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Back to basics: Constraints (1).
It is important to revisit the basics regularly or you find that your favourite mantras,
beliefs, and techniques are so far out of date that they are not only inadequate, they
may even be bad practice.
Constraints have come a long way in Oracle since their introduction some 15 years
ago, but many people still have only a faint idea of how important they are, and how
they can be used most effectively in Oracle systems.
Any code fragments in this document were run against Oracle
What is a constraint?
In the Oracle implementation the
concept of a constraint can be
explained in just two sentences
1. A constraint is a statement that
describes some feature of your
(committed) data.
2. When a constraint is validated and
enabled, the database will not
allow the statement to be false.
I have chosen the wording very
carefully to allow these two simple
sentences to convey the full power
and importance of constraints.
Sentence 1 tells us that a constraint is
completely static – it is a single point
definition that tells us something about
the state of (the data in) the database.
Sentence 2 tells us that the database
protects itself. We can write code to
modify the data, but if we try to leave
the data in an illegal state the
database will reject the attempt.
If we were able to work out all our
business rules, and specify them in the
database as a set of constraints (and if
we had an RDBMS that could
implement all such constraints) then
we would never have to worry about
badly formed, or inconsistent, data
appearing in our databases ever
Unfortunately, Oracle does not allow
you the full spectrum of constraints
implied by the SQL standard; in fact, it
doesn't even allow for the possibility of
assertions (a related mechanism that
you might think of as vaguely similar to
a 'standalone' constraint, or a 'committime trigger').
However there is still a lot of value in
understanding constraints, and
keeping yourself up to date with the
continuing range of enhancements
that Oracle offers in this area.
Quick summary
Oracle offers the following basic types
of constraints:
Check constraints
Primary Key constraints
Unique Key constraints
Referential Integrity constraints
REF scope constraints (for OO)
Not only do you have constraints on
tables, though, you can create
constraints on views:
View check option constraints
View read only constraints
View primary key constraints
View unique key constraints
View RI constraints
The first two types of view-based
constraint have been around for
several years, the last three have
appeared more recently and exist to
help the optimiser do clever tricks,
particularly in the area of query rewrite.
an extract from a possible SQL*Plus
In fact, the newer constraints on views
have only been possible since the
introduction of various other features
of constraints. You have far more
control over the state of a constraint
than you may realise. A constraint can
set constraint chi_fk_par deferred;
Enabled / disabled
Validated / novalidated
Deferrable / non-deferrable
Deferred / immediate ***
Rely / norely
*** A constraint can only be defered if
it was originally defined as deferrable.
The newer view-based constraints
have to be declared as disabled,
novalidated and (if you want them to
have any effect) rely.
Constraint set.
update parent
set id = 2 where id = 1;
1 row updated.
-- so two child rows just became
-- orphans – test the constraint
set constraint chi_fk_par immediate;
SET constraint chi_fk_par immediate
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint
(TEST_USER.CHI_FK_PAR) violated –
parent key not found
update child
set id_p = 2 where id_p = 1;
2 rows updated.
-- the orphans are back to their
-- parent – test the constraint
set constraint chi_fk_par immediate;
Constraint states:
A constraint may be defined as
deferrable , which means you can
switch it between deferred and
immediate. If a constraint is in the
deferred state, you can modify data in
a way that fails the constraint test. But
a constraint can only be deferred for
the duration a transaction. As soon as
the transaction commits, the constraint
becomes immediate. (You also have
the option of explicitly setting the
constraint back to immediate before
the end of the transaction). At this
point, your modifications will be tested
against the constraint, and you will not
be allowed to commit a transaction
that leaves the data in an illegal state.
For example: I have two tables, parent
and child, with the obvious referential
integrity constraint. The RI constraint
is called chi_fk_par, and is
deferrable. I have a parent row with
two related child rows, and I want to
change the parent id. The following is
Constraint set.
Commit complete.
