%), 25 (10%), and 26 (11.5%) . what is
the atomic mass of magnesium?
4) Thallium has two stable isotopes 203Ti and 205Ti . Knowing that the atiomic mass of taillium is
204.4, which isotope is the more abundant of the two
abundant mass is the _________________ mass
Fill out the chart
Atoms quickly loose of gain ______________
If electrons are added or removes, the result is an ______________
CREDITS: returnofthestudysheet
An ion with pos. charge is ______________
An ion with neg charge is an ______________
more or less e
than atom
Number of e
gained or lost
Chemical reactions
In a chemical reaction The symbol “+” represents ________________________
The arrow points to the _______________________________________
Left of arrow: ______________ ____________ ; Right of arrow ________________________ numbers:
Atoms are neither created nor destroyed!!!
When balancing equations, ______________ should NEVER be changed _
Balance these [:
1) S₈+O₂ SO₃
2) Na+H₂O NaOH + H₂
3) FeS₂+O₂Fe₂O₃+SO₂
4) SiCl₄ + H₂O  H₄SiO₄ +HCl
5) CO₂ + NH₃  OC (NH₂)₂ + H₂0
6) Al (OH)₃ + H₂SO₄  Al₂ (SO₄)₃ + H₂O
CREDITS: returnofthestudysheet
7) Fe₂(SO₄)₃+KOH  K₂SO₄ + Fe(OH)₃
8) H₂SO₄ + HIH₂S+ I₂ + H₂O
9) C₇H₁₆ +O₂  CO₂ + H₂
10) C₃H₈ + O₂  CO₂ + H₂O
11) Fe₂O₃ + CO  Fe + CO₂
12) PCl₅ + H2O  HCl + H₃PO₄
13) Fe + H₂O  Fe₃O₄ + H₂
14) Al + O₂  Al₂O₃
15) Al₂(SO₄)₃ + Ca(OH)₂  Al (OH)₃ + CaSO₄
16) FeCl₃ + NH₄OH  Fe(OH)₃ + NH₄Cl
17) Ca₃(PO₄)₂ + 6 SiO₂  P₄O₁₀ + CaSiO₃
18) N₂O₅ + H₂O  HNO₃
19) Al + HCl  AlCl₃ + H₂
20) H₃BO₃  H₄B₆O₁₁ + H₂
CREDITS: returnofthestudysheet
Fill in the blanks and label :
1) This reaction breaks things down. Single compound broken down into 2 or more products:
_____________. It is in the form _____________
This reactions unites 2 things to make a new thing: ____________. It is in the form
2) One element replaces another in a reaction_____________ . It’s in the from _____________
3) Switching of partners in a reaction: _____________. It’s in the form: _____________
4) A COMBUSTION REACTION is in the form of __________________________________
Label these by the type of reaction that they are
1. HgOHg+O₂
2. Na+H₂O NaOH + H₂
3. LiOH + HCl  LiCl + H₂O
4. S₈ +O₂ SO₃
5. Fe +O₂ Fe₂O₃
6. NH₄Cl +AgNO₃  NH₄NO₃ + AgCl
7. H₂O₂  H₂O +O₂
8. C₇H₁₆O₂+ O₂ CO₂ + H₂O
9. H₂S +C; ₂S₈ +HCl
10. Mg+H₂SO₄ MgSO₄ + H₂
CREDITS: returnofthestudysheet
11. P₄O₁₀ +H₂OH₃PO₄
12. C₇H₁₆ + O₂  CO₂+H₂O
13. ZnCl₂ +Na₂CO₃ NaCl+ ZnCO₃
Answer these
1. To find the most common anion of cation of an element , we look at the ___________ and
_____________. It is the____________________________
2. An element , adter making ionic bondsm usually aquires a charge equal to the
Build a formula by combining the common cation and /or anion of each pair below
1. Calcium and Clorine
2. Magnesium and oxygen
3. Aluminum and Sulfate
4. Calcium and oxygen
5. Hydrogen and chlorine
6. Sodium and Chlorine
Final practice
a) When the equation Al + Br2 ➔ AlBr3 is balanced, the coefficient for Al is
b) An equation is balanced by
CREDITS: returnofthestudysheet
c) During a chemical reaction
d) The substances formed as a result of a chemical reaction are called reactants (t/f)
e) Isotope abundance is the
relative percentage of the isotopes in an element
Law of conservation of matter states the ___________________________________ and this
relates to this topic becous
matter cannot be created or destroyed ; it proves why subscripts cannot be changes
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