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Phylum Mollusca
Clams, Snails, Octopi, Cuttlefish, Nautilus
By: Tanner Clark
Key Characteristics Soft body, protected by a shell
 Body has more than two layers
 Open circulatory system
 Pair of kidneys
 Body possesses a through gut with mouth and anus
 Bilaterally symmetrical
 Sexual Reproduction
 Respiration is through gills
 Blood Flow is controlled by valve
 Radula bore holes into other animals
 Mantle is responsible for secreting the shell
 Mouth, anus and complex stomach
 Cells lining the digestive glands
 Digested food is passed through into the blood
 Undigested food are passed through anus
 Discharged through the mantle cavity
Respiration Gills assist the ones in water
 Siphons bring water in and out of the body
 Land snails use a mantle cavity
 Diffusion occurs through moist skin
 Oxygen is carried by circulatory system
Internal Transport Open Circulatory System
 Carried through body by blood
 Some Mollusca use closed circulatory system
 Water: Cenidia
 Blood flows into sinuses
Excretion Cellular Metabolism
 Nephridia eliminates ammonia
 Nephridia empties into the mantle cavity
 Metanephridia
 Undigested foods travel through the anus
Response Mollusks are very sensitive
 Body color can change
 Pigment cells called chromatophores
 Snails use antennas to react
 Mollusks have brains so they are able to react to
different circumstances
Movement Land: flat sole called a foot
 Foot contracts to slide over it
 Water: Jet propulsion
 Muscle contraction
 Some are sessile
Reproduction Sexual Reproduction
 Water: external fertilization
 Land: internal fertilization
 Some Mollusca are hermaphrodites
 Complex Reproduction
Examples Aplacophora- (Deep-sea creatures)
 Bivalvia- (clams, oysters)
 Cephalopoda- (squid, octopuses)
 Gastropoda- (snails, slugs)
 Monoplacophora- (Limpet- Like creatures)
 Polyplacophora- (Chitons)
 Scaphopoda- (Tusk Shells)
Examples Cont.-
Facts There is an estimated 100,000
species of mollusks alive today
 The Giant Squid can grow up to 43 ft. in length
 The Giant Clam can weigh up to 440 pounds in weight
 There are 8 different classes of Mollusks
 Some mollusks are super slow and can only travel 3 feet
in a matter of 2 minutes
Works Cited