Download Glossary of 4th Grade Science Vocabulary 1. adaptation: A special

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Glossary of 4th Grade Science
1. adaptation: A special characteristic of
an organism that helps it survive.
2. air pressure: The force of air molecules
pressing on a surface.
3. amphibian: A cold-blooded vertebrate
that lays eggs, has three stages of life,
and can live on land or in the water.
4. anemometer: An instrument used to
measure wind speed.
5. aquifer: A layer of rock, gravel, or sand
that collects groundwater.
6. arachnid: An animal with an
exoskeleton, segmented body, and eight
14. circuit: A looping path of material
(such as copper wire) that conducts
15. circulatory system: The organ system
that uses blood to carry food, water,
and oxygen to parts of the body.
16. climate: The type of weather seen in
an area over long periods of time.
17. closed circuit: A complete system of
electrical parts in a path that is
18. cold-blooded: A type of animal that
does not produce its own heat so it is
not able to maintain a constant
body temperature.
19. cold front: The front of a very large
mass of cold air.
7. atmosphere: The layer of gases
surrounding the Earth that helps
support life.
conclusion: A decision based
on investigation and evidence.
8. attract: Pulling one object toward
another using a force.
21. condensation: The process in which
something changes from a gas state
to a liquid state.
9. barometric pressure: Pressure caused by
the weight of the air.
10. behavior: The way an animal reacts to
internal or external changes.
11. bird: A warm-blooded, feathered
12. camouflage: An adaptation that helps
an organism blend in with its
environment and be harder to see.
13. characteristic: A part, feature or action
of an animal, plant, or thing that can be
used to compare it to other animals,
plants, or things.
22. conductor: A material that can
transfer heat or electricity easily.
23. conservation: The protection and
preservation of natural resources.
24. current: Movement of electrons
through a conductor such as wire.
25. delta: A fan-shaped landmass at the
mouth of a river made from built-up
26. drought: A long period of time when
an area does not get enough
27. earthquake: A shaking of the Earth’s
crust caused by sudden plate
groundwater: Water located
below ground that constitutes about
0.7% of Earth’s water supply.
28. electricity: The energy of moving
charges in atoms.
41. hibernation: An adaptation in which
an organism slows down during the
29. electromagnet: A metal object,
wrapped in wire that becomes
magnetic by receiving an electrical
42. high-pressure system: A weather
pattern in which cold air sinks to the
Earth, warms up, and absorbs water
vapor, often causing sunny skies.
30.erosion: The process in which small
particles of soil and rock are carried
away by glaciers, water, and wind.
43. humidity: The amount of water
vapor in the air.
31. evaporation: The process of changing
from a liquid to a gas.
32. exoskeleton: Skeleton on the outside of
the body, like with many invertebrates.
33. experiment: A carefully planned
activity done to help answer a question,
test a hypothesis, or support an opinion.
34. fish: A cold-blooded, aquatic, scaly
35. flower: Reproductive structure in some
seed plants.
36. forecast: To predict the weather; a
weather prediction.
37. front: The boundary of a very large
mass of air having the same
temperature, pressure, and moisture.
38. fruit: Develops from plant ovary; holds
and protects seeds.
39. glacier: A gigantic formation of ice that
does not melt over the course of a year.
44. hurricane: A severe tropical storm
that brings strong, destructive winds
and tidal surges.
45. hypothesis: A reasonable guess or
possible explanation that can be
46. insect: A small invertebrate animal
with a segmented body and an
47. instinct: A behavior that animals are
born knowing.
48. instrument: A special tool used to
make observations or measure
49. invertebrate: An animal that does
not have a backbone.
lava: Liquid rock that cools on
the Earth’s surface.
51. leaf: The part of the plant that uses
sunshine to make food for the plant.
52. low-pressure system: A weather
pattern in which warm air rises
higher into the sky, reducing the air
pressure near the ground, and causing
water vapor to condense into clouds.
53. magma: Molten or liquid rock inside
the Earth.
54. magnetic field: The area of force
around a magnet that causes the
magnet to attract some objects and
repel others.
55. magnetism: The ability to attract
certain metals, and to attract or repel
other magnetic materials.
56. mammal: A warm-blooded vertebrate
that bears live young, has hair or fur,
and feeds its young with milk from the
57. meteorology: The scientific study of
58. migration: An instinctive behavior in
some animals in which they travel long
distances, usually for better feeding
59. mimicry: One animal species looking
like another species, to trick predators.
65. parallel circuit: A type of electrical
circuit in which there is more than
one path for the current to travel.
66. petal: Modified leaves and the
colorful part of a flower used to
attract pollinators.
67. photosynthesis: The process by which
plants make food from sunlight,
water, and carbon dioxide.
68. physical force: Physical processes and
changes in the Earth that cause rocks
to break down.
69. pistil: Female portion of the flower.
70.plate: A section of the Earth’s crust
that is constantly shifting.
71. pollen: A powdery substance in
flowers that causes seeds to form.
72. pollution: Any harmful thing that
causes the environment to be
73. precipitation: The forms of water
that fall from the clouds to the Earth.
muscular system: The organ
system that uses muscles to move the
body and perform functions.
74. predator: An animal that eats other
61. natural resource: Something found in
nature that humans use.
75. prey: An animal that is eaten by
other animals.
62. nonrenewable resource: A resource that
cannot readily be replaced by nature.
76. recycle: To reuse materials in the
63. observation: Information gathered by
the senses or through scientific
77. renewable resource: A resource that
can readily be replaced by nature.
64. open circuit: A system of electrical parts
in a path that is broken or incomplete.
78. repel: To push away, using a force
such as magnetic force.
79. reptile: An air-breathing, cold-blooded,
scaly animal.
92. stigma: The tip of the pistil that
collects pollen.
80.research: Exploring ideas, searching for
information, and forming hypotheses
before beginning an experiment.
93. tornado: A small storm that forms
funnel clouds of powerful winds,
sometimes topping 300 miles per
81. respiratory system: The organ system
that brings oxygen into the body and
eliminates carbon dioxide waste.
82. root: Holds plant in place; absorbs
water and minerals; may store extra
94. vertebrate: Animals that have a
spinal column as a part of their
skeletal system.
95. volcano: A place in the Earth’s crust,
often at plate edges, that expels hot
materials from inside the Earth.
83. runoff: Water that runs over the land to
waterways, being neither absorbed into
the Earth nor evaporated into the air.
96. warm-blooded: An animal that
makes its own heat.
84. sediment: Very small solid particles that
settle to the bottom of a liquid.
97. warm front: The front of a very
large mass of warm air.
85. seed: Reproductive structure in some
plants; contains plant embryo and food.
98. water cycle: The process by which
water is evaporated from the surface
of the Earth by Sun’s energy and
later cooled and condensed into
precipitation to recycle the water,
and begin the cycle again.
86. sepal: A modified leaf that encloses a
flower and protects it when it is not in
87. series circuit: A type of electrical circuit
in which the current can travel only
along a single path.
88. skeletal system: Body system that
supports the body and helps movement.
89. stamen: The male portion of a flower
that consists of the anther and the
static electricity: A charge that
builds up when two things rub together.
91. stem: Supports plants; conducts food,
water, and minerals.
99. water vapor: Water in gas form.
weathering: The process in
which materials such as rock are
broken down by things in nature
such as wind and water.