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A Basic outline of eating to support health.
Vegetables, Herbs and Spices
A high % every day include, Colour, Variety, and seasonal. They are vitamin and mineral rich,
Alkaline forming and High in potassium to displace sodium, Contain many valuable Phytochemicals or plant chemicals which have been shown to have many health promoting
Protein foods
Main focus on vegetable
proteins i.e. peas, beans,
lentils, nuts, seeds and
soya. As well as animal
proteins, meat eggs and
Some people eliminate
milk and dairy foods.
Fruits, nuts &
Emphasis on berry fruits
particularly but all fresh fruit
is good.
Avoid fruit juices and dried
fruits unless accompanied by
other foods i.e. cereals, nuts
and seeds.
Good fats
Found in oily types of fish, nuts
seeds, nut oils, seeds oils, nut
butters, seed butters. Rich in
fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and
K. Rich in essential fatty acids
omega 3 and 6.
Avoid Trans fats and
Hydrogenated fats and
Processed meats if possible.
Whole grain cereals
Known as complex carbohydrates or slow releasing carbohydrates i.e. a slower release of
insulin production. Foods with a low Glycaemic Load. ex. Oats, wholegrain cereals, brown
rice, quinoa, whole meal flour, muesli .etc.
Sugar, sugary foods and processed foods
Also known as simple carbohydrates or fast releasing carbohydrates. Foods with a high
Glycaemic Load. These send blood sugar high quickly and cause a rush in insulin release. To
much Insulin is inflammatory, inflammation drives disease, insulin is also known as a hormone
disruptor, it can suppress the functions of the immune system, encourages the release of
insulin growth like factor which can lead to abnormal cell growth. Too much insulin can lead to
insulin resistance which can lead to type 2 diabetes. Excess sugar is easily stored as fat which
can lead to obesity. Sugar has no nutritional value at all and can quickly lead to feelings of low
energy. Examples of simple carbohydrates are; White foods, Sugar and foods that contain
sugar, confectionary, jams etc, alcohol etc. Be aware of hidden sugar in processed foods and
even foods that claim to have health benefits. Learn to read labels. Use xylitol. Stevia, sweet
freedom syrup or agave syrup to sweeten foods. These are not without their critics but will
sweeten food without affecting insulin levels.
Note that dark chocolate (70% +) is considered beneficial in moderate amounts.
See books; The GLyceamic Load and The GL diet book both by Patrick Holford