Note - if you want a primary key, or
unique key constraint on a table to be
deferrable, it has to be supported by a
non-unique index. This does have a
small side effect on the index size and
the CBO cost calculations, so don't do
it unless you have a proper reason to
do so.
A constraint may be enabled or
disabled. If it is disabled, then it is
simply ignored as you change the
data. Its existence merely allows you
to know that, in principle, there was
some restriction on the data – but you
aren't trying to enforce it at the
database level. However, if you also
declare the constraint with the rely
option, then the optimiser has some
code paths that will behave as if the
constraint were enabled, without going
to the expensive of checking. (This
option is particularly relevant in data
warehouses, where you may not want
to use resources in the database on
validating constraints because you
'know' the data load is clean.
A constraint that is enabled need not
be validated. For example, you might
declare a constraint that restricts a
column to be within a certain range of
I can't validate the existing
data yet – too much garbage.
alter table t1
modify constraint
t1_ck_n1 validate
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02293: cannot validate
check constraint violated
I have to remove or correct
the invalid data first
delete from t1 where n1 > 1000000;
Consider the following extracts from
an SQL*Plus dialogue as we try
adding such a constraint to an existing
set of data:
-- Try adding a constraint
alter table t1
add constraint t1_ck_n1
check(n1 between 0 and 1000000)
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-02293: cannot validate
check constraint violated
Add it enabled, but novalidate
alter table t1
add constraint t1_ck_n1
check(n1 < 1000000)
enable novalidate;
Table altered.
Some existing data is
still invalid
select * from t1
where n1 = 1000001;
1 row selected.
But I can't insert new invalid
data (or do an update to make
that column invalid)
insert into t1 values (1000002);
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02290: check constraint
(TEST_USER.T1_CK_N1) violated
123600 rows deleted.
alter table t1
modify constraint
t1_ck_n1 validate
Table altered.
Perhaps the most important point to
note in this cycle of events is
something that simply doesn't show up
on the page.
When I attempted to use the basic
command, with no special options, to
add the constraint to the table, Oracle
locked the table and scanned all the
data to validate the constraint before
enabling it (and then failed after about
15 seconds because it was a fairly
large table, and there was a lot of data
to read before the first error was
found). This behaviour could cause
problems on a busy system.
When I added the constraint to the
table in the enabled but novalidate
state, Oracle only had to lock the table
very briefly as it added the constraint.
Oracle did not attempt to validate the
constraint and therefore did not have
to lock the table for very long. (This
becomes particularly relevant if you
want to do things that could take a
long time, such as adding a referential
integrity constraint)
Note – if the table had been subject to
an uncommitted change from another
session the attempt to add the
constraint (with or without validation)
would have resulted in error:
ORA-00054: resource busy and
acquire with NOWAIT specified
When I changed the constraint from
novalidate to validate, Oracle knew
that any data changes or incoming
data would be checked at data-entry
time because the constraint was
already enabled. Since the only thing
needing validation was the existing
data, there was no need to lock the
table whilst validating the constraint.
There is a lot more to constraints than
you may think. If you aren't making
effective use constraints, then you're
not really making proper use of a
relational database system.
If you are aware of all the subtleties of
constraint states, and how they can be
manipulated then you may find options
for reducing locking time or validation
costs in data loading or similar batch
This article is based on material from
the book Practical Oracle 8i, and also
includes material from the seminar
Optimising Oracle ™.
Jonathan Lewis is a freelance consultant with more than 18 years experience of
Oracle. He specialises in physical database design and the strategic use of the
Oracle database engine. He is one of the best-known speakers on the UK Oracle
circuit, and is the author of 'Practical Oracle 8i - Designing Efficient Databases'
published by Addison-Wesley. He can be contacted on +44 (0)7973-188785, or
contacted by e-mail at: [email protected]. Further details of his
published papers, presentations, seminars and tutorials can be found at, which also hosts The Co-operative Oracle Users' FAQ for
the Oracle-related Usenet newsgroups